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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. Ah, didn't catch that from the pictures -- think I see it now. Any vids? curious on how it sounds.
  2. 1ohhhhhh1; pleasure to meet you. Good friend is serving in the Lifeliners. I hate using other people's money so I don't use credit or loans (outside a mortgage). She has a decent amount of student loan debt, but our cars are payed off (not like we drive anything fancy)
  3. That's awesome. Interesting they dont merge the two exhaust banks. How's the real estate under the hood? Has the wastegate control been mapped yet?
  4. I dont think we'll take a large loss when we sell our condo here in Indy, but I'll be happy if we break even. I do need to talk to Marc when it comes time, lots of things going on with her career as it looks like we'll be moving to one of the hot bed states soon.
  5. I told her she needs to man up and go on the ramen noodle diet and take care of bidness:fuckyeah: She responded with the location of the nearest strip club :no:
  6. I just figured I should keep an eye on it as a house is coming.
  7. That was another question I had; my counterpart has a decent amount of student loans -- are they weighted differently when it comes to debt/income ratio? I've kinda hesitated pulling the trigger on a house until we get them payed down.
  8. Interesting, I was under the impression all of you finance people looked at the TransUnion, or the Es.
  9. Yes, as a military member we get a full review and score printout from MyFico. It's a great score, just nearing the magic 730...
  10. Decided to pull my credit report from MyFico to check on things while I was deployed and to be honest, I'm pretty bad at checking it annually. I found my TransUnion score actually dropped 10 points with the note saying my credit activity was "low". I mainly use my bank's debit/credit card for most purchases as most of my cards sit in storage. I was thinking of doing the old CD->Secured Loan>Money Market->Loan trick and letting it grow -- but with today’s rates...that doesn't look like a great idea. Not sure if this is still possible; I remember a professor saying he would time his credit card billing cycles out so he could stack the charges, only pay 1 payment, but have 3x the activity. The simplest solution is probably just to start using cards again, but, just curious on what others are doing.
  11. An old adage that comes to mind; Give someone enough time, and they will surpise you. Remember when people hated on 03 Cobra Kevin back in the day? Cavin? Ol`Coltboostin who became "JP" in maturity? Hopefully he can find his place here, in time.
  12. Ah, cool. Look forward to seeing more.
  13. Brady, what tuning package are you running?
  14. There's a thread on bimmerfourms with a decent amount of the 413's map locations mapped out if you have have the time and a copy of WinOLS. The E36 is very friendly to any standalone, as the gauge cluster is mainly driven from sensors outside of the ECU, making the swap very easy. The TEC3 has mainly been the standalone of choice, but you'll find Autronic and DTA boxes in there as well. If you are planning on using the stock BMW cam/crank sensors, you'll want to find a standalone that can be easily setup for a 60-2 crank wheel and a hall effect sensor. ODBII cam sensors are straight up goofy, so, you'll want to make sure its a three wire cam sensor. ProEFI is out for the E46 M (HPfreaks use it) cars as they are heavily CAN based.
  15. What does or does not happen with your car really isn't important; I can say I've never seen a twin turbo lambo or have heard of a local shop building one. Would love to see more on the car as the build progresses.
  16. You should have played highway charades with him, when he pulled a pistol, you pull your mac-10, if he pulls a rifle, you pull your AT4. Inb4 someone pulled an AT4 on me thread...
  17. Jeebus, that thing is vicious. What kind of timing maps are you running?
  18. It looks like the power output was designed to be very linear and predictable, like a large NA motor. Just like electronic throttle control, it may be modeled around customer perception rather then maximum output. That's a nice torque curve, nice enough for a tard like me to feel comfortable trying to push on a weekend open lab session.
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