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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. Most nights I'm home with the wife and baby playing on the floor or making dinner. I enjoy cooking a lot so we take turns with that. Once my kid's in bed, we usually watch one of the many shows we have DVRed because we don't want them while our daughter is awake. I also try to read a lot, so I either have a book or a car magazine next to me. I'm actually starting to read a Dave Ramsey book. Also, if it's warm enough, I'll force everyone to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Keeps us from getting any fatter, plus the dog loves it.
  2. Riding dirty right now? Perfectly fine since it's not snowing.
  3. If you’re considering an Explorer, why not look into the Flex Limited Ecoboost? You can get about 98% of the same luxury and power, but a cooler look that won’t get lost at the mall and more interior room.
  4. 100% agree. It looks so good.
  5. Here's everyone's favorite reviewer trying out a Model 3.
  6. Since the vote is coming up tomorrow, has CR come to a consensus on this yet? I've been reading it this morning and it seems like it won't help me at all since I'm not on any state-funded programs and have private insurance. I'm hoping that's correct. It also seems like A LOT of groups are against it, including the major newspapers. I'm sure this is an old-school view, but if the newspapers are against something, that's saying something to me.
  7. I'd prefer the stock wheels over any of these, but if you're going to pick one, I like these the best.
  8. Fiji ST

    iPhone x

    I'm just going to keep rocking my 5 until it gives up the ghost. I can't see myself spending a grand on a phone or worse, financing it for 30 months like the rest of my family does.
  9. Very cool. Where do they run these events around here? I'd definitely like to try and go watch for a bit.
  10. https://deadspin.com/columbus-crew-welcome-to-the-stadium-extortion-racket-1819608903 Saw this while doing my morning Jalopnik read. Most people seem happy with what we have by the comments. Never been interested in the Crew, but it seems like there's a lot of talk about it.
  11. Sucks I missed it. Daughter came down with a fever after her flu shot Saturday so I decided to play good dad. I hope 2018 will be better for the ST to get out and stretch its legs.
  12. Fiji ST

    Rife's LOL

    Which one did you take it to? They fixed my Focus at the Westerville shop a few months ago and I felt they did a really good job. I hope they make everything right for you.
  13. Awesome rig. I'm surprised you don't like those wheels. How's the carbon fiber package look? Haven't seen one in person yet.
  14. Fiji ST

    Kia Stinger

    I really like it until I get to the Kia badge. I know they've done really well the past 6 years when they started overhauled everything, but that badge has such a stigma with it for me.
  15. Was down there last weekend myself with the family on a tour. The Eagle Rare was by far my favorite.
  16. 04-05 Touregs have major issues with electrics and the air suspension if equipped. Just be aware of that. Xterras aren't terrible as long as you don't mind a bit of a rough ride.
  17. This. When banks won't finance the car because of the engine, that's saying something.
  18. Why not search for something down there? You won't have to worry about rust damage that way, especially with having to put brake lines on that Cavalier.
  19. I'm looking for someone on here who does lawn treatments for next year. I cannot do it to save my life and I've got every weed you can imagine growing in my lawn right now. I had a former member do it a few years ago who got it in good shape before he left to take care of his family, but I've messed it up again. Let me know as I always like to help this community first.
  20. That's good to know as I just switched to them two months ago.
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