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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. This will end the opposite of well.
  2. Yeah, I like Gruden a ton too. I always like what he has to say and how he acts when he does those QB things before the draft. And I liked him when he was a coach, too. I guess I just figured we'd never have a shot to land him.
  3. I just wonder why Gruden, who could pretty much have any open NFL head coaching job (and could maybe even take some jobs that are currently filled), would want to coach college? I don't see it happening. (I know you didn't say Gruden would come here, you just said you'd rather have him.)
  4. A corpse would have more inventive play calling than our current offensive coordinator.
  5. I owe you a beer the next time I see you if you're right, or a kick in the nuts if you're wrong... Seriously, would be very happy if this happened.
  6. Wow, attack of the ell bees.
  7. That movie is awesome. Definitely had a crush on the French maid.
  8. It was Clarence Cashier, in the Kitchen, with the McGrease Poker.
  9. Cool photos, car looks very clean. Like the locales for the pics - cool backdrops.
  10. Agreed. It's kind of like you waive your rights to cry foul if you're the aggressor in an incident. What's that, you happened to punch an MMA fighter in the chest because you got salty over a spilled drink? Poor choice, and no you can't whine about getting your ass handed to you afterward. What's that, you decided to throw a fit, slap a cashier, and jump over the counter and go after him? Poor choice, and no you can't whine about getting jacked up with the McRod.
  11. Dr. Pomade


    Kurt, I am so very sorry to hear this. I'm proud to say that I know Cam and literally watched him grow up. I will be hoping with all of my heart that he recovers. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Sincerely, John
  12. After I posted, I thought the actual (legal) definition of deadly force may be different than my literal interpretation of it. Looks like I was wrong there, so Jones owes me a deadly force e-chop for that.
  13. P.S. Jones, just realized it looks like my entire post was directed to you. It wasn't. I'm just using you as the springboard. <3
  14. Who died in this video? A little bit of me dies inside each time you say things like "this is a deadly force issue" when deadly force wasn't used. I think I'd like to take the opposite stance on this issue. How was the cashier supposed to know what these women were up to? Maybe he thought one of them had a knife or a gun. I can't see what's going on behind that counter after he jacked them up - maybe they're reaching into their pockets for something and he feels like he needs to continue to subdue them. And what if this was two dudes who jumped a counter and a woman cashier jacked them up? Just wondering, but I bet people wouldn't have as much an issue with it. Or, what if, after the fact, we found out one of the women had a gun on them? I have an issue with ordinary citizens being accused of "excessive force" after the fact. Police officers and so forth are trained to use force, etc. So, when they go to far, we can point a finger and say, "Hey, look, you know better, you shouldn't have used that much force, and we can hold you responsible." But, when it's an ordinary citizen, who's to say what is excessive? Maybe cashier dude was scared for his life and maybe instinct just took over. Sure, it looks excessive, but I bet two crazy ass bitches jumping over a counter at me might look a little scary and might make me overreact just a bit. And while I'm on my mini-rant, that guy wouldn't go to federal prison unless he committed a federal offense, and no such offense was evident by the video (unless, for instance, those women were U.S. Marshalls or something acting in an official capacity, though I'm fairly sure that wasn't the case).
  15. LOL, well played. *applause*
  16. Okay, so I'm not crazy then - there's some credibility to that thought. Wasn't sure if I was way off base or not. I remember us driving down the field easily when we got that one offensive score (and thought that would be us turning the tide, finally), but couldn't recall the specifics of it. Of course, by that point, I was already intoxicated...
  17. I think - like Bob Davie kept pointing out during the telecast - that Ohio State's offense matched up very well with Illinois' defense, which is designed to defend against the spread, not a traditional, I-formation, north-south running attack. Okay, so, I was thinking about how Ohio State got destroyed in the 2006 NC game against Florida, who's defense then was a lot like Illinois' is now (in design, perhaps not players): smallish, speedy defensive ends that get up field quickly and can defend open spaces. Now, is this crazy, but looking back, could have Ohio State fared better against Florida had they just employed an old-fashioned, I-formation running attack? In some respect, I don't think the '85 Bears could have helped Ohio State win that game against Florida, but it just got me thinking.
  18. Dr. Pomade


    But across will hurt more and make it last longer, and I need to suffer emo d-bag style. Apology acceptance pending pics of said cleavage.
  19. Dr. Pomade


    P.S. He is wearing argyle, which admittedly is in my wardrobe. *chugging Clorox*
  20. Dr. Pomade


    It's great when you not only get compared to a douchebag, but when you get compared to one that's not good looking and looks nothing like how you think you look. That guy's hair is blonde. *cutting wrists*
  21. This is good to hear. I think many - like film critics (who usually suck, anyway) - expect every Marvel adaptation to be portrayed as well as what RDJ has portrayed Tony Stark, and that really isn't all that fair. RDJ is a great actor and is perfect for Tony Stark; expecting everyone to be as great in their portrays (e.g., Thor, Captain America) is asking a bit too much, I think.
  22. Looks cool, will watch. I still need to see the new X-Men, Thor, and Captain America. Will be making a date with Redbox soon. On a related tangent, I'm thinking of going as Tony Stark (as portrayed by RDJ) for Halloween this year. Can't find any good Iron Man suits, however. I guess I could always get the facial hair just right, dress up in a suit and wear some sunglasses (I have a pair that he wears in Iron Man 2), but I figured most people won't get it if I just show up in a suit. /attention-whore threadjack
  23. I think it's eerily awesome when the freeways are closed.
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