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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. First, wish the vid was clearer. Second, what the fuck does the narrator say at the end of the vid after "A1A?" DEE JAY BLABAB? What the hell? I'm fairly sure it's "BEACHFRONT AVENUE" not what he just said.
  2. Haha, my favorite smilie of all time.
  3. Wait, does he also tell them to put the lotion in the basket? With all this talk of butterflies and murders I had to ask.
  4. Makes perfect sense now, wish I would have thought of that.
  5. But would your 40-yard dash times down hallways to bathrooms be any faster?
  7. That supercharged Z moved out. Good races between the non-S/C Z and the Viper.
  8. Following accessories are considered standard: http://acctrash.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/jorts.jpg http://mens-haircuts.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/mullet.jpg http://www.cigarettesflavours.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Marlboro-Lights.jpg http://www.orchidrecoverycenter.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/crystal-meth.jpg
  9. Manning is an offensive coordinator on the actual field of play. The offense he runs is so complex that other NFL QB's can't even implement it. Manning is one of my favorite players, ever. Super smart, very classy, and an excellent player.
  10. Agreed completely on why Bama doesn't get another shot - you couldn't even beat LSU at home. And, yeah, what happens if Bama wins? Okay, LSU 1, Bama 1, national champion is ?? Yeah, I think Oklahoma is going to beat Ok State, and I wouldn't be surprised if Oregon handles Stanford. And LOL @ Phil's comment about Luck having the draft cock-locked. True fucking story right there. Is there even going to be a draft this year? I'm pretty sure everyone is showing up to watch Luck walk out on the stage and then immediately leaving.
  11. I honestly expected there to be a bunch of scoring since it always seems - at least to me - that when SEC teams play each other their defenses have a tendency to not get off the bus. As good as LSU's defenses usually are year in and year out, Arkansas manages to hang like 4000 points on them every year.
  12. True story, as much as I hate to admit it. However, I think you could even take it one step further and say any high octane offense usually gets smoked when playing a really good defense. What comes to mind is Oregon's OMFG ITS UNSTOPPABLE FASTEST OFFENSE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD versus Ohio State in the Rose Bowl.
  13. The LSU/Bama game was retarded boring. Fucking snooze fest. If it was a B10 game, everyone would be laughing and saying it's because everyone is slow and boring and retarded and slow. But because it's the SEC it's ZOMG BEST DEFENSES EVER!!1!!ONE I'm about sick of the SEC fandom. I wonder, is this how people felt about Ohio State in 2006 right before they got demolished? I think everyone was hyping the shit out of them and then loved it when they got destroyed. Am I the only one hoping to see an SEC team get absolutely annhilated in a high profile game? And what the hell is up with this rematch shit? If the OSU/Michigan game didn't warrant one, then I don't see how Bama gets another shot. Wait, yes I do, it's because Bama plays in the SEC, which is currently the second best division in the NFL. My bad, I forgot.
  14. The one he threw after he bobbled the snap looked like a wounded duck. The other balls he has thrown have looked decent, though, yeah, his accuracy started to waver.
  15. Whoa, just saw the graphic that there are only four true freshman starting QB's in FBS this year, and two of them are playing in this game. I figured there would be more than just four.
  16. Great run, and I was astounded to hear that it was the longest run by a QB in school history. Indiana - 10 Ohio State - 10
  17. Gave my tickets to a buddy - kind of glad I did. Indiana - 10 Ohio State - apparently still sleeping in
  18. Yup, free is free, I'd be on that too. I'm taking Ashley. Oddly, she prefers to go to games in which it's expected that Ohio State will win handily as opposed to games that should be more competitive. I figured this Indiana game should be perfect for her.
  19. Agreed. I always find it weird that SEC defenses play so good against non-SEC teams and then seem to be nonexistent when they play other SEC teams. For instance, you can count on Arkansas and LSU scoring 890 points against each other when they play in any given year, regardless of how highly ranked LSU's defense is.
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