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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Hmmm, first to the slightly misinformed member that stated that the porn industry is the worste thing ever, you are mistaken. The worste thing to be involved with is being a liberal democrat, that IS the worste thing ever! As far as wanting to be a porn star, I would, but you all would recognize me, the guys would be jealous, the women would all want me. And It would just cause problems with you guys being pissed cuz your wives/GF's would want to bed me. So I will have to pass this time around. As far as the drugs and the like. Doing drugs is a choice. No one is standing there putting a gun to your head making you get high. You deside to do that, and you deside to pay the piper when you do. There is going to be a level of drug use in all prefessions from prostitutes to preachers. The fact that the porn industry gets talked about is that mainstream America doen't want to admit to using their product and the people that make documentaries about the industry dont' like the industry. So they are going to bring up everything bad about it and give you the impression that it's a free for all where the cocaine is handed out in garbage bags, and everyone has sex with everyone else all the time. Do I agree with it, yes, to a point. It is their choice to do it, and it's not anyone's place to say they can't. But I don't feel that they should be showing Debbie Dose Dallas on the Saturday afternoon movie on CBS either.
  2. Right, easy fix, if you have $10000 to buy the parts. Hell there are 3000 to 3500 air bags blown and that's not the 2000 hood, 1500 in front clip and 1000 in other bullshit before applying the paint that will run another 500 to 1000. These wrecked car deals are NOT deals unless you have access to parts real cheap, and can do ALL the work yourself.
  3. desperado

    Dead bird

    Yea, if the birds flew into something then fell then screw it, grab a shovel and toss it in the weeds. I was thinking that it just felt out of the sky.
  4. desperado

    Dead bird

    Hey genius, you need to call the health dept about the bird. They are going to want it. It if just dropped out of the sky, it's most likely got West Nile and they will want the bird. So you need to call em, and give em the bird.
  5. desperado


    he did this way back when asking where he should make speed passes in his vette.
  6. 27???? Damn kid.... Happy Birthday Man!!!
  7. desperado

    Bike is gone

    Amy, I was just picking on you. Hell, just riding takes more guts than alot of people have. You'll do fine, it's the people that don't respect the power of the bike, car or whatever that get hurt. Alot of guys, even riders, look at the few that ride those BOSS HOSS's and other small block Chevy powered bikes and think they are nuts. Thing is, the guys that ride those know that you can't just snap the throttle wide open and expect to ride it. It needs to be respected, you know that and you'll do fine.
  8. desperado

    legal question

    Due to this qualifing as a domestic dispute, the police WILL escort you to the door. I would not contact these men and treaten bringing the police, just call CPD and have them go with you. Explain the situation to the police, explain that you have been threatened with violence by these people, and they will escort you. I don't know that they will have the power to force them to hand over the check, but if any of them make threats or the like the police are there to deal with that immediatly. So if these shits are real stupid, you might get to see them beat down by CPD, and hauled in. If they have any sence, they will just coperate though. Thing to do is do it on a Friday night when you know they have been drinking. Two reasons, one is that booze makes people do stupid shit that will get them arrested, second is that being underage and drunk, if they are underage, or anyone there is, will get them hauled off to jail. As far as other options, http://www.foornet.net/onlyme.jpg Add me to the list for escorts.
  9. desperado

    Bike is gone

    I call dibs on the liter twin when it scares the shit out of her and she desides to sell it. The idea of a 1000 CC V-twin, rocket bike. Hmmmm, screw Buell, I need the big block!
  10. Yes, there are rules, don't use the shit if you have a gasket available. Use a good quality gasket, either factory or FelPro. And if you really need an adhesive for assembly, use Indian Head gasket Shelac. I have been wrenching for 20 years. And have done it this way ever since I was old enough to break a bolt loose. And I have NEVER had a gasket leak. RTV, is a gasket replacement. Not a sealant. There is a black gasket sealant out there, but it's not a silicone based RTV. RTV is meant for mating surfaces that there are no gasket available for. And unmachined or uneven surfaces to fill voids. If you have tried to replace a gasket, with a good brand of gacket and it still leaks, it will seal it, but if it's leaking wiht the proper gasket in place, then it has other problems with the mating surfaces not being flat enough to get a good seal. And you are simply putting a bandiad on the problem. First Rule, NEVER PUT ANYTHING IN A TUBE on a head gasket. Go back, read that several times and remember it. There are copper spray adhesives for head gaskets, I have never used them, and don't plan to. Heads are finely machined, and should never need a sealant other than the head gasket, if it does, it needs machining, because its' no longer flat as it should be. Second Rule, buy good gaskets, the cheap stuff is just that, and will require glooping on RTV to get it to seal. Don't go this route. Some poor bastard will need to remove that part that you just glued together with RTV, and it's a pain in the ass to deal with and clean off. Thrid Rule, if its' got a new gasket, the fasteners are torqued to spec, in the correct order, and its' leaking, the mating surface is not machined properly and should be either machined or replaced. Antiseize, this is something that you MIGHT want to put on your header bolts, but I can't think of anywhere else on a car that it is useful. Remember that pulling steel bolts into aluminium, you should ALWAYS wet the threads with oil. This will be all the antisieze that you would ever need and it gets you a correct torque on a bolt, this is especailly true for head bolts on alu motors. If you are that worried about a bolt breaking off, buy a better grade bolt.You really can't get to strong a bolt in 99.9 % of the time. There are a very few exceptions to this on cars. Stronger is better. Thread Lock, here again, there are times that this is required, or useful. But can be taken to extreem. On little 4 banger vibration monsters like the Chrysler 2.2, threadlock everything. High power 4 bangers can litterally shake the bolts loose. But other than that, flywheel, torque convertor, flexplate, and studs, if you use them for heads ot mains will benifit from threadlock. Other places, buy a GOOD torque wrench, make sure that the fasteners are torqued to factory spec and don't worry about it. Engineers, that are ass loads smarter than we are about this shit came up wiht these numbers for torque specs, don't question them, just do it and things will be fine.
  11. What ends are on them? HEI style or the cap insert style? And what core type are they, solid, spiral, or carbon core?? Also what is the resistance per foot on them???
  12. WTF????? That took balls to ask! You just move here from Russia or did you just lead a real sheltered life. Trails, then DragWay 42, then Pacemakers in Mt Vernon (1/8 mile) not sure the next one, then Norwalk.
  13. If they get get real picky, you will need a bill of sale for the motor if it's not the original. Only for purposes of verifying it's not stolen. Ohio don't normally care what you put in motor wise, as long as the lights, e-brake, wipers, and horn works, the exhaust is legal, and you don't have anything sticking out of the hoodline over 6 inches (and I run around in a camaro that has a six inch cowl and don't get bothered) I figure that you will be ok. [ 10. May 2004, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Desperado ]
  14. desperado


    First off, glass packs SUCK! they will barely quiet a weed eater, let alone anything with a turbo. Find a GOOD turbo muffler, and invistigate them before you lay your money down. There are alot of "turbo" mufflers that are restrictive as hell. Dynomax or something like that would be a good bet. How quiet are you wanting it. If you want it real quiet, and have some room to do it, parallel two turbo mufflers, it will be both quieter nad more freeflowing. Do not however put them in line with each other. THe backpressure will be as high as if you went with a glasspack.
  15. you know the other cheating ass thing that you can do is to cool the air before it gets into the blower. Now I realize this sounds silly at first bite but hear me out. When you compress air, you change it's tempature, btu only by a certain amount. If its' 50 degrees coming in and 100 coming out, then at that boost level you can expect 50 additional degrees of heat. So if the air is say 90 degrees on the inlet side, then the air will be 140 coming out. I have heard of people running air conditioning in the inlet trace of blower cars to decrease output air temp. Don't know what you are driving or how much you want to mod it, but that is worth considering. The biggest drawback to it is that you would need to know how much HP you are ging to gain by doing is as opposed to the power required to turn the air conditioning compressor.
  16. I get the Camaro completely finished and I will be looking to see if some one wants to trade a Vette for it. But it ain't gonna be worth that kind of coin.
  17. how much money are you looking to spend rifles range anywhere from the $50 single shot .22 to a fully outfitted 50 BMG with a 40 power scope that will take the recoil of a 50 running around $5K or more
  18. 3000???? you doing some Nitrogen forced nitrous thing??? Yes, I am aware or that trick.
  19. If you are going to seperate it out, I will go for the nitrous gauge and the AF gauge. I might be able to use the line too for the gauge. THe heater is of no use to me, and I don't need a purge either
  20. Here we go!!!! What he said is right. If you are discriminated against, based on age, sex, nationality or any other recognized definition of minority then you have a valid bitch. And I do not have a problem with that. People that use their status as a minority to further their personal agenda, or personal gain (including getting jobs and staying out of jail or other legal issues) are as much a racist as the Grand Wizard of the KKK in my eyes. And more so they are not trying to further the unity of all with their actions nor are they trying to get treated equally. They are looking for prefential treatment due to their status as a minority. These are the people that feel that they are owed something from society, and in this specific case from white America. Got news, I don't owe nobody shit. My family don't owe no body shit. My family fought in the Revolutionary War, to create this country, my family fought for the Union in the Civil War, to reunite the nation, equally, under one flag. So no one better accuse me of owing them shit, and great granddad, on the other side or the family tree was a Maumee Indian. So, I can bitch louder than anyone else. And have more right, but I don't, I am an American, I am not proud of some of the things that have gone on in this country, but it's mine, and you better damn well respect it. I am sick of this racist bullshit, we are Americans damn it, and we need to start fucking acting like it. ONE NATION, not this group and that group, and they owe us, and those guys are out to get us, and keep us for having equal rights. [ 07. May 2004, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Desperado ]
  21. I am in need of a OKI DATA 391 wide carriage printer. If you have one lying around please give me a call at 989-2459. Thanks.
  22. Rhino Liner! looks cool, tough, and doesn't have fur.
  23. is the A/F gauge still available, and is there a O2 sensor with it?? Going on a carbed car so I guess I will need a sensor.
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