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Everything posted by desperado

  1. desperado


    Why, if it ain't yours it don't count. STFU and go back and hide on the golf course, I own you, you silly little bitch. All poppin off at *** mouth. Let me tell you something you shitbag. I got more hair growin in the crack of my ass than you could ever grow on your face. You are a pussy, through and through. I don't even know why I bother to flame your ass. other than you are the most deserving little fuck that I know.
  2. Mom's funny like that. And its' al 80 Camaro, funny, I can't seem to find any rust though. Maybe you are talking about a different guy. seeings as the year of MY Camaro is right on my sig. Excelent powers of observation there, maybe it wasn't my mama after all, as close as you notice things it could have been your mama, and you would have just assumed, and been wrong.
  3. desperado


    Now what would give you that idea? It wouldn't be that he's constantly getting fucked with on every part of this board. Or even the fact that the VERY FIRST post in the Kitchen was this thread. Or is it that you just know Doug, and agree with the fact that, Doug is a whiney little bitch?
  4. Nope, couldn't wait around in line. Rest of em kept cutting in front of me for seconds. But by far Satan was the worst. You'd thought is was a smorgasboard. Lost count how many times he went back. Thought he was gonna suck them dry. But you know that. Hell you went up almost as many times as Satan did. So I am not sure why you are even asking.
  5. Bwhahaha, damn dude, you as SO funny. That was like, wow, you need to get a stage act together. You're gonna go places with quick one liners like that. Damn, I wish I was that funny. And you just so fucking owned me with that comment. I am truely impressed. Damn, I gotta remember to not cross you any more, I just don't know if I can look in a mirror after being cut on by a master like you. You dumbass. You must be from Dublin too.
  6. desperado


    I just noticed something, that the dumbest bullshit by the biggest asshats on this board share one thing. They are all from Dublin. And while there are people in Dublin that I can deal with and are Cool. Per capita, they have more needledicked bugfucker smartasses, that don't know there ass from a hole in the dirt, than ANY other part of town.
  7. Huh, what, I missed something? Must have been while i was boning Snappers ol' lady. Fine piece of ass too.
  8. desperado

    8 sec car

    EPA???? WTF???? Try DOT, and even then, I doubt it. And how about all the Promod guys and bracket guys that go to the track with 6 or 8 20's in the trailer. I figure that you are gonna call the EPA on them too right. I have a better idea, STFU, or show proof of what you are saying. And besides, it's 6's for $25K, get it right.
  9. desperado


    Apartments, wow. I bought my house when I was 22, SO.... condo's, apartments, and your mama's house are still < my house, with a shop that has heat and runnig water. Try again. And BTW< like so may others have said, your a little bitch.
  10. desperado


    That's simple. His rump ranger Dublin ass doesn't want to get flamed himself. He's one of those Muirfeild queers that can't handle getting mistreated verbally. And since this is only internet bullshit, so he hasn't got the recourse that they all use, which is to sue me. He's as much a needle dicked bug fucker as that little bitch Doug. We all know it, he knows we know, and he's just scared that it will go public.
  11. desperado

    race gas

    Not really, BUT, you only need a fuel with an octane rating required by the combination, anything more is a waste. But I understood that Higher octane fuels burn faster, not slower due to the aeromatic solvents that are what sets the octane rating to begin with. At least with UNLEADED fuel. Leaded fuel uses TetraEthelLead (TEL) to increase octane, and not aeromatic solvents like Xylene, Toluene and Acetone all of which are much more flammable than gasoline. Now as far as cleaning it out. Injector cleaner, is typically make out of several solvents, those mentioned above, and kerosene. The solvents breakup the deposit's and wash them through the fuel system. So high octane unleaded has most of these except Kerosene. Now, a slower burning fuel, will create MORE power than a faster burning fuel. Reason is that combustion occurs longer, thus creating more heat and expansion of gases to push the piston down. To better understand this, you must TRUELY understand how power is created in an engine. The fuel and air are burnt, creating heat. Heat causes the gases in the cylinder to expand, pushing the piston down. The ONLY time that the force of the actual burn is against the piston is when the motor is in a state of detonation. And the force is not a pushing, but rather forceful impact from an explosion. That is also why it is refered to as detonation. I am not going to go into the specific causes of detonation here, as it would take a great deal of time and typing because there are many. Back to fuel octane and burn speed, and the other rating that no one seems to talk about, but it is the true measure of the capability of any fuel to be converted to heat and then power is it's BTU rating. BTU or British Thermal Unit is a measurement of the heating value of a combustable, the amount of energy that it truely contains. And burn rate has ALOT to do with most liquid fuels, and it's not always how hot but how hot for how long. The reason this is important with performance cars is this. The longer that there is heat expanding the gases and pushing the piston down, the more time through the stroke there is power. If a fuel only burns for 50 of the 180 degrees of the power stroke of a motor, the rest of the stroke, 130 degrees, everything is just sort of coasting. The power that is stored in the flywheel is carrying the motor for the rest of the stroke. Now the fast that 6 8 and higher cylinder motors have overlapping power strokes, the peak torque number will be higher than the horsepower number. But that to is a different topic. But in understanding this, the length of time that the fuel burns in the cylinder, and what effect it has. Then relating it to lower octane fuels having slower burn rates explains why this is important for street motors that never see the high side of 8000 RPM. Now, for higher reving motors, like bike motors, and Formula 1 engines, this doen't apply. Reason is piston speed and stroke length. This all equates to the time that it takes for the power stroke. The shorter the length of time, the faster you need combustion to occur. This is why, with a slower turning long stroke motor, it is important to run the right fuel. And to attempt to combat detonation in other ways, instead of just increasing the octane rating of the fuel so that you can run more timing. Which has a big impact on two things, the first being power output of the motor, the second being detonation. More timing advance, will increase power to a point, but it will also increase detonation. Here are some links to other related things that I have contributed to the tech section that may answer some questions on this. Sort of that, if you have other questions feel free to ask, but do so in here so that the comments can be read by all that are interested. http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001328 http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=001446 [ 25. July 2004, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  12. desperado


    Hmmm, weaksause huh. Your GF didn't think so. She said it was the best she ever tasted.
  13. desperado


    I have a better discussion topic. People that are stupid enough to come into a flame area of a board then comment about why someone would flame someone else. Discuss
  14. desperado


    Doug, you little bitch. Now there is nowhere to hide.
  15. desperado

    Poncho 455

    I hav a line on a Pontiac 455. Seems to be complete with a turbo 350 tranny. Extra parts. I don't need this motor so I figured I would pass the info along. First $225 takes it. It is stock, has some dress up parts Best to call me at home if interested, 740-967-4324. Kid is moving so this thing HAS to go this weekend.
  16. Too busy posting on CR to build my truck!
  17. desperado

    Chat room

    come one come all. to the CR chat room click at the top of the screen open 24/7
  18. I do not, nor will I ever understand the drive that men have about this bitch. She might be hot as hell when she has her $500 an hour makeup artist and shit work on her, but otherwise, she's about plain. Big ass, no boobs. Sorry guys but I don't see what yall see.
  19. Huh??? NO. Damn that's sad. I have came across a number of those " I am gonna restore it someday" people. and then see the car litterally rust apart. I have also seen guys selling dashes and titles on E-bay for old muscle cars for a good bit of money.
  20. YES!!!!!! Where are they??? Please call me about them 989-2459
  21. There is a bit to the statements about the dirt in the tank will have more places to be besides in the pump filter, because if there is more fuel then the fuel will keep it off the floor of the tank. Now that being said, there is a WAY better reason, if the vehicle is fuel injected. The pump is in the tank. These pumps are fairly reliable, but do run hot. The fuel being over the pump in the tank will nake the pmup last longer because the fuel will take the heat away from the punp.
  22. Speak for yourself there Jacko. There are a few that are proud of what our cars can do. Yes, it's illegal, no we don't discuss it in open forum, but you'd have to be silly to believe that it ain't happening. As far as when and where, well, that's not open for discussion.
  23. Damn , I wouldn't mind breaking out my hammer and "Nailing" a couple of those broads.
  24. PM me. There are all sorts of ways of finding the guy You need only a phone number, or a plate number off his car.
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