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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Just looked it up: Iowa was ranked #13 when we played them in 2006.
  2. Yeah, IIRC, Iowa was ranked in 2006 when we played them. Didn't we play them there, and they did a "blackout" for that game? I thought they were ranked in the area of #15 or so for that game.
  3. Eventually, we should post up a CR Survival Guide - like facts that you need to know to get by on CR. Like, for example: 1. Everyone on CR dates girls that look at least this good: http://www.venus360.com/gallery/jordan-carver-62/Jordan-Carver-Yoga_05.jpg GAWD DAMN IT TILLEY NWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. No worries, it'll all be fine. We all know that you were just posting up what you had to share, and we all know cell phone vids just inherently suck. Most of the jabs that are tossed around here are done in good fun.
  5. I'm afraid Wisconsin is going to annhilate Ohio State this Saturday. If I'm Bielma, this is what I'm saying to my team: "Look, guys, a lot of football left to be played, and a bunch of teams in front of us are going to end up losing. But, if we have any chance at all to climb back into this, we have to absolutely destroy every team we play from here on out. I mean like hanging 70 points plus on all of them. By the end of the season, if we do that, the pollsters and media will be convinced it was some weird abberation that we lost at MSU. They'll say it was a night game, that MSU was all jacked up, hell, they might even get around to convincing themselves that the Hail Mary never made it over the goal line and we should have went to overtime. Regardless, none of it works if you just go out and play mediocre football. We start this weekend by embarrassing those fucking Buckeyes - let's give them a historic beating."
  6. This was a great way to respond to this post. (No sarcasm - I mean it.) Had you just done this the first time, things probably wouldn't have gone south as rapidly as they did. Unfortunately, you flamed a really well-respected member of this site. CR can be fairly defensive of it's members, especially the well-respected ones. You seem like an intelligent guy with at least some sense of humor. And, you actually care about racing, which is something of a lost art form around here these days. It would be unfortunate for you not to work out here. Just roll with the punches and you'll be fine.
  7. Yes, but do you make movies professionally? Will patiently await reply.
  8. http://www.netphotostack.com/images/Cars/kris-kros.jpg
  9. http://www.columbusnavigation.com/pictures/ccport2.jpg
  10. http://dc-cdn.virtacore.com/2010/12/chris-brown-in-court.jpg
  11. http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/nevada/las-vegas/images/s/criss-angel-las-vegas.jpg
  12. How nightmarish would it be for Boise to beat a Bama or LSU in NCG this year? SEC = kings of the football universe Boise > SEC Boise = lwqdusd,jqw;rwah;djhqw;oq;wkhde;qhwr;oaih;dlkhqw;ori;qwra ABSOLUTE CHAOS OMG MY FACE IS ON FIRE BOISE STATE CAN BEAT THE 72 DOLPHINS FKJDSAGFIUWEAF;JHF;WEUHFR; AHD;KQJWH;EH
  13. P.S. Looks like Boise - that nerd we all love to hate - is poised to play for the NC this year. Bama and LSU play in like two weeks, and I think Oklahoma knocks of Oklahoma State. Of course, there's always the possibility that whoever loses from Bama or LSU game doesn't fall below #2 in the polls (like Florida State back in 1992 [or 1993?] when they lost to Notre Dame when #1 and then only fell to #2 - only then to regain #1 when Notre Dame was beat at home by Boston College).
  14. LOL, flawless. I'm right there with you - I kind of feel like I need to eat a small helping of crow already just because of how well MSU has done. I've been calling them fraudulent all along, but fairly sure they're proving me wrong. Isn't it weird how some teams just seem to have other teams' numbers? Like MSU definitely seems like they have Wisconsin's number right now. However, I've been saying since the very early 2000's that Wisconsin has had OSU's number. I watched the Wisconsin-MSU game last night. Definitely entertaining, and I was pulling for MSU the whole way. I'm not certain though what Wisconsin's loss does for us - like bicranium said, do they come in ultra-pissed and motivated or do they come in ultra-flat and dejected?
  15. No, I totally agree with you. Florida definitely had a ton going for it that game, both just on the field product as well as all the intangibles that you mentioned (e.g., Tebow's last game, Urban's last game). Florida would have beaten just about anybody badly that game.
  16. LOL, nope, didn't see that in the chatbox. And I'd hate to see what the payments per month would actually be on a Veyron.
  17. $6000/month Veyron with a small shot will run 9's all day long...................dots..............
  18. LOL, Wagner consistently posts the greatest gif's
  19. I remember when a bunch of Cincy fans were incessantly talking shit about Ohio State (maybe when we lost to Purdue?) and how they would smoke us, etc. Oh how I would have wished for Ohio State to have played Cincy that year. Didn't Cincy get smoked by Florida in the Sugar Bowl that year?
  20. The expectations are through the roof for anyone here, it's Ohio State. If Urban doesn't produce, then he's out just like everyone else.
  21. I'll take two national championships in a four year span and a coach leaving town voluntarily over one national championship over a ten year span and a coach being forced out of town.
  22. I will relinquish my fan card for Ohio State football if Fickell is the head coach next year.
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