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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Typos > you. And you're also wrong about Wolfe.
  2. Stillman, thanks for the link. BTW, his other songs on his page aren't bad at all - definitely the best from any local MC I've ever heard. Sure, he's no Jay Z or Eminem, but neither are any of us.
  3. Greg Powers? His license plate reads "OH NOES."
  4. Someone call in the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
  5. The artist is Cool Ray. Jessica was telling me about this song (as I haven't heard it), so then we tried to find it (e.g., going to WNCI's website), but had no luck. If you go WNCI's website, you can find a posting for it, and even a link that says "buy now," but clicking that link takes you to Amazon, which, in turn, does NOT have the song available to buy. Also, we couldn't find anywhere on WNCI (or on the entire web, for that matter) where we could hear an audio clip of it. Okay, so, that's probably absolutely no help to you. However, if you or anyone else comes across something, I'll be interested to get in on that action.
  6. Is that your Saleen in your sig? I love that plate. Lofty standards to have to back up, but I still love it all the same.
  7. LOL. Plus the one. BTW, stunning improvement over the DJ kittens. Bravo. *applause*
  8. I'll be at the BW3's at Polaris for the game - they have ESPN U. Joe, yeah, thanks for the explanation. I had heard something along those lines too.
  9. Dr. Pomade

    OSU vs MICH

    You're a fucking idiot. Oh, and that's just my opinion. However, I should mention that, when I give an opinion, it's regularly accepted as an expert opinion. So, in sum, it's my expert opinion that you're a fucking idiot.
  10. It made me LOL, regardless of what snopes.com says.
  11. Leak's winning. Not sure how anyone could vote for him with a clear conscience considering his choke job Saturday night versus Auburn.
  12. I have several messages saved on my voicemail on my mobile phone. I'd like to get those messages off of voicemail (which I have to keep periodically saving) and get them on to something to keep them permanently. Any ideas? Verizon is my carrier, BTW. Thanks in advance.
  13. Dr. Pomade

    OSU vs MICH

    No, I think USC, if they lose one game, would plummet in the coaches' poll and take a big hit from the computers, which would then effectively remove them from national championship hunt. USC seems to be where they are now only on reputation alone, and I think the country is just looking for an excuse to - rightfully, I may add - eject their asses from up at the top of the polls. Yes, I think essentially, at this point, OSU or UM would have to go undefeated to reach the title game. Only two scenarios I could think of where one of those two teams could lose and still get in to the title game: (1) either UM or OSU loses next week in a close game, slide down to about five, six or, seven in the polls, then win out big, while several other teams ahead of them (e.g., USC, West Virginia) lose, which then allows whatever team to win the OSU-UM game to slide back into the title game; or (2) both go in undefeated, UM loses to OSU by only a point or two in a VERY CLOSE, VERY GOOD game, and then the voters DONT MOVE UM from the #2 spot, and all the other teams up there (e.g., USC) have a loss as well. In this second scenario, I think it would only work if UM lost the close game, but not OSU - if OSU loses the close game they would drop farther, because (1) they are at home and (2) they were the #1 team going into the game and will be favored to win. Both scenarios are improbable at best. I can only think of one other time in recent history in which a team lost an only fell one spot in the polls, and that was Florida State back in the 1990's when they were #1 at the time, lost to Notre Dame at Notre Dame, and fell to #2, only to have Notre Dame, which got vaulted to #1 with their win, get upset by Boston College the next week (I think), which then allowed FSU to regain the #1 spot. FSU went on to win the national championship that year.
  14. Dr. Pomade

    OSU vs MICH

    The BCS doesn't suck, it just isn't as effective/clean/good as a playoff. USC reminds me of OSU in 2002 - not winning pretty, but winning. Yet, I think USC will get beat at least once (by California) and maybe twice (by California and Notre Dame). If they don't lose at all, then, well, they deserve to be in the title game, I guess. If OSU and Michigan are both undefeated when they meet, then the country will widely consider that game the actual national championship game. And, needless to say, it will be armageddon. Anyone been able to find out when the last time OSU and UM met and were both undefeated?
  15. Dr. Pomade

    OSU vs MICH

    The AP Poll has Michigan #2 - so, they really can't put Michigan any higher than what they already are. Michigan is #3 in the BCS rankings, and that's because - for some reason I can't fully understand right now - the computers think USC is #1, which is the reason why, in the BCS rankings, USC is #2. So, to answer your first question, no, I don't think they would "swap" the rankings of UM and USC since you're referring to the BCS rankings, and those can't be "swapped" per se. I don't know the last time OSU and UM met and were both undefeated. I'm curious to know this as well. I can recall that, during the 1990's, OSU was undefeated entering that game a few times (two or three, I think) and, sadly (fuck Cooper!) lost every one of them. I don't quite understand your third question. Do they have a chance at what? The national championship game or a BCS bowl game? I would say that, if either team loses, then neither has a shot at the national championship game, barring any collapses from other teams. However, if either team loses just once, then I would say both would still have a good shot at a BCS bowl game.
  16. I've never had any problem with Cleveland or any other large city I've visited. Notably, I haven't spent much time in Cleveland, but the time I did spend there didn't leave a negative impression on me.
  17. No one is thinking that you're the only person in this thread not in on the joke.
  18. Dr. Pomade

    Do it.

    Sorry, you're quite right; I confused it with the section of the "Terms" prohibiting more than two gifs of Asian women flexing and saying any combination of the words "Oh hells yeah." My mistake; carry on.
  19. Hi, this is Ron, Jenny, Billy, Jessica, and Brad - we're the family of the guy you were tailgating. Anyway, we just wanted to post and say that he was pretty mellow today with what he did; when we're in the car with him, he's a LOT worse - like he'll slam on the brakes and cause an accident and while we're bleeding and unconscious and injured and stuff he jumps out and starts a big fight on the side of the road to prove that you should never endanger his family.
  20. I regret to inform you that your question has exceeded the cognitive capacities of the intended recepient. Please rephrase and ask again. In illustration, consider the following example: "91Formula, are you really as fucking stupid as what you seem?"
  21. I regret to inform you that the laboratory testing has confirmed that you are, in fact, missing several vital chromosomes. Please refrain from posting until genetic engineering advances can find a way to replace your chromosomes.
  22. I regret to inform you that you are wrong. Please reference Johnny Bravo Code, Section 2903.15: "Regardless of what speed at which you are traveling, if, when traveling in the left (or 'fast') lane, another vehicle tailgates you, then, by definition, you are traveling too slow and should immediately vacate that lane to the right as soon as room to the right becomes available."
  23. Dr. Pomade

    Do it.

    I regret to inform you that you've exceeded the allowable number of gif's featuring cats doing things that dee-jays do. However, on to more important things, like this cryptic thread and your continued need for luck. What gives?
  24. 80's music owns all of you. The end.
  25. http://digilander.libero.it/davidhasselhoff/foto/covers/covers_1993/images/1993_David%20Hasselhoff.jpg
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