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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. So it's confirmed, then - it's Kenny? I don't have the words right now to adequately express how numbed, shocked, and pained I feel. I am so, so very sorry to hear this.
  2. Dr. Pomade


    Yeah, but that pic doesn't.
  3. Dr. Pomade


    Doesn't even look like the same girl in the first pic. All hot, however. Hotter than the Keibler pics? I'm still going to have to give the edge at this point to Keibler because of her ass.
  4. Dr. Pomade


    This is the part where I say, "O RLY?"
  5. Dr. Pomade


    I'm fairly sure that's the first double triple in CR history. Yeah, who's up next? Right now, I'm giving the lead to Keibler.
  6. Dr. Pomade


    Yeah, definitely sticking with Keibler on this one.
  7. Dr. Pomade


    This is the slightly more critical version of my critique.
  8. I'm in fucking tears watching these. "It's green and white technology." "Time to suck on with the sucking action, lock on with the locking action, and water with the watering action!" And what's up with the noises he makes for the old woman trying to move the couch? I fucking lost it. Shit is hilarious.
  9. Dr. Pomade


    Yeah, she's definitely fucking hot, no doubt. Personally, though, I guess I like my girls less pale. Not that I'd wouldn't fuck some color into her, it's just my preference. Does anyone else have another pics they'd like to put up against this Stoya chick?
  10. Dr. Pomade


    Not saying she isn't, just, of those two pics, I'm going with Keibler. Have more pics of the other chic? Post them and I will judge them and we will all be happy.
  11. Dr. Pomade


    Umm, gotta go with Stacy Keibler pic on this one.
  12. Listen, spray a 300-shot right out of the hole on street tires and continue spraying through every gear. Nothing bad will ever happen doing that. Nothing. P.S. When you spray, be sure the bottle pressure is right around 1300psi. Again, this is perfectly normal and great for engines.
  13. For real? I've always though GM refused to do the special financing stuff for Corvettes - they have changed that stance? Please say yes. Can you give more details on the cyber grey one (e.g., year, miles, price)? I agree, cyber great is just about the fucking hotness.
  14. Yeah, I know - I just felt compelled to share.
  15. FYI, I have no idea what that person is saying about me not allowing him/her to retake a test. If anything, I have a reputation for being a little too "soft" on students, insofar as I will accept just about any excuse to make up an exam, regardless of how outlandish or retarded it is. In fact, in about eight years of teaching there, I can recall only once where I didn't allow a student to make up an exam, and that was when the student didn't attend the class one single time during the entire semester (and didn't take the three exams that were given during that time) and then showed up wanting to take the final exam and all of the other three exams they had missed. Anything less than that I let slide.
  16. There are two ways I can respond to this. The first is to say that I've only pulled out the "I have a bigger IQ/paycheck/whatever than you" post three times to my recollection: with Coltboostin way back when, with Rick just yesterday, and apparently in the incident you're referencing with your friend, which I vaguely recall. At the time, I felt Coltboostin deserved that kind of post, and I've already explained why I think Rick definitely deserved that kind of post. Thus, I can only surmise that, at the time, your friend also deserved the same kind of post. Therefore, one way for me to respond to is say that it's too bad that I flamed your buddy, but I have to believe he had it coming, so tell him to get the sand out of his vagina, and you can follow suit. The second way for me to respond is to say that I apologize for hurting your friend's feelings, that maybe I got carried away and should have realized he was only joking. You pick the response you feel is most appropriate and I'll go with it. Fair enough?
  17. And this is why I've always less than sign three you.
  18. BTW, mikehaze and pdqgp, while you're contemplating more ways to defend Rick - which, for the record, is noble - please explain the honor/worth/utility in calling a woman an "angry cunt" just because she happened to disagree with him. TIA
  19. The problem with Rick (as I see it) isn't that he has a different viewpoint on topics, it's that he attacks and attempts to belittle anyone that says anything contrary to the viewpoint he's asserted. Also, simply because a viewpoint is different doesn't make it necessarily valid. I understand where you're coming from - variety is the spice of life, and this place gets boring when it just turns into a big mob of sycophants - but saying different is good for difference's sake is stretching logic just a bit, in my opinion. Further, and to reiterate my original point, how you express your difference of opinion is probably more important that the opinion itself - and Rick routinely does a really shitty job of expressing his opinion.
  20. Okay, I'll try to break it down for you. However, I'll preface this by saying I don't really think you want to understand where I'm coming from. That being said: 1. Rick starts a thread trying to mock me. 2. His thread backfires horribly and people start giving him shit about it. 3. He then starts talking down to people that are giving him shit, telling them they couldn't cut it in college, their work is the equivalent of an illegal immigrant, and that he's "higher in the food chain" than them simply because of what he does for a living. 4. In my perception that he was way out of line with that, I cut loose, letting him know exactly where I think he stands on the "food chain" relative to me - using the only type of language he understands: brute force. Mind you, what I didn't really wasn't much different that what he was doing, I just did a better job at it. You talk so much about context, yet you act as though the post I made - the one you're referencing where you think I'm being a jerk or whatever - had no context surrounding it whatsoever. Ask yourself, why didn't I just drop the hammer on Rick with my first post in this thread? Maybe because it had to do with how Rick acted mid-way through the thread - or, in other words, because of the context of the situation. See where I'm coming from now? For the record, I'm pretty much the same in person as I am on here: I like to make jokes and I don't take things too seriously, but I wouldn't hesitate to lay into somebody in the similar fashion if they were acting as much like a prick as Rick was. If we ever meet in person, then I'll buy you a beer (or an Appletini or whatever you Mini Boi's like to drink) and we'll likely have a good laugh about this. In the meantime, I guess we'll all just have to keep being ulta-serious with this being the internets and all.
  21. Hey Rob, nope, I don't have any more, though I am sure Hua has more footage from that night. I can check with him and see what he has.
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