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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1829/smallpic4ri4.jpg http://img77.imageshack.us/img77/8459/smallpicsuy9.jpg http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/5605/smallpic2vk0.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4244/smallpic5fh0.jpg http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/5256/smallpic3ds9.jpg some pics
  2. i'm in.. just have to know a head of time so i can request time off if need be.
  3. Well, iirc you were in the army. having said that, you probably have more trigger time than 90% of the people who've replied in this thread. my money is on you.
  4. I frequent OVO in lancaster since it's about 5 minutes from me. i think if you buy ammo there, you only have to pay 10 bucks, and that covers you for as much time as you need, basically.
  5. FUCK i need to get a handgun soon. i dont think powder rooms allows 223. does anyone know if new albany does? at any rate, i would be down.. as long as its thursday-saturday
  6. I guess we're getting one in Lancaster too
  7. HAHA i found this on another forum and thought i'd pass it along! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c41382766b
  8. Good question. the guy i bought the car swapped it. i confirmed it was a 6 bolt via vfaq.com. not sure why it was put in. The engine was on a stand the first time i saw the car. To my knowledge the title had 94k miles on it, but the original dash isnt in the car. i've put almost 30k in the 2 years i've had it. not sure of mileage on the 6 bolt.
  9. I would have stated AWD if it was the awd model. it's a 5 speed. figured people would see that when i said the E-brake cable snapped. get on aim and talk to me fool!
  10. Car has a 6 bolt, Car is completely STOCK All gaskets and belts changed roughly 30k miles ago. The compression was 140 on all 4 cyl when i bought it Still should have the same, car runs great. Only problems i've encountered is the ECU went out 2 summers ago and was replaced by a refurbished ebay ECU from motoguysgarage. 2 new front tires about 3k miles ago. rear tires could be changed. The good: car runs great and is fun to drive. The only reason i'm looking to sell is because i want something easier on gas. (AAAAND it's paid off, finally!) The bad: car doesnt have AC, but if you're looking for a race car, this wouldnt matter much. The front 2 fenders are primered black(same color as car) and the front bumper is primered black. The hood has a dent on the front right corner of it. The breaks also squeal majorly when driving in reverse, and when it's wet outside. The car stops fine, so i'm not sure why it has this problem. From what i've been told by others, this is common with DSMS. The E-brake cable snapped, which is a cheap and easy fix compared to most repairs for a DSM. Can send pics upon request. Just PM me. Asking 1400 OBO for a perfectly running car!
  11. hey fucker thats why you should come down to lancaster tomorrow and shoot with us!
  12. it's 2 miles from my house too.. haha, yeah there guns are the suck. i rented their ar before i bought mine and it was ridiculous. bring your H&K. i wouldnt mind shooting it. EDIT to add you can shoot your M1 there. OVO's website said it can support up to 300 WSM...so bring what you have and shoot it up!
  13. it's not. it's jacketed. you can come down to lancaster and we can shoot at OVO. range fee is only 10 bucks. i have plenty of ammo.
  14. I know i know, reading comprehension. blah blah blah... i have 600 rounds of 223 at my dispense. what range are we talking about? 40 is fine, since it's what the majority of my training is with.
  15. only if i can take my AR out, that's the only thing i can seem to shoot decently I don't have a pistol, so looks like the AR is the only option at this point. unless you have something i can use?
  16. no, what i was trying to say was that the gun shouldnt have moved in your hand if it was a 9mm that much unless youre a pussy. The 40 is snappy though, but definitely not uncontrollable.
  17. Everyone in my class were instructed by individuals with roughly 100 years experience, i'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about. LOL so the construction of the gun doesnt have anything to do with it's accuracy? that doesnt make any sense to me. I'm glad you're an expert at firearms, and training, care to share where you learned. maybe i can be as good as you someday? give me a break. you kinda sound like a dick to me, but since we don't know each other, i'll just take it as you dont know how to talk to people. but that's cool too.
  18. if it was a 9mm and you arent a pussy, the recoil shouldnt be that noticeable at all.
  19. Um, no. I owned a glock 22 and hated it. i shot over 1000 rounds through it and realized i wish i wouldnt have wasted my money. they're very reliable, but i found accuracy was much better with a steel framed gun. A kid in my police academy used a glock 22 for qualifying, but when he shot his sig at the end of class, he was able to hit a golf ball at 50' about half the time. (something which none of the cadets in the academy were capable of doing with a glock) and the only reason he didnt use his sig is because he didnt have a holster for it. with extensive range time, and several guns being shot, it was my opinion they're not as accurate.
  20. I hate polymer guns. i hate the XD even more. i shot it and thought it was crap. a sig 220 is in my near future
  21. Why does everyone always assume the majority of the people that live in Lancaster drive big ass diesel trucks? It's mostly in the rural areas outside of lancaster like amanda and bremen.
  22. Good to see you're going to bigger and better things john! i'm debating whether or not to get a kimber 1911....depending on if they'll let me use it in the academy. if not a nice 220 stainless is in my near future!
  23. haha, i'm eating taco bell as i read this thread. might as well eat shitty for a couple days to get it out of my system before i cut everything out.
  24. Count me in, just have to know which sunday weigh in is going to be. i work sundays, but can request time off if need be.
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