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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. I was thinking more of Hoovie's Garage, but I hate to admit that I have been watching Tavarish's Lambo videos and actually enjoying the information he provides. I usually stop once he's done actually working since he doesn't stop talking/promoting himself. :jerkit:
  2. You sound like those guys on YouTube who buys the cheapest XXXX just for the hell of it. It looks like someone just replaced the entire rear end with another car, but never repainted it. Hopefully Tim won't see those swirl marks on the black or it might cause a seizure.
  3. Only you could find the ugliest ATS-V on the planet.
  4. I don't know why, but I've always liked these cars. Yours looks really good with the body kit on it.
  5. Fiji ST

    New Ride

    I borrowed one of these last year for a weekend trip and I was definitely impressed with it. It wasn't the fastest thing, but it was very comfortable, got 22 mpgs, and I loved the 8-speed transmission in it. Cruising in town, it wouldn't shift above 5th and on the highway, it would hold a lower gear to pass or accelerate up a hill instead of instantly upshifting. Even my wife, who couldn't care less about cars as long as it starts every morning, really enjoyed it. Good buy.
  6. I would post up so videos of how it sounds as well if you have any. That might help you too.
  7. That's nuts there was black ice considering how traveled that road is all day. Pretty nice you got to work from home though.
  8. What time were you driving? The only issue I ran into was Hayden Run. Went through Dublin and up Riverside without any issue.
  9. Wife likes to go every year and I get free tickets through work. Makes for a fun afternoon.
  10. Not really. It looks like a wrap and almost like it will shift to gold. You're thinking of Darkside and Green Gem. I do like Darkside a lot.
  11. Good God this is hideous Nate. I also saw a medium army green color Chrysler is putting out now. Talk about lifeless. A green has to be DARK like your Miata to work. When you work at a dealer, about 85% of cars you see are some sort of black/white/gray/silver. It's boring. Thankfully we order more fun/bright colors as Ford has some awesome blues and dark reds out right now. Those are actually much more popular than the traditional four surprisingly. I'm really psyched when we get one of these. It looks so good in person and it sucks my phone couldn't pick it up any better. For me, my next car will definitely be red or blue. White is slightly less a PITA than black, but it's still picks up any dirt possible. This is especially true with all the exhaust crap that sticks to the back of the car. I probably should've waited for a red ST to materialize, but I knew if I waited, I'd talk myself out of buying it. I mean, look how good some of these colors look.
  12. I would see what CarMax would give you as well as a dealer if they just bought it from you. Maybe one will give you a good offer. If anything, it will give you a good baseline on how to price it. I've had good luck with Autotrader, but it's been a while since I've sold a vehicle PP.
  13. This is really cool. How have I not heard of this??
  14. Thanks for the recommendations everyone. I'll be reaching out to them this week. This. I've got a wife and daughter, house, investments, cars, etc. If something happens to me and/or my wife, everything is laid out and goes to my kid without incident. I don't want to do it myself and screw something up for her.
  15. The wife and I have been dragging our feet for too long and we need to get our will updated. Anyone on here in the business or know someone who won’t charge a mortgage payment to do it and are happy with their work?
  16. Get the fun daily and find a work truck with a V8.
  17. This was pretty much what I was going to suggest. What exactly are you using the truck for? Runs to Lowes or are you planning on towing something?
  18. It's so ridiculous, but if were getting one, I'd get that interior too.
  19. Can I grab that Lasko?
  20. Did you go with the Yacht Club interior? P.S. Badass garage too. :megusta:
  21. Out of everything here I'd say: Edge Sport, then Q5, followed by a Grand Cherokee. Have you thought about another Kia? You loved your van a lot. Why not look into loaded or Sorento?
  22. Why the Durango? I don’t remember you saying you had kids and it’s a BIG vehicle. Cherokee might be the better option. Have you thought about their diesel option? Could be better for your long commute.
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