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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. "It's too high." - Major League reference So apparently the refs can't review the kick if it's above the goal posts? This makes no sense to me. Had Indiana won, I would have been perfect in my picks for yesterday.
  2. Because it's based on your confidence points. Like I had 35 points on Utah over BYU. So when Utah won, I got 35 points. The more certain you are that a team will win, the more confidence points you assign. For instance, I am most confident about whoever is playing Baylor will win. (I can't even remember who, but I know Baylor doesn't have a QB, so I think they are dead in the water.). So I assigned them 41 confidence points (or whatever was the highest point total you can assign.) if Baylor loses, then I get 41 points. BTW I was confused at first when I went to make my picks. I didn't know how it worked, so I had to read up on it. Also I thought it was annoying that you had to "move" you picks around to assign them points (versus just being able to click on a drop down menu for points like 1-41).
  3. I could not understand what you are saying any less.
  4. This is what happens when you only run Elliot 13 times in a do-or-die game and then let some twerp kicker do a ridiculous running arm twirling dance celebration on your field.
  5. I was surprised by Georgia and BYU. I wouldn't have named either had you asked me to pick the top 10.
  6. Nebraska and FSU dominated the 90's
  7. I've always thought it's a little silly to use players's success in the NFL as a metric for judging the value of a college program. It would be like saying LeBron's high school is the best high school for basketball because LeBron has been so successful in the NBA.
  8. I think we pick a game to lose early next year. Get it out of the way and then start playing.
  9. I think I can help and just didn't want to set here in silence. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/19/16/2B7EB46800000578-0-image-m-24_1439997881694.jpg
  10. 95 yards. Should have run him a lot more.
  11. How many yards did he have against Ohio State? Serious question.
  12. Well when you give a guy the ball 172 times a game he will likely amass a lot of yards.
  13. I'm in the college football pick em, yay! I can't to prove yet again how little I know about college football.
  14. Yeah because we might only beat Michigan by 28 next year with that guy on the staff.
  15. This is what it looks like when LJ is dating Luke Fickell and he gets all pissy because people be disrespecting his boyfriend.
  16. This is what it looks like when you missed the joke.
  17. Zavier, I'm certain I'd say it to your face, as I'm sure a lot of people would here. The reason why is because Alabama fans - and I'm lumping you in with them - are notorious for claiming questionable national championships. It's one of the few knocks on Alabama as a program. But, guess what, you get to own that shit.
  18. Steve Spurrier is like a Sith Lord level troll.
  19. Zavier is making Jive look like an amateur troll.
  20. Look at you with the timely video post. Yeah, unfortunately, that wasn't what I was looking for. The one I am thinking of was - I'm pretty sure - when we made a trip out to Dayton and then were all getting in pulls on the return trip. There were a ton of people out that night.
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