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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Maybe in your world, they do. Somehow I figure this two week thing is the big anouncement that you SOLD CR to IPS or some equally ludicrous bullshit. Hell, lets just shit can everything that you have said in the past, the direction that you wanted things to go. More car enthuaist stuff and getting away from the street racing. I am at a TOTAL FUCKING LOSS to understand how after all the statements that have been made in the past that there is all of a sudden there is this total about face on everything. Which leads me to the question, was all the things that you said were bullshit? Or were you just trying to be a hardass, say what you thought people wanted to hear? When all along you were missing your buddies, you know the same fuckers that came on your board, and bad mouthed you, and the board. Then went and created their own board to sit and badmouth this board and YOU specifically??? So, second chance? special consideration? Not me, not in this life time. Remember fuck me once, shame on you, fuck me twice shame on me. I ain't much for shame, I don't give second chances. But that's just me. That's about all I have to say on this.
  2. Neither does your Kenny. And you probably have that much in it. Oh wait, I forgot, an insurance claim from when you arrainged to have your car stolen paid for the one that you driving now. Not that I can blame you. You couldn't keep the other one together, so it was time for a change.
  3. I am sort of suprized that you are not rebuilding it there Ken. Like you said, you make as much in ten minutes as I do all day. So what was that number, somwhere in the millions that you are pulling down. A new motor should be chump change for you. Then again maybe you'll get that Lambo I commented about. But it STILL AIN'T GONNA RUN 6's right??? graemlins/finger.gif [ 21. November 2004, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  4. graemlins/puke.gif My head is going to EXPLODE!!!! graemlins/puke.gif Obviously, Anthony found GOd or something. Or maybe he just fell and bumped his head. Either way, the only thing I can say is graemlins/wtf.gif WHAT THE FUCK!!! graemlins/wtf.gif If it makes you happy, clears your concious (sp) or whatever, great.
  5. Mallard, that ain't funny. I have a Gtech. And you have to remember I am tuning a carb, not EFI.Once it's close I can tune from the plug color, I figure that it's good enough for that. Something I am curious about though. I have seen widwband gauges for sale. Is it the gauge, or the sensor that makes it wideband?
  6. That's a TON of money, but it's not a bootcamp. It's more like real training. ANd there is finaical aid that could possibly help pay for it. Bootcamps are about $5000. MCES and CCNA are both avalible this way. But you are trained to pass the test, 6 months and you learn something, bootcamp is a week. You learn to take and pass the test, nothing more. Remember what I said before. You WILL have to pay your dues. With better training, it will help that along. But you still get to do the low paying shit jobs for a bit to gain experience on your resume. If you are already in college, or tech school taking computer classes, by all means stay!!! Certifications are one thing. A degree is aonther animal, and it is looked on in a better light thatn JUST certifications. If I were in your shoes, I would continue with the college, go to a bootcamp as money allowed and get the MCSE first, then the CCNA. Make EVERY attempt to work at the college in the area of computers or get the school to help you find a computer job, or a job pushing a broom at a computer company, anything to add to your resume. Remember that things that you have done job wise outside of the IT field are not real relevant in the IT field. They will show willingness to work but not alot else. You NEED something that shows some sort of hands on experience, that goes a long ass way.
  7. Picked up used A/F gauge tonight that the guy was having problems with. For $10 I figured I would chance it. I got it fixed. But then finding out what made it tick, I felt robbed again. A/F gauges are basically a volt meter, but I never realized how simple the circuit is. There is abot $10 bucks in parts in a A/F gauge. a chip (LM3914) 3 resistors, a diode (protection for being hooked up backwards) and a capacitor. Oh, and a LED array (bar graph). Just goes to show you that expensive don't necessarly mean complex.
  8. Even though you asked twice, I will only answer once. MCSE certification depends on a couple of things,' First and most importantly is what REAL WORLD experience you have to go with it. THe cert it's self has become the toliet paper of the computer world. At one time that cert was highly sought after, because NO ONE had it. I remember when the 100000 MCSE was certed. Now, there are MCSE's on every street corner and in every cheese line looking for a job. Reason is that they got paper that says they know something but no job history. And the training boot camps turn out more Microsoft certed people every week. Guys in the IT field that you tell about being an MCSE will pretty much look at you and say "so what". That being said, guys that work in the IT field are not typically the ones that have final say on who gets a job. People that have no clue about IT typically gat to make that desision, and they see the MCSE certification in a different light. And if it comes down to you and another guy with the cert, if you ain't got it he's getting the job. Here is wher I remind you again about the boot camps turning more MCSE's every week. So, the question that you SHOULD be asking is "What do I need to do to get into the IT field?" And I am going to tell you. 1. Get your MCSE, everyone pretty much has it, so if yuo don't your WAY behind. 2. Get a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Assistant) this cert is RAPIDLY becoming as meaningless as the MCSE, due to the numbers of people and the boot camps that will gaurentee that you will pass the test or they will retrain you for free until you do pass. The next step in the Cisco certification path is the CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) Which is pretty serious stuff and says that you are on your way. There si NO bootcamp for this one. It takes alot of studying and work to get to this level. And it's a GOOD cert to have. But not something that you need right off the bat. 3. Get a CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Assistant) This says that you have the ability to design as well as maintain networks. This si also a good but not required cert to have. 4. Some sort of a niche cert. Unix, Linux, Novell CNA (very good), A+ hardware,is a good one to have as well. Some sort of network security, firewall, or web design cert is a plus too. Everyone thinks about web design, and network security, so feed on the fears and needs that corperate America have. 5. Remember that you will have to take a bullshit computer job with bullshit pay for a while to gain resume fodder. Realize that you WILL have to jump jobs for a few years to get into better pay. It's the price everyone in the IT field paid, and is paying, but it will pay off. Also remember that when things get tight for a company, IT is its second biggest expense, the first being payroll. When the cuts happen, IT will ALWAYS get it first. I have been laid off 4 times in the last 3 years. So plan for it, save for it and ALWAYS be looking for the next job. Mistakes to NOT make!!!!! 6. NEVER feel that you can't be replaced. I showed a company that I was saving them 3 times my salary in unneeded contractor costs, they said that's nice as I was laid off. 7. Don't close yourself off to certain aspects of IT. I choose long ago to NOT be a programmer, and NOT learn anything about programming. It cost me in the long run. 8. Never thing that OLD technology is not worth learning about. DOS, WIN98, NT4, and all sorts of stuff is still around, you will run into it. A large account that I worked on was running Novell 2.11 (1980 something technology) they got away from it in 99 because it wasn't y2k, it was there ONLY reason to upgrade, it was stable, it worked well, it just couldn't tell time after Jan 1, 2000 so it had to go. Microcenter has SHELVES full of books that are under 10 bucks that are FULL of useful info. Things like subnetting, router configurations, specs and standards, that haven't changed since they were created in the 70's and 80's. The original serial links between two mainframes, creating the first network and then ARPANET (better known as The Internet) are still are in use in places. 9. Never sell yourself short. You will know it you are cut out for IT quick, the shit jobs will filter you off if you aren't cut out for it. If you sell yourself short, to yourself and to others, you will NEVER make it. IT is NOT rocket science, it requires logical thinking and common sense to be good in the IT field, nothing more and nothing less.
  9. What do you want for your Pyrometer????
  10. What do you want for the rockers, and have you got pics of them.
  11. I would make it a capital crime to abuse a child. Be is phyical, emotional, or sexual, if you do it you ride the lightning in old sparky. Yeah, I know that they don't use sparky any more but I would get him reinstated for this "special" punishment. Might even let the abused child throw the switch if they wanted to. Explanation is simple, I have SERIOUS problems with people that hurt kids. Reality is that putting people that hurt kids to death isn't really satisfying enough to me. But somehow, I don't figure that they are gonna let me cut open the chest of an abuser with a power saw and piss on their beating heart. But it would be enough that people would reconsider hurting a child. So make em ride the lightning, I'll make sure to turn off all my electrical stuff to ensure they have plenty of electric to fry there ass. Now, I don't want anyone thinking that I am one of these soccer mom wanna be's that feel that corpral punishment (paddling) is bad and should be considered abuse. There are times that paddling a childs behind is approperate in my opinion, but knocking your 6 yr old across the room, for ANY reason, is as far as I am concerned, grounds for a beating with a ball bat. And I don't mean one or two hits, I mean 3 months in traction, eating through a feeding tube sort of a beating. Then went they recover, beat em once more, same way. Not to kill em, just to make DAMN SURE they have a FULL understanding that beating a child is wrong. And doing so has serious repercussions. I realize this sounds really extreem. But children can be scarred mentally for life, and have no way of defending themselves from an adult. ANd typically abuse comes from a parent, then one person that a child will trust no matter what and love unconditionally, even after being beaten. A child should NEVER have to endure that betrail.
  12. Anyone happen to notice that there wasn't a hot one in the bunch. And part of em looked like they left and went to a gay bar. Just an observation.
  13. yeah it does. The stock steel on pump shaft in the small blocks was not real good. I assume that the big blocks were similar. What sort of oil pressure was the motor carrying? Reason I ask is that mine was REALLY stressed the night it failed. I was running 20W50, pressures were 90 PSI plus. Higher pressures are a bigger strain on the drive rod. [ 15. November 2004, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  14. What Motor???? SB Mopars had a habit of twisting off the shaft between the distributor and the pump. I also had a 2.2 that the sending unit let go in. It went 5 miles without oil, Knocked like a bitch. I put a crank kit in it and ran it another 40000 miles before selling it, in good running condition. So it might not be as bad as you think.
  15. Has anyone watched drag racing lately on ESPN? They are playing tonight with an EXTREEM slow speed camara. Something interesting about it, I saw the tree lights changing, and the new LED lights are DAMN fast.
  16. OK, just drop guts upwind of her then. Baptist Minister, didn't realize she was married. Now this is good. Get young girl to flirt with Mr Minister, and get video tape. Take tape to church and have it showing before service. Or something similar. Remember taht if he ain't got control of her, he's as much at fault as she is. Something else, the homeowners ascoiation (sp) is your friend too. Get a copy of the regulations and bitch about the most minor of infractions. Squeeze the most twisted meanings out of any broad regulation, and remember that if it ain't against that law, or mentioned in the regulations, it's fair game.
  17. It's o fortuna. but tI can't ever find THAT remix of it.
  18. I would sugjest that you figure out what lift you are going to get and get the mounts built and in the concrete when you do the pouring of the floor. Like mentioned above, you will need at least 18 inches of concrete under the lift, and that should be a cube. Meaning where the lift will sit, with am 8 inch thnck floor, dig out 10X18X18 holes where the posts will set. As far as the ceiling, remember that you don't have to have the second floor as wide as the first floor. Just design it so that there is no second floor over the bay with the lift.
  19. No No No. You all need to be trueyl creative. Go to Lions Den, get the subscription cards for all the dirtiest of magazines and fill em out and get her signed up. All that timelife bullshit advertized on TV, if it is COD, ring em up and get it ordered for her too. Talk to the closest neighbor to her and see it they are having problems with her too. If so get them to laon you their yard for a loud assed barking dog, tie it out there once every couple weeks in the back yard. If you hunt, remember to hang your deer in the FRONT yard in full view of her windows. Or better yet, toss the gut sack a ditch upwind of her house. Once the raccons and dogs start coming around from the rotten meat smell, take some of the rotten meat and put it in with her trash so the animials will knock over her trash cans and spread trash all over her yard. Remember to blow your horn EVERY time you drive past and wave at some other neighbors house and tell your buddies to do the same. In the spring time, get the upwind neighbors to cook chitlins (if you know what that smells like you will understand). Remember it is your God given right to Life, Liberity, and the persuit of pissing off busybody neighbors.
  20. From what I have read about them, they are no different than a blackbox in an airplane. It measures for a given time and then resets and runs again until it sences an accident. It will have recorded the speed, direction and shock sensor levels from an accident. Thing is, if you are driving like a asshat, and you get into a wreck, you get what you have coming legally. This thing just proves that you were being an asshat.
  21. Big Papa, first off, NEVER did I say that I personally was building a 6 sec anything. I said it could be done, not that I had done it, or had the funding to do it. In fact, I said that I would do it for anyone that had the funds. Enough on that bullshit. With the specific problems that we are having here, the explosion in new builds, especially farm land being turned into housing developments. The developers tend to see NO tax burden on these developments yet they are the ones benefitting from them. The farmers are paying some of it in capital gains, but unless you specifically have an income tax, then the schools see none of the tax money from the sale of the properity. You can also believe that these hundreds of acres that are being sold are NOT being sold at 3 to 5 grand an acre. Infact an acre of land here is 15 to 20 grand, or more. So it's sold for WAY more than it's assessed value, but the developers may not end up paying ANY properity tax on it. But they are the ones subdividing it, throwing up spec homes on it and selling them at 120 to 150. A change in this, especially in this area, would slow these developers. THis would give the schools not only more money, but a small slowing in the increase of new students. This woud be due to the fact that the developers wouldn't be buying up the farm land as fast. Delaware was so bad for awhile that they actually stopped issuing permits for new builds for awhile. I am not sure if that has been lifted as this point or not.
  22. OK, I will get the asshole stuff out of the way first. RANE- If you are serious about going to middle school with a group of guys and being buddies, then being divided up to the different highschools and SHOOTING eachother because you are NOW from different schools. I say someone needs to give your buddies a field to play in with ALOT of guns and big walls around it. Anyone that is fucking stupid and violent enough to act in that manner should die in that manner. NO ONE needs shit like that going on, and if your wanting to kill someone because they go to a different school is wrong, when that person was your friend the year before the the only thing that changed is the school he goes to. That's galacticlly fucking stupid. Ok, rant over. Levies and Schools. Johnstown is suffering, especially the school system due to rapid unchecked growth. We are looking at 500 new homes in the next 5 years, and those are the ones in developments. That number doesn't include the number of private land owners will build. Needless to say they attempt to levy the hell out of us. I am for schools, I feel that education is the MOST important thing there is. That being said, I refuse to vote for the Levies in Johnstown, reason being is that they already have the money coming to them if they would force the Licking County Dept of Taxiation to do their jobs. They are standing up homes on farm land that was last apprased at 2000 to 5000 an acre. So the taxes are collected on that 2 to 5 grand. NOTHING is done, even after the house sells for an extended period. Mine took 3 years, I was paying taxes on $18000 which was the purchase price paid by the previous owner, 20 yrs ago and it wasn't a house when he bought it. He built a house, the taxes were NEVER reaccested. He sold me the house, for 4 times that amount, it took the tax people 3 years to raise my taxes, and I am now paying on $36000 the house is worth at the very least double that. The last 4 houses that sold on my street all were over $100000. The schools don't say shit, they hold the parents hostage. First thing to get cut at a school is transportation, but busses are less than 2% of a typical schools yearly total expence. So why do it? Because it inconviences the parents the most of anything. Afterschool programs, most of these are funded by the state independently of the school, but the school is housing them. They get stopped. Why? Take away the low cost after school babysitter, pisses off the parents more. We just saw this in Grove City, they went to split sessions. They said it was due to overcrowding, and the school IS crowded. That I don't question. They said if the levy passed, in the middle of the year, that the split sessions would stop. Levy passed, split sessions stopped. Now, not a single new classroom was built, there were no temporary classrooms brought in. And no students left. But they were able to end the split sessions. Why, because they weren't that bad off to begin with, and it was done for the single purpose of pissing parents off so they would vote for their levy and stop the bullshit split sessions. Do schools need money, YES!!!!! Do we as parents need to fund our schools HELL YES!!!!! But the schools, and the local goverments need to help the this along. And *** schools should not have the right or ability to hold parents hostage to get their way. Parents with 2 kids, one on the buss at 6 AM the second at 9 AM Off the buss at noon and 3 PM or 4 PM. Some are worse, I am heard of second session running to 6 PM. How do you work, and provide when you are spread out like that taking care of getting kids on and off busses. If there are busses to get them off of.
  23. I would call a shop before I took it there and alot of places will not touch it because it's a modified suspension. Same deal with Trails West, I am not sure that they have a rack to do it.
  24. OK, that tells me tons. I would say that it's alignment is a BIG factor. Also, the pressures with a hydraboost setup are different (higher) than a standard power steering setup, that will have a good bit to do with it as well. I noticed that you adjusted the loading on the gearbox. That HAS TO be set properly or it WILL eat up the worm gear in short order. I don't remember the specific way to do it, but a small torque wrench is needed if memory serves me. Best to get a book on it and go from there. I figure that between the hydraboost power steering pump pressure being higher and the fact that there is an 8 inch lift kit, that probably was never aligned after it was installed, is what is causing what you are feeling. The camber, or the angle of the spindle from the upper ball joint to the lower ball joint is what gives toy road feedback, and causes the steering to have drag. What you are feeling with the drag is the tires not only twisting but the nose of the truck going up and down ever so slightly. You may have noticed that in other vehicles that when sitting still turning the wheel fro lock to lock the nose of the vehicle moves left to right and up and down. If you do the same with your truck, you will notice that ain't happening. Now with all that said, driving the truck in it's current state, if what I am thinking is truely the case, can be a bit unnerving, and the truck will com out from under you (loose traction in the front) without ANY warning. Getting it to an alignment shop will be safe if you take it easy, and not try to corner the thing like a sports car. I don't figure that you would anyway but I figure that I would mention it all the same. Other than that, it sounds like you have a seriously badass truck, at least after you get these few bugs worked out of it. If you know the guy that you bought it from, get with him and see if he had it aligned to spec on a machine, or if he did it himself. My guess is that he did it himself and put it all to zero. Which isn't bad to start with but things can get a bit trickly while driving if that is the case.
  25. I am curious about turbo timers. I assume that they just keep the engine running after you shut off the key right, to keep oil flowing to the turbo while it spins down. If that's not the case please inform me as to what they do. I built as a project yrs ago some timers that would keep headlights on for a specific amount of time after being switched off. Got the ideal when cars started having this feature. Oddly enough it was almost the same circuit that I used for a wiper delay. I will say that something hand built would NOT have all the cool knobs and buttons that Greedy puts on theirs, but a variable on the timer wouldn't be difficult, and could be mounted out of site for a cleaner interior. If someone that has a turbo timer would be kind enough to let me take a look at the installation instructions and give me a brief explanation of what it does I am betting that I can do the same thing with $20 in parts.
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