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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Just came across this article, which discusses strategic defaults. I'm certain some material of the article has already been discussed (and someone may have actually posted this or an article like it - I didn't read the entire thread), but figured it might be a worthwhile read. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/what-happens-when-you-walk-away-from-your-home-.html
  2. Congrats! Yeah, the front windows are tinted on ours - very happy with the look and functionality of it. Do you mind saying where you purchased from? Also, what are your initial impressions of it?
  3. I must have missed it the first two times it was posted. Yeah, wished they would have hung back and kept with her.
  4. Haha, yup, pretty much. I should have just posted this and been done with it. http://smiliesftw.com/x/inoutugh.gif
  5. Holy fuck, shoot me in the face for trying to be cool and pass along some information. Apparently, because Chadz873644872432 has never heard of what I reported, it didn't occur. This is excellent news, I think. I hope he doesn't hear of anything happening in Hilliard anytime soon, since that's where I live. Ray, sorry I even said anything about what I heard about the crime in the area - it's apparent that I'm completely wrong and just making shit up. Just focus in on me saying that I've been there, I had no problems, and the casino was fine. My attempt to give you all the information I had at my disposal seems to be a recipe for having every West Virginian from here to Huntington log in and talk about how histrionic I am. Nevermind the fact that I qualified what I said more than once in an attempt to avoid misperceptions - apparently people didn't bother to read that.
  6. I've evaluated two guys in the past six months that have a connection with Wheeling Downs. One guy got shot in the face when he was being robbed at an intersection near the casino. He is from around here, went out there to gamble, got lost, stopped and asked for directions. While doing so, some guy sneaks around car, pops up, puts gun in his face, and starts demanding money. Scenario went from bad to worse, driver goes WOT in an attempt to flee, gets shot in face, but gets away, but crashes his car in the process. The other guy I evaluated disclosed that he and some "colleagues" have been on the other side of things and been the ones robbing others around that area. He says their M.O. was to look for out of state tags or anyone in a nice car that seemed out of place and find some way to get them to stop so that they could rob them. Not saying any of this to discount what you said. And I'll reiterate that I'm not trying to be all alarmist and be the guy that is like "OMFG LOOK OUT U WILL GETZ LE HIJACKED AND ROBBED AND BEETEN IF U GOES!" I just figured I would share what I've learned, both good and bad about the place. My personal experiences have been much like you described - I never had a single problem there, and I've been there plenty of times. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't in good faith disclose what I've also learned about the criminal element that is present there. Chances are, Ray goes, could get lost a 100 times, and never have a problem.
  7. Be Cam Newton - break a bunch of rookie QB records, and also break some other, non-rookie QB records. Will critical acclaim, prove a bunch of people wrong, and have what most would consider a successful season. Be hated on by alittlelessordinary. Be Urban Meyer. Will a bunch of games as a coach, including two national championships in four years at Florida. Dismantle in one of those games an Ohio State team that was being called the "best college team ever." Be considered one of the top five, perhaps top two, college coaches in the game. Be hated on by alittlelessordinary. Be Tim Tebow. Have legions of adorning fans. Win games in a gritty manner. Be a good person and a good football player. Earn alittlelessordinary's hatred.
  8. Ray I've been to Wheeling Downs (or whatever the name is of the casino there) a few times, though I haven't been in about five years or so. Casino itself is decent and IIRC there are plenty of eateries inside the casino. I haven't stayed there overnight so I can't speak to their rooms, etc. Something that comes to mind is that the area immediately surrounding the casino is not the best. In fact, it's a preferred spot for robbers: they see tourists driving around the area with out of state plates and car jack them at intersections. I don't want to come across as alarmist or anything - I'm sure we can find rougher neighborhoods in several areas here - but just something that came to mind.
  9. Looks like a fucking Z doesn't it? Yikes. And he gets to look down and immediately see his arm all jacked up like that.
  10. That's generally not recommended.
  11. Could not be any more pleased with the MDX - absolutely and completely satisfied with the purchase. It rides like a sedan. It's nimble and has plenty of HP/torque. I was actually pleasantly surprised by how quick it is. Performance wise, it would have destroyed my C230. (Not saying much, but we are talking about a car verus an SUV.) It is one of - if not the most - comfortable car I have every driven. Long drives are easily doable. The interior is very nice, and controls are easy to learn and fairly intuitive. We haven't had much inclement weather, but the little snow that we've had wasn't even close to be an issue for it. I leave the jury out on this one until we've actually had something that amounts to actual snowfall, though. I could wholheartedly recommend one. The only regret is that I didn't make this purchase sooner. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll try my best to answer them.
  12. 1:43 in second vid: kids arm = jacked EDIT: Uhhh, wait, second video disappeared from your post.
  13. Apparently Cam Newton needed to win the Superbowl in order to have successfully defended himself against all that pre-season criticism. My bad. Will hang up and continue listening.
  14. They were saying the same stuff about Cam Newton last year and look what happened.
  15. I think Jim Irsay is crazy. That dude is way to much into posting shit on Twitter and being all cutesy, talking about Rob Lowe and dumb shit like that. And his handling of this whole Manning thing is about two tweets away from being disasterous. He is singlehandedly ruining my like for the Colts.
  16. Whoa, what the fuck - is this legit? Wow. Yeah, I remember the vid of the one dude getting sucked into the engine of a fighter jet (during Desert Storm, I think?), but he just got a little cut up. There's nothing left of this dude.
  17. I just lol'ed a bit. I've heard good things about World of Beer. Have not been there yet. Look forward to puching guitar dbag guy in the face when I do, though.
  18. Maybe then the problem was the tune?
  19. That was exactly what I looked like when it happened.
  20. Heads and cam are going to affect streetability. If you're looking for 10s with a heads/cam package, then you're going to have to be fairly aggressive with the heads/cam, which will definitely affect streetability. I remember my cam - which wasn't very aggressive at all - resulted in me being unable to turn on my A/C without the car stalling out.
  21. What the hell, Dante's Inferno.
  22. What exactly is a forensic policeman? How is that different from the non-forensic kind? How many other types of policemen are there? Clinical policemen? Developmental policemen? Neuropsych policemen? Geriatric policemen? Just wondering.
  23. Herwin? Heron. Hairline? Heron. Heroin? Heron. Heroin? Heron. Herring? Heron. Can you repeat the word please? Heron. Brilliantly played, my trolling friend.
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