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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I did like Oregon's uniforms last night, just saying. I watched about 10 minutes of that game. Turned it on, first play I saw was Oregon getting a punt blocked that then turned into an Oregon player running with the blocked punt for the first down (WTF?!?), then watched the Oregon QB almost get killed on a pretty nasty collision that put him out of the game. Turned it off because Sling TV was being an asshole. Thanks Oregon for denying me even more bowl mania points. You and North Carolina can go on my shit list and stay there. Jerks. You too, Sling TV. I'm over you.
  2. at 0:49 right after the voice over says, "the driver told police he was trying to time travel." Haha what awesome editing
  3. 78 of my remaining 81 points are tied up in the Arkansas/K State and Oregon/TCU game. I picked Arkansas and Oregon to win those games. Who do you guys have?
  4. Yup, unfortunately, this will be another year of "What might have been?" just like '98 Ohio State. Ironically, that team also lost late to Michigan State, which ultimately kept them for playing for the National Championship. And that's the really frustrating thing about CFB - a single loss can keep a clearly superior team from playing for the title. Does anyone really think '08 Oregon State was a better team than '08 USC? I doubt it, yet Oregon State kept USC from playing for the title that year. Happens way too often in CFB, and it's annoying. Can you imagine if the Carolina Panthers didn't get a chance to play in the playoffs because they just lost to the Atlanta Falcons? How dumb does that sound? Yet that's the system we have currently in CFB - a popularity contest determines who wins the title.
  5. So, am I right in thinking that, had not the fluke play where MSU beats Michigan on the last second punt block, Ohio State would have gone to the B1G championship game? MSU would have beaten us, but MSU would have had two losses in B1G play (Michigan and Nebraska), and we would have won the head-to-head against Michigan. This makes me want to kill myself.
  6. Sounds about right. I wouldn't protest if Stanford was #3 and Ohio State was #4.
  7. And by Oklahoma you mean Clemson.
  8. He should win it next year but I'm sure it will go to some mouth breathing SEC hack that gets 65 carries a game
  9. the Mcafferty kid should have won the Heisman
  10. Jive, you're lucky Ohio State picked a bad time to play a crappy game this year. I hope Clemson beats your ass by like 40 points and Dabo shits on Saban's chest.
  11. In a weird way losing Bosa to an ejection might keep the team focused and motivated for all four quarters. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking.
  12. Didn't even need to do it. I cringed when I saw him closing and knew the flag was on him, though I didn't think it would be targeting (and rather just roughing the passer). Bosa has made some dumb mistakes like this year. Dumb rule or not, it's a rule.
  13. Seriously, that was hilarious. It got better as it went on. Thanks for sharing that. A++ Who's NB?
  14. I'm in tears and I'm not even finished with the article. I completely lost it at the pic and the caption, "Creepy Pete makes a wise move of exiting Rudy after only 20 minutes."
  15. I can pretend? Let me get into character. "Ohio State's 5 national championships are cute! They have almost half of what Notre Dame has." "Let me know when an entire national network devotes itself to televising just your football games." "Ask any random person in the US - even the world - what they think of when you say college football and I bet all of them say Notre Dame." "I'd probably know more about Ohio State if I wasn't so distracted by watching movies about Notre Dame football. Okay need to get back to Rudy now."
  16. Yup, I hope the team isn't as disinterested and uninspired as I feel right now. Like I know I am supposed to be jacked for this game - hey, come on, it's Notre Dame, it's New Year's Day, it's a big bowl game, etc. - but, honestly, I'm just not getting there. And what the hell is up with the start being at 1 pm EST? What is that, like 4am in Arizona? ZZZzzzzzzzzz
  17. I watched the last couple minutes of the Houston-FSU game. Houston on offense totally reminded me of Ohio State last year - and they just carved up Florida State. Herman's stock is sky high. I'd take him back here in a heatbeat over any coach not named Meyer or Saban.
  18. A couple thoughts: 1. This vid is so random. If you were like, "Hey, put two things together - go!" it would take me about a billion guesses before I get to "Porsche and skeet shooting." 2. I think my favorite part was the fact that a Porsche was just driving around a yard, like around the house and shit.
  19. 1. Get top loading washer 2. Dry clothes in oven 3. Save space and the environment
  20. 1. Get Mt. Dew tattoo 2. Cut wrists
  21. 1. Stop being poor 2. See #1
  22. 1. Buy front loading washing machine 2. Go to gym 3. Wash sweaty clothes 4. Smell worse after washing clothes 5. Go on CR 6. Read this post 7. Think about my triceps 8. Buy top loading washer 9. Put washer in kitchen so your wife won't have to walk far to do laundry; save space 10. Enjoy your fresh scent and great life
  23. Baylor winning killed me. another reason to dislike them
  24. USC was stupid to hire before the NFL season was finished.
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