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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. ttemper


    thats just how he rolls.
  2. Yeah, we didnt get much in lancaster either. my cavalier hasnt had any problems.
  3. You would know if the transformer blew, it would make a loud noise... but that definatly sucks!
  4. i have a 500 beater cavalier, pay more than what i should for insurance. its in my dads name, and he hasnt had a speeding ticket in years. all of your info has helped me. ive been looking around, and found a nice GTO for 23k.. and a couple cobras. Im just not sure if id get approved for a 20k loan...
  5. I worked at GNC for 10 months, and actually made good money there. i think i made around 9k in 10 months..working 25 hours a week. I just started my new job making 8.50 an hour, with a shit load of time and a half.... with 40+ hours a week. ive had 1 speeding ticket in the last 12 months, and 2 since ive had my license(one when i was 17, so it should be off my record by now) I am not sure if what i said earlier made any sense, or if its even true. But, my dad said that if the loan/car is in my name, i have to have my own insurance policy. I get raped now with insurance. I pay 93 dollars for liability on a 93 cavalier! imagine what it would be if i had a big v8!! I called a couple insurance companies, but they kept asking me questions...i was like what the fuck, cant you give me a basic quote.... A friend of mine said some insurance companies offer limited driver options, meaning id be insured to drive a couple thousand miles a year, which i obivously would drive it more, but how would the insurance company know?! can anyone attest to that? I am almost certain i want a 98 cobra...but I also think the trans am is very appealing. I guess i could save a thousand more... I am just tired of driving a cavalier around.
  6. yeah, have fun driving through lancaster on 33, it fucking sucks.
  7. Ok....This might be a little long, but I have a couple questions. First, I am wanting to buy a new car, somewhere in the 14-18000 range. I have about 2000 to put down. My delema is this. My dad is retired, but still works on the side, under the table. His name is on my brothers student loans, probably in the 40k range. I am almost positive he wouldnt get accepted for a loan, his retirement isnt enough for the loans he has in his name, plus a 14000 loan for a new car. I am also positive that i couldnt get a 14000 loan by myself. If somehow I do get the car in my name, the insurance would be outrageous, since i am only 20... I am not sure if this matters, but I am looking at a 98 cobra, or a late model camaro/trans am. is there any chance of me getting a new car without getting raped severely? My credit is pretty much non existant. I have 2600 in student loans in my name, and a checking/savings account. that is pretty much it. would it be wise to get a credit card, use it for a couple months to show that i can make payments on time? Should I try to go through a credit union? what would be the easiest way to get a decent credit rating that would help me? Sorry for all the questions, my parents arent helping me that much.
  8. hahahaha, eli owned him. no, i drive a cavalier and get plenty.
  9. Cheiftech mid tower with POS 350 watt power supply p4 2.4ghz at 2.66 MSI 850-E motherboard 384 megs of pc800 POS radeon 9000 pro Sound blaster Live! 5.1 Logitech® Z-340 Speakers 40 gig WD 8 meg cache 7200 rpm 60 gig Quantum fireball 7200 rpm 80 gig WD 8 meg cache 7200 rpm 3 80 mm antec case fans 40X sony cd burner
  10. i have a piece of shit radeon 9000 pro, and it has worked fine for a year and a half. I do plan on upgrading soon, though. Ive used rambus for way to long. (before any of you say anything, i know it sucks)
  11. ttemper

    06' Z06

    yeah, b/c that could happen easily.
  12. yellow pages are your friend... for all of your gun needs....
  13. ttemper

    06' Z06

    What are you talking about? anything that is burning is consuming oxygen. Maybe you need to refer to the fire tetrahedron.
  14. 1-6 grade, West Elementary. Lancaster, 7-8th grade General Sherman Junior High 9th grade, Stanberry freshman school 10-12 Lancaster High School
  15. ttemper


    You wouldnt believe some of shit stupid shit ive seen/heard. Arsonist would set up trailers in the basement, making the fire go upstairs. they would douse the trailer with fuel(the trailers b eing ordinary combustibles such as paper/cloth) well, they would light it when they were in the basement, and have no way of getting out! hahaha. darwinism at its finest.
  16. I have an MSI, and it blows.. I paid 150 bucks for this board, and it doesnt have onboard lan, or anything of that nature. I guess thats what I get for going pentium....atleast the 850E platform.
  17. I would say putting it in her ass would be an adventure, but thats probably why ive remained single for quite sometime! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. If you travel in SE ohio, past lancaster Nextel does not have service. I heard they're putting up a tower in athens mid 05..so thats definatly something to consider. FYI, do not go with sprint, they're the devil!
  19. The whole car looks like shit! what the hell are you people talking about.
  20. Thats kinda weird...i have a 93 cavalier and the damn thing has 185k miles. the only thing ive had to replace is a headgasket...they go out pretty often, but thats all that shes really needed.
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