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Everything posted by cinergi

  1. Nice intro. Nice car, I used to have one and absolutely hated it. It is a toss up between the s4 and the srt4 for car I dislike the most out of all I have owned.
  2. You cannot be in possession of the gun, period if you have been drinking. Even if it is in your car and you are in the car with it, they consider it possession. No matter how it is locked up. It's pretty messed up, but they will catch you on a technicality.
  3. People will say Kimber's are so great, but I have seen so many go back to the factory for silly stuff that I could never recommend one for a DEFENSIVE hand gun.
  4. Beware the Kimber... Nothing but issues from them in the last two years. I prefer the 45 ACP. EASIER AND CHEAPER TO GET AMMO FOR. If it was my only gun for carry, that would be the selling point. On the other hand, 10MM is great. I love it. Perfect round, but you will pay to shoot it and it isn't the easiest to procure. 10mm never won any accuracy competitions, but it is accurate. check out double tap ammo for more information.
  5. It's hard to say in this market. I can tell you there is value out of anything that is fast and runs right. I've had offers for my Sentra for 5K+. I would say you can get 8k-12K to the right person. Keep in my replacement value and then add some to it. But like it has been said before, it's only what people will pay.
  6. There's like a $10 or $15 charge and they can do it at any store... Corporate or authorized dealer. Just be prepared to wait in line since it's the weekend.
  7. Yeah, that would be where I would have to think about not wanting it.
  8. If this is happening a lot, you need to consider the source. What car will these parts go into... Drag cars, etc. Someone probably has a want list and these guys are stripping and re-selling. I would watch WTB ads on CL and the like. It is likely that they are building their own cars with stuff, but you can only do that so much... at some point they will try to move the stuff. It isn't hard to freight and ship stuff... might watch Hondamarketplace.com that is one of the highest traffic sites on the Net in terms of a forum. How much value do you place on what is missing? In terms of replacement, etc.
  9. I have always thought that this would be a great swap. Glad to see someone has done this!
  10. Yeah, I know a few people who live down there and I used to frequent the area when a good friend lived right in the area his vehicle was found. I know it isn't the best area and I do know people don't like to talk about what they see, either. Did the property owner call because the car was blocking their driveway?
  11. Yeah, that is what concerned me... Who wouldn't noticed a car being "dumped" or pushed down the road, whatever.
  12. There are a couple, but they are pretty well-guarded secrets. A lot of them you have to know someone to get in. None of the ones I know of are anywhere close to CENTRAL OH.
  13. We are doing a bike auction at work, too. http://www.fasttrackauction.net/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?fasttrack1319/category/ALL
  14. I used to hear about a ring of thieves that frequented ohiohondas or whatever it is. It was years back, but I am sure thieves lurk forums.
  15. Also, what does that fifth picture say? I can't make all of it out. Any other writing anywhere on the car?
  16. How many additional miles were on it?
  17. Someone had a transplant car and it most likely went in there not to be seen again. Keep an eye on Hondas for sale around town and elsewhere. It would be hard to prove anything that didn't have a VIN on it, though.
  18. That really sucks man, I hate to see when this shit happens. I know a VX has good value to the Honda community so that sucks even more.
  19. Anyone need another reason not to own a Honda?
  20. What have you done to really piss someone off? Looks like they wanted it to be found that way. I would take the insurance money and run. Who knows what else was done besides the cosmetics seen...?
  21. I don't know Eric, but from all that has been said he seems like a great person. Always sad to hear about something like this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you!
  22. I want to see this thing. Videos anywhere? I remember seeing the thread, but do not recall too many pics?
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