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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. No, that's just part of the "pump" that comes with mixing the flavors you mentioned. Perfectly normal.
  2. Okay, if you don't have any Affliction apparel, then an Ed Hardy tee-shirt or hat will suffice. If it's a hat, then it's absolutely essential that the bill be bent so obnoxiously close to your temples that it's nearly impossible to see your face. As a last resort, you can use an Abercrombie shirt, but it must be at least two sizes too small.
  3. No, driving a pink ZR1 is something a woman would do.
  4. I didn't, I was just fucking around. While, technically, there is such a thing as a 2002 Cobra, it's nothing that we're ever likely to see, and definitely nothing I'd ever own. Besides, Kurt, we all know that I'd get another Corvette waaaaaaaaay before I'd ever get another Cobra, right?
  5. Fairly bold statement, but not without merit. Can I get you to expatiate?
  6. 2002 Cobra here. It's what some people like to consider "rare."
  7. 30 is the new 20, AMIRITE? Happy birthday, homie.
  8. Dr. Pomade

    Team Output

    Haha, awesome. It's great that they actually have CAR CLUB and JOIN THE TEAM on there. "Oh, hey, is this like a social club or health club or a book club?" "No, you retard, this is a fucking CAR CLUB - so JOIN THE TEAM!" "Eek!" "Yeah, you better fucking EEK! you little pansy - our CAR CLUB does not fuck around."
  9. This is what it looks like when a grown man has a hissy fit. Embarrassing.
  10. Dr. Pomade

    Team Output

    Thanks for the details, Rob. Listen, guys, I'd be pretty cautious - they do have business cards, after all, and only really fast street racers carry those. Just sayin'.
  11. Dr. Pomade

    Team Output

    Some back story on this would be nice. Where did this happen? How did all this shit talking come about? Is anyone from this Team Output or whatever on here? Details, people; we need them, or else this thread reads like a feverish dream.
  12. Hott with two t's for sex appeal.
  13. No, it's completely normal, though it can definitely be a little difficult to adjust to at first. Do you have any hair product available? Gels work best. If you have some, then use it - that tends to minimize the overwhelming effects of mixing. Also, if you any type of Affliction apparel, then you should wear it - that too tends to take the "edge" off.
  14. We have several flavors, including Chachi Cherry, Metrosexual Melon, and Lemon Le Douche. Use cautiously - they are not FDA approved.
  15. Glad I wasn't the only person thinking that.
  16. I'm fairly sure it's Denise Milani.
  17. For the showing, I think business casual is appropriate; dressy isn't necessary, and casual, while probably acceptable, would make me feel a little uncomfortable. For the funeral, however, dressy is the norm. My two cents.
  18. Dr. Pomade


    Saw that a few weeks ago and thought it was hilarious. Heart it.
  19. I hope that Kenny can see this in some way to know how much people cared about him. Of course, it will also give him a boatload of fodder to flame the fuck out of all of us for being weeping pansy asses... Kenny was a CR icon in every since of the word. He was always - always - true to himself and what he believed, and he never caved or compromised or yielded. He never changed an iota in all the years I had the privilege of knowing him. Also, it didn't matter if you were his buddy or his enemy on here, he'd give it to you straight. He despised all things roll racing, Cleveland Browns, and the Columbus Police Department, and he wouldn't hesitate to remind you of those things whenever he felt you needed reminded. He was continuously an imposing force on this board - whether or not you agreed with him, you definitely respected him. When Kenny spoke, people listened. Ever notice how Kenny's posts were always very short, very direct, and effective? I always admired that about him - where it would take someone like me two or three paragraphs to get something across, he could do it in a line or two. He's one of the very few people on this board that I really had no desire to ever cross or get into a battle of wits with - because I always knew I was just simply outmatched. I am honored to be able to call Kenny my friend. I will miss him very much, and I hope that, in the coming days, weeks, and years, we can do his memory and life justice in our tributes to him. CR will never, ever be the same without him, though it was undoubtedly made a better, much more unique place because of him.
  20. Ben ended this thread with the second post - this is spot on. The more people that are there, the more the family is comforted by the fact that the deceased was so-well liked. Also, just because you go to a showing or funeral, it doesn't mean you necessarily need to speak to the deceased nearest kin (e.g., Kenny's parents). Further, there's nothing that says you must have known or been close with the deceased in order to attend the funeral or showing. If you are thinking you should go, then that should tell you that you need to go. Make sense?
  21. I'm going to miss you very much, my friend.
  22. Great idea. Having a memorial get-together/cruise is the least that we can do.
  23. Good call on the thread title change, but there's a typo in it. Also, when I have the words, I think I will write here what I'll remember about Kenny. I'm just too much in shock right now. I will miss him very, very much, that I know.
  24. First, can we get the title of this thread changed so that it's a bit more ceremonial and respectful for Kenny? He was one of the most unique and well-respected members of the CR community, so I think he deserves more than a thread titled "motorcyle wreck." Second, Howard, let me know if there's anything I can do. Third, Thorne and others, let's keep the bickering out of this. Emotions are running high right now, so we're apt to saying shit that can wait for another time. Arguing over senseless stuff in this thread is a bit of injustice to Kenny.
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