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Everything posted by desperado

  1. The reason I never did drink, saw WAY too much vomit from other people that did.
  2. Nope different motor, tranny bolt pattern is bigblock. Now as far as the stroke and bore, it's like a 350 and 400 Chevy. 4x3.50 and 4x4 for the 400, but everything else is the same. Cleveland heads will fit an M motor but the water passages need to be welded and moved. But the can be made to work. The big issue with the 351 and 400 in fact is the head/ combustion chamber design. They are not real efficent. Anyway. I will fire it and you can hear it run. It needs an oil change, starts with 60 PSI oil and drops to 20 at when warm, but with fresh 10/40 iw was carrying 30 at idle and over 60 at anything over 3000 RPM. There is a HOLLEY 500 sitting on it so you need ont be concerned about that POS motorcraft that came on the 351/400M motors. And it's the one that is half a standard 4150 series carb. So no oddball bullshit parts. Of course you get the truck too, if you are going to just scrap the truck, I would like to hold on to the plow and salt box otherwise you get them too. $550 and we will haggle from there.
  3. Dumbass, any idea what is in superglue? I figure not. So let me inform you. Cyanide. Yes, the same stuff that the Russian spies carried to kill themselves with if they get caught and in gas form the stuff that some of our most productive citizens have been put to death with in the gas chamber. SuperGlue, cyanoacrylate (C5H5NO2, for you chemistry buffs). is a mixture of acrylic and cyanide. Whats more if you either ingest it or heat it to tempatures above 350 degrees (I believe, temp may be a bit different but that's close) it WILL break down into its' base componets, now putting acrylic in your mouth is not a real genius thing to do. It will not earn you a Darwin award. Putting cyanide in your mouth however WILL get you a Darwin rather quickly. I used superglue a great deal when I was working with radio controlled cars, and there were MANY mentions of how dangerous the stuff was if you did certain things with it, like heating something that had been glued, with a heat knife or soldering iron. Something that I have experienced, and if you can get past the fact that it takes your breath quickly, it will also burn the shit out of your eyes. But I NEVER glued my mouth shut with the stuff. SO, let me know if you are still around in a couple of days, and if I don't hear from you, I will figure that I need to nominate you for the Darwin Awards.
  4. What are you looking to spend?? I pulled the welder off the truck and dropped the price of it significantly.
  5. And you are HOW FUCKING OLD again???????? Better hury up. Put the nut in this bitches eye before she dumps you for your buddy. Then just play it cool, and take a shit in the front seat of his car.
  6. Is he needing money, or would he be interested in trading it all for a car (the Camaro)???
  7. Is he needing money, or would he be interested in trading it all for a car (the Camaro)???
  8. Sorry, got the best no sex story ever. My idiot buddy, been dating this chick for over a year now. No sex. Starts talking abotu moving in together, no sex. Take her past some houses, still nothing, but she is more than willing to move right in with him. Well her, her kid, and her mom. Now this might not sound too odd for a 19 yr old girl that is saving it for her husband. But chicky is 37 yrs old and he's 33. Now I have met this chick several times, and it ain't worth waiting THAT long for.
  9. 5.0 with a stock lower end and a blower. Bad idea. The Crank was not what failed here, the main webs were. Center ones failed first, and yes, to an extent the crank did flex. But a forged crank would have also failed here.
  10. Dude, you are racing a guy on foot with a car? And you are worried about a little rain???? Then again, I need to shut up. You might be convinced to bring the truck and do the 4 wheel low thing and own my ass.
  11. DO I ? I will be at Geero's tonight. We'll work it out then.
  12. Like I said over on RC, you want to talk ass kickin, fine, you threatin to run me down with your car is out there, and I ain't botherin with you at this point. So forget it. And like I also said, you better kill me if you run me over. I will get out of the hospital at some point.
  13. SOmehow you forget to mention the fact that Sam started talkin about runnin my ass over with his car. So screw that.
  14. 3 lines damn it. There is NO fucking way that ANYONE could go six spaces. We will work it out at Geero's. It's actually like 2 spaces, as far as distance.
  15. cuz that aint' Rick James. It's some poor bastard that got his face blown off and it was reconstructed for an open casket funeral. Three guesses where they get the skin to do a facial reconstruction. And this particular one was not very well done.
  16. I take it your scared. I thought you were up for anything that I had. Guess I was wrong.
  17. ok, here are my terms, 3 parking spaces, about 21 feet. your car against me, on foot. Who's game??
  18. desperado


    Ben, think about something for a second, and not through the eyes of hate that you have for me. When all that was going on, and even now, how closely were you following it. There were several people that couldn't wait to see what happened next. Hell, I remember someone specifically saying that they couldn't wait to get home from work to see what was said. I ain't gonna bother trying to go find the quote, but I specifically remember it being said. As far as my conduct at the meetings, as far as I can ever remember, I sit there, drink my coke and pretty much keep quiet. This is all about drama, and besides it's the fucking Internet for God's sake. Have you ever seen me get up in anyones face at a meet and act foolish like i do here. That would be NO. Have you ever seen me get even a little out of hand or even loud at a meet, again, that would be a NO. So what the hell man? You want to hate me, go to it, if it makes you happy. It ain't gonna keep me up at night worrying about what you think of me, or any one else for that matter. I din't realize I was here to try to keep the peace, that would have been when I was a mod. And we all saw how long that lasted. So don't come in here trying to guilt trip me into feeling bad because you hate me, or that the whole fucking group hates me. Seems that not a damn sole ask me to leave Friday night, or even indicated that I wasn't welcome. It seems that you are the only one taking this shit that personally. Dude, it ain't mean to be personal, it's for fun, and for the drama, that's it. You can hate me if you so desire, or not, you can choose to not hang with the group because I am there, again that's your choice. But laying down a guilt trip of I hate you because you are a dick on the Internet is a bit much. And, if you really think about it, you mentioned the master plan thing. Consider this, while I never expected to run you, or anyone else off from CR and the Friday night meets, obviously I am a consideration in your everyday life, and was the center of attention on the board. So you tell me what my motivation was. You know that I don't act like this in person, so obviously there was SOMETHING else that motivated me to do what I did and have been doing. And it is the Internet, not real life. You really need to consider this, they are seperate. And BTW, no I was not kidding, it is getting old, and boring, and coming up with asshat nonsence to say is starting to make my head hurt.
  19. desperado


    Wanted to add some things here. I know that I have been generating alot of shit lately. Mostly out of being bored and not haveing anything better to do. But it was directed at certain people that it's always generated towards. But it never fails that several other people have something to interject about it. While some of the people that are doing so, Like Venomss, that simply want to start shit, same as me. Therea re others that will comments about me or the other guy, then comment that this shit neets to stop. But making comments just adds fuel to the fire. While I am not saying what I have been doing is right, or positively contributing, fueling the fire does nothing to stop the bullshit either. Lets cliff note that last threee pages.. Cold Air Said I had been called out. But why in the Kitchen, This would have been fine it passing lane, Then Ben, Hoop-D, Orion, Venomss, and The Vette all comment about it. So, there were a few unrelated comments, a couple comments by me. More bullshit back and forth between me and the RC people, then like normal, Doug has to stick his ass in. Not surprised, just took longer than I figured it would. Someone says fagmo, someone asks why, the astoundingly retarded answer, because I don't like it. WTF? sort of reason is that. Then Ben drops the bomb saying I am trying to take over CR, and that I am the reason that he doesn't show up to meetings any more. Now, I find it a bit silly, but it still concerns me. I have also had discussions about all the bullshit that has gone on lately, and yeah, I am the center of alot of it. And its getting old for them, yes, some of it they find funny. But it's the same shit, it's getting to be like Halo. We all need to find other shit to do besides fight over the web. I have projects to work on, any of you are welcome to stop out and help, or chat.
  20. desperado


    Dave being the voice of reason is a bit of a surprise, but he is still being the voice of reason. Time for this silly shit to stop for a while. Winter is coming, we can bitch at each other then. I am gonna stop with the asshat nonsence, and I think we all should for a while.
  21. desperado


    Ben, if you are going to try on convince anyone that I am the reason that you don't show to meets it's just sad. I have heard aon't of bullshit, and been blamed and accused of tons of shit. But this is the saddest attempt at a personal attack I have ever heard. ANd if its' the truth, that's even worse, personally I don't care if you show or don't. Nor do I care if I am the reason. But, you will in life have to deal with people that you don't like, that will have agressive personalities, are you planning to just bow out of events and shit that these people are also involved in. You are gonna be aweful bored and lonely if that's the case. Everyone has to deal with people that they don't care for every fucking day, at work, at school and almost every other public place. They are unavoidable. Get use to it and dont blame other people for what you choose to do and not to do.
  22. desperado


    Don't worry about it Adam, this shit is now across two boards. Fuckers aren't smart enough to come up with there own shit so they nut swing and use something someone else said. Fago don't bother me.. it's just stupid, said by stupid shits and make up by stupid shits. More fun And you cocksuckers say I don't make any sence. What the fuck is this all about. Pink hats and carbs??? Damn dude. WTF? I have done some incorhernt ranting in my day, but this takes to cake. As far as the car thing, I was told that came about from doing donuts in a parking lot. But I may be misinformed. Sort of like being misinformed about the night Ricky was gonna get jumped over a street race and ran off. Then started calling people up about the guy wanting to kick his ass driving up and down the road in front of his house. I wasn't ther so I AM only going on what I was told. Two other minor comments. 1, Ricky is a bitch. All the running your mouth ain't gonna change that. I didn't look right at you so I didn't laugh in your face dude, I was trying to be nice, that's what it gets me. 2, Thanks to you fucks for putting up a board that I can be the center of attention in. I am the most hated fucker on CR and now I have the dubious destinction of that title on your fucking board as well. You asshats are actually fucking dumb enough to believe that I am on here for any other reason than to start shit with you. You fuckers like Vette and Kenny start over there, So here the fuck I am. You people are so fucking dence it's funny. Hell, I can tell what you are gonna say before you say the shit. Fuck I even called COld Air on the comment he so loves to make the other day. Back in th eclick. Got news asswipe I never left the click. I walked into the Geeros the other night, let out a Tarzan yell and everyfuckone laughed. Not at me, but with me, at you fucks. Puppets. And try to not be like tha last group of dumbfucks I pulled this shit with. Including some of the shit's on here and say I am trying to save face. I have no face to save over here. I badmouth you shits constantly. There ain't shit you can do about it. I am now bringing it to your site, because after all, it ain't right to say your fucktards on a board that you have no access to, so here I am telling you here and now. You all were dumb eonugh to let me on here. And what's funny is your only motivation was so that you could badmouth Anthony publicly and here's what you get. After all the shit I have started on CR and you shits ai'nt bright enough to realize that I would do the same shit on here. HA HA, wrong. Get a clue. More fun from RC board. You all really need to join up over there, the shit being said over there sounds very similar to the shit said over here, by most of the same people. But it is good for a laugh.
  23. desperado


    Thought some might like to take a look at this. http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/wmd.htm
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