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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Wtf that guy in the vid wasnt even close to dropping the weight. It's called a dead lift. Where the hell is that vid from? Those chicks were like the library nazis of gyms. That was embarrassing - for the girls/gym/policy.
  2. This thread is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
  3. I'd just like to add that a lot of women are intimidated by my looks.
  4. ... No, you said "these videos," not "other videos." Irony: 1 ForceFed: 0
  5. Did you see the part in the video where they surrounded the Prius and one biker smacked the passenger side-view mirror all because the Prius had the audacity of trying to proceed through an intersection on a green light and interrupted the egocentric procession of bikers as they held up traffic to pass through a red light? Did you see the part where the biker tried to open the door to the RR? Did you see the part where the one biker punched the back window of the RR? Did you see the part where the one biker smashed out the window of the RR with his helmet?
  6. Thanks, but I made a commitment to the OP. We agreed that he wanted the tickets I was selling and I wouldn't feel right selling them out from underneath of him. I like to follow through on my commitments and stay true to my word.
  7. Yeah, that was the point - I probably should have been clearer. When you said shaky camera, BWP came to mind immediately. I thought it came after SPR, but wasn't sure.
  8. OP, I still have your tickets that you asked me to hold for you. Let me know when you want to get together and pick them up.
  9. I don't want to be a hypocrite and act like I've never done something in a vehicle that could be considered illegal, dangerous, etc. However, I've never even come close to doing anything that would resemble bullying-type behavior like that.
  10. We'll need you to expatiate on "sick." Double meaning detected.
  11. I just bought a Cougar. Like, as in an attractive older woman that is looking for sex. And a dragster.
  12. The opening to Saving Private Ryan is probably the most gripping opening to any movie I've ever seen. I know that's not exactly what we're talking about here, but it came to mind.
  13. These biker fucks all deserve to have been run over, backed up over, and run over again.
  14. I get that it's a faux pas to ask people how much they paid for something in certain situations. "Hi, thanks Mrs. Johnson for the raffle tickets and we'll see you at the fundraiser this Wednesday. By the way, how much did your nose job cost?" However, I'd think that an automotive-based forum like this would be an acceptable place to ask questions like he did. Isn't that kind of the purpose of this place, where we talk about cars and shit?
  15. The wife, my daughter, and I were getting sushi the other night. Right after we ordered, a server dressed in full ninja garb back-flipped onto our table and smacked me in the face with his katana. I pushed his sword away, seeing as though I didn't want my two-year-old getting sliced in the face. Just then, 19 other waiter ninjas appeared and surrounded our table. I flipped the table en route to rushing my wife and daughter out of the door. One of the ninja servers got a bruised shin from the table. The rest of the ninjas caught me in the parking lot and proceeded to pelt me with shuriken. JUSTICE FOR RONNIE, NINJA ENTHUSIAST "Please donate for this very noble cause. Ronnie was the victim of senseless customer violence yesterday at Haiku. Some guy bashed his leg in with a wooden table and then ran away like a coward." "I was there - I'm a server at Haiku. Not even sure why that guy freaked out like that. We just surrounded him because we wanted to check to see if he needed his water refilled. Can't believe he would think we meant any harm."
  16. Excellent. Like I said earlier, I hold the initial brake-check douche accountable for the entire ordeal. I wish he would have been more seriously injured. Also, in the article, they have a biker who said that, initially, there was no intent to confront the RR driver aggressively or whatever. Bullshit. You don't stop 30-deep in the middle of the highway and get out and surround a vehicle just to exchange insurance information. And, if I'm the RR driver, I am most certainly interpreting the bikers' behavior - regardless of their intent - as being aggressive, considering (1) they were driving aggressively around me and (2) one idiot just aggressively brake-checked himself into the front of my vehicle. The bikers would do well to just STFO and let this shit go. You don't have anything close to resembling an argument here. Their stupid "Justice for Biker X" Facebook pages only make me resent their actions all that much more.
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