Ok....This might be a little long, but I have a couple questions.
First, I am wanting to buy a new car, somewhere in the 14-18000 range. I have about 2000 to put down. My delema is this. My dad is retired, but still works on the side, under the table. His name is on my brothers student loans, probably in the 40k range. I am almost positive he wouldnt get accepted for a loan, his retirement isnt enough for the loans he has in his name, plus a 14000 loan for a new car. I am also positive that i couldnt get a 14000 loan by myself. If somehow I do get the car in my name, the insurance would be outrageous, since i am only 20...
I am not sure if this matters, but I am looking at a 98 cobra, or a late model camaro/trans am.
is there any chance of me getting a new car without getting raped severely? My credit is pretty much non existant. I have 2600 in student loans in my name, and a checking/savings account. that is pretty much it. would it be wise to get a credit card, use it for a couple months to show that i can make payments on time? Should I try to go through a credit union? what would be the easiest way to get a decent credit rating that would help me? Sorry for all the questions, my parents arent helping me that much.