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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. If someone want's to go turbo this car, I will tune it, free of charge.
  2. http://i43.tinypic.com/35iq7ug.jpg
  3. :eek2: Looks like some good racing went down, thanks for sharing.
  4. Wasn't that cool, but was that with the request system and you'd get a PM to transfer?
  5. ah yes, trying to download songs off Napster using the library connection @ 14.4......
  6. Hadn't seen it, thanks for sharing. So much win.
  7. Well, that's one way to leave this earth.
  8. What do you want/need? I might be able to find it around post.
  9. I urge everyone to stay in contact with Clark. Shootfest is a great time and now that AK47 is back from the stan, it will make it superrrrrr special.
  10. I would pick an AR based design if I were to do it all over again, cheaper and less hassle with optics. "Mil Spec" doesn't exisit and changes from vendor to vendor drawings in the M1 world.
  11. Usually, the things you can't readily see is what makes the difference when compared. When you get into the internal clearances & materials, in bore cant, how true the bolt face is, the symmetry of the chamber and design, etc etc seperates a good rifle, from a great rifle. These are some top notch products from top notch vendors, sadly I couldn't tell you which edges the others out.
  12. LMT308 vote, good parts, good rifle. I still favor gas piston designs, but like Scottttayyy has said, no standard as of yet.
  13. If you do have this done, check out Clear Choice, Dr. Wiley. I had my vision done before entering the service and it has been the best decision I have ever made. They are also very military friendly, which sealed the deal.
  14. Do you have a P/N off one of the injectors?
  15. Nate1647545505

    Kony 2012

    http://www.africom.mil/ :lolguy:
  16. Who, in this thread, has been to the middle east, or has any faint idea of what these cultures have been fighting over since they've exisited?
  17. Looks sharp John! All you S folks.... ///M :fa:
  18. Nate1647545505

    Kony 2012

    Sorry, find another country that cares.
  19. Looks great, did they sort out the launch control?
  20. I heard Tom's pretty good with pipes, AMIRIGHT??
  21. I sent my brother a text, check with the kind folks at thunder valley: Thunder Valley Precision 15786 TR.118 Kimbolton, Ohio 43749 GPS Coordinates: 40.17725 -81.717349 740.502.6530 info@thundervalleyprecision.com yogishooter@msn.com
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