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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Okay, I'm at work right now but I will take pics when I get home.
  2. I can't believe you would do this to me. Again.
  3. I see he's retained you as a consultant, and now you're playing hardball with me. Listen, it's good angel food cake. Honestly, I don't know how old it is - I bought it off some guy in '06, and it was in good condition then so I didn't ask a lot of questions. It has been in my refrigerator ever since. It has never seen the dinner table or a counter. It's still in its original wrapping and that has the sticker on it with all the nutritional values. I can get you pics if you want them.
  4. I'd like to undercut this guy's offer and offer for trade a spare tire from a 1991 Cavalier, a cigarette lighter, and a slice of angel food cake. That, though, is my first and final offer.
  5. You know when there's always that one guy at the party that is drunk and tries to chime in with some retarded, misguided fact about the law, which they assert with all confidence but it still makes completely zero sense? http://smiliesftw.com/x/inoutugh.gif
  6. Spaceghost (Ben) was making a joke, inferring that I'm mentally ill; he wasn't referring to the woman in the story.
  7. N2Deep - Back to the Hotel = one of the greatest songs of all time. I was impressed with the DSM.
  8. Even before reading the article, I was predicting that the woman was psychiatrically ill. The article notes that she has a history of mental illness, though the specifics of it aren't yet clear. My guess is that she was suffering from some kind of delusional disorder in which she was convinced that she had to take her son's life for some reason (e.g., to protect him from eternal damnation - kind of in the same way that Andrea Yates thought when she drowned all five of her children). Auditory command hallucinations may have been involved as well. Of course, in trying to figure out what really happened, I've got a ton of questions: -What's the extent of her history of psychiatric illness, and what exactly does that history include? If my hunch is correct, then she likely has a history of severe psychiatric illness punctuated by psychotic symptomatology (e.g., delusions, hallucinations) that has required emergency treatment (e.g., involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations). -If she has a psychiatric history, then was she compliant with medication at the time? If she does have a psychiatric history, and psychosis did have something to do with this, then I'd bet she wasn't compliant with her medications. -How often do they go to shooting range - was this something they did often, or was this the first time? That she had to rent a gun makes me think this wasn't something they did often (or she had a gun of her own that was taken away because of her psychiatric illness). Where I'm going with all of this is aforethought: did she use the firing range outing as a convenient context in which to murder him and then herself? After all, she had to know that she would have virtually unrestricted access to both a firearm and him in a vulnerable position (i.e., looking down the range away from her) at a firing range. This case, to me, while certainly tragic, is absolutely fascinating from a forensics perspective. It's been a while since I consulted the research, but, if my memory serves me correctly, instances in which a mother murders her own (i.e., biological) children is exceptionally rare, and those cases typically involve psychiatric disturbance.
  9. LOL - one of the best smilies ever.
  10. FYI, I'm picturing you saying this with a really thick French accent.
  11. Okay, maybe then I'm missing something?
  12. No way, we all know the blonde wins that walkoff. :zoom:
  13. Five pages of people debating shit that doesn't need debated. Whoever said it's first across the finish line had it dead on. Two-steps, transbrakes, spray, slicks, stock blocks, blah blah fucking blah. It whoever's car gets to the end of the track first - end of simple little story. It's like asking, "Who is the baddest shark in the ocean?" and then saying, "Well, you have to be under this size, and you have to swin in this kind of water, and you can only have this many fins," and so forth. No, the baddest shark in the ocean is the one that eats all the other sharks, the end. No handicapping, no excuses.
  14. In the Ghost Bar in The Palms in Vegas.
  15. http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/1855/vegasjuly20060204pb.jpg
  16. I wouldn't know, I haven't had anything pierced since I pierced my ears with a sewing needle and a piece of ice when I was a sophomore in high school. Yeah, I went to Groveport, so back the fuck up off me. I know what you're trying to say. As for Columbus Tattoo, I have no idea - never even heard of them. I had all my tattoos done at Evolved, but it was more because of the artist who did them and not so much as Evolved itself. For me, it was about feeling comfortable with the artist and his/her work, attitude, approach, and so forth. My allegiance was/is to the artist, not so much the shop.
  17. Story definitely lives up to the hype of the title. Is this for real? I pray that it is. Fucking awesomeness throughout.
  18. LOL - again - at anyone bargain shopping for a tattoo. If Evolved told you $250, and some other shop told you $70, then I'd rather pay $500 than to have the dude who quoted me $70 do the tattoo.
  19. P.S. I've never seen so many comments on a movie without anyone actually saying anything about what they saw. "It sucked." "I thought it was okay." "It was great!" "Worst movie I ever saw." "It was like a movie that I wanted to see." "This is a comment about a movie." "I saw it yesterday." "I think I saw it today." "Movie."
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