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Everything posted by Jonan1647545505

  1. glad to help! enjoy! now some one come get this table!!
  2. works great! read first post... yes it comes apart, i can even take it apart if you let me know youre on your way. pmd.. no problem, morings wont work for me. call me and come get it
  3. no body has called me, still have both, need them gone!!
  4. stone gone - thanks Ramsey! table gone - thanks turbospec!
  5. i have some burried in the weeds out back you can have. im in akron tho, and probably wont be back in cbus for a couple of weeks.
  6. i just bought a helmet last week but what size is this one?
  7. this topic has been brought up many times. buy something you can ride for a season, drop a time or two and not cry like a bitch, sell the bike the following season for what you paid for it (someone elses is always looking for a "first bike" to drop and not care). once youve decided riding is for you buy the bike you want! my first bike cost me $400 (89 suzuki gs500), put $300 in it (rear tire, chain, battery, etc), dropped it 3 times and shrugged each time, sold it at the end of the season for $850. since then ive learned what not to do and havent dropped either the gsxr600 i had or my shadow :knocks wood: go test drive that cbr, if it rides straight and starts easy and the parts that stated to be new/rebuilt really are tell him you have a grand cash and see what happens it appears to have been dropped before the fairing is damaged on the one side, have the owner take off the fairings and inspect everything! more details on the 954
  8. conan is the man. i really like the interior of the lotus. good for them not building a green car but building a car green.
  9. make a stone path way. it wont keep them out of your yard, but chances are they will follow the path, which in-turn prevents any more grass from being trampled.
  10. Jonan1647545505


    my girl emailed this site to me today. i had never heard of it. good stuff. basically peoples daily life mishaps. example: "Today, I drove my girlfriend home around 11 to her garage where we start to have sex. When she comes to climax she slips and hits her head. Her parents heard the crash and came down, we were both still naked and she was unconscious. FML" http://www.fmylife.com/
  11. let us know how the seat turns out. sounds like a quality seat.
  12. how much fuel is in the tank? what parts are in the back just brakes? new seal for rear? fuel pump??
  13. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/ttopsinside.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/headliner.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/T-TOPS.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/014.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/012.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/011-1.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/010-1.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/elfboy98/009-1.jpg
  14. i ordered the part. we'll see if it solves the problem. thanks!
  15. sweet and i can just cap off the wires that are for the remote start, since i wont be installing remote start? link of wire diagram http://www.slickcar.com/manuals/pljx.pdf
  16. http://www.slickcar.com/productdetails.asp?ProductID=558 i just found this. says it bypasses the immobilizer. hope it works! has anyone else had this problem and/or installed one of these bypass modules?
  17. i was wondering if anyone could take a look at the wiring diagram that the module came with and tell me which wires i can exclude. im not an electrician and dont want to fuck up the g/f car. i think that i only need to hookup: 12v continuous power ground and the two that require you cut the white or white/blue ignition wire please someone take a look and let me know what i should do. link of wire diagram http://www.slickcar.com/manuals/pljx.pdf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so the car usually doesnt start when its cold out. its not the battery, tested, charged, all electronics work, its good. gm knows this is a problem and says it doesnt warrant a recall because its not a safety factor, whatever. so when my girl is leaving school/work late at night and her car wont start, is that not a safety concern? anyway my question is is there a way to disable the passkey/vtds/ignition immobilizer system? from what ive read this system looks for a very small current that passes through the key, ensuring its the "right" key before the car will start. is there a way to disable this system? i know, someone out there is a saturn tech or extech or something. thoughts ideas?
  18. no one wants anything? prices quoted are obo thanks
  19. there is no list, if you want an item say you want ''x'' and i'll pm you my brothers number
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