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Everything posted by baron_

  1. $25 (and now, down to irish whiskey levels)
  2. it's sickening...the spot i have I used to have years where I might find 100 or 200 - several combined days of looking I'll admit the last year or two haven't been the greatest...got closer to 'only' 1500 Smaller ones - mostly spikes and snakeheads, but still lots of fun Tar Hallow and Scioto forest are reasonably good for mushroom hunting. And the gas stations down there usually sell them by the pound, if you don't do well hunting that day Big mushrooms down there....one from Tar Hallow might be worth 4 or 5 somewhere else
  3. I hunt every year I've got one spot i have gotten 3000 or so a year - it's amazing
  4. Calm down and go pet a puppy somewhere.
  5. more details! hiring an expensive lawyer simply gives a better chance of a very nice plea bargain because the prosecutor knows that it'll be a big PITA to go to trial against a lawyer willing to spend $$ cheapie lawyer...and the prosecutor will push you around I'd know
  6. $600 seems cheap from california - very cheap $750 seems pretty cheap too I'd guess more like $1000 to ship from cali to Ohio always depends on time...covered or not - etc etc able auto transport has always done me well
  7. a little more practical advice... Dress well. Fucking shave. Don't use slang and speak directly to the judge when he talks to you (he won't bite) He'll ask you a mean question probably, like..."what were you doing? Are you stupid or lazy or what? Did you not know about the suspension?" Have a nice answer ready....mention if you have a stable job or if there's a lack of other criminal record. If you're given the opportunity to say something - be ready and use it I usually like hearing the person take responsibility for their actions rather than spitting out excuses. but all that is for the future... I'd probably look into the continuance and get yourself a good lawyer - sounds like it's worth the effort given the circumstances be ready to answer why you weren't able to get a lawyer by the time of the court date...if you're going to do it that way judges often say something like, "So, your court date was a month away and you didn't have time to get a lawyer?" They'll grumble and not like it...but probably give you the continuance
  8. you won't get lower level already... we got 300 level seats for our $11.00 the $22.00 tickets weren't any better I'll be there rooting for U-Dayton
  9. price on the 7al-3? (assuming he wouldn't wnat it - give him first dibs)
  10. i'm in my 7th year....you don't even begin to know what senioritis feels like at this stage but yes: I'm painfully fed up with school
  11. unless it causes your engine to die in a year or two Yea - they work. Taking the air filter off your car completely will help gas mileage too. But I wouldn't recommend it for the same reasons I wouldn't recommend K&N
  12. never tried clynelish and i'm not used to the peaty stuff yet ever tried johnny walker green? Not a single malt, but it's a little spicy...kinda different
  13. just get some glenlivet 18 very nice stuff.... macallan is overrated, in my humble opinion maybe arbelour and be careful when shopping for those scotches that you don't get the really peaty stuff....unless that's what you're looking for ABC liquor has a decent selection So does that liquor store on North High street, just north of campus I'm currently drinking macallan...reminds me a lot of dalmore (sherry taste to it)
  14. damn good movie! Incredible movie, even You can rent it now, so go get it And put your woman in the trunk on the way there
  15. GSL392 fuel pump? fuel lines, fittings? Internal or external? separate?
  16. basketball daily high and lane in the middle of columbus if anyone wants to join me should be ripe to play within the end of the month
  17. we did some testing on K&N filters over in pontiac world (big inch pontiac motors) and found that they actually hurt performance in a number of situations those filters that have element in the top, so that air flows in the top and in the sides actually created some turbulence that killed off the line performance. Air filter on car: Bogged off idle before kicking in 3.00 filter on car: perfect and yes, i don't like the oiling factor wondering if you've used enough oil, or too much...etc seems like, in the long run...the paper element will be cleaner and probably in better over-all condition (because you'll change it more often) ...something to think about My K&N is on the shelf
  18. I've definitely had girlfriends get pissy about my 'car forums', in relation to spending a few hours on them a day (and not giving them as much attention) I'm on another one a great deal more than this board.
  19. baron_

    10,000 B.c

    10k bc had a lot of promise but it turned more into a love story than a focus on some of the cool aspects of prehistory...that it could have It had a few nice moments, but was disappointing Still a good movie - but i was expecting something incredible I'd say 7/8 out of 10 I was only disappointed because i was expecting 9/10/11 range
  20. "to make an effort" covers most situations...
  21. usps has delayed delivery of my package....
  22. I should have stopped after the omission of a comma in the first sentence. I could read past the "...i care to try too" But i simply couldn't make it beyond "...CR is tell everyone" I tried 3 or 4 times...before wanting to find a bitchslap button Please continue the flaming. It's well deserved on a number of issues and levels.
  23. jesus I can't believe I just read that. You must have been lucky, or the people going against you got homered. Everyone I know makes fun of Tom Lipp. He's fucking annoying as shit. Maybe that translates to him working hard for you. Sorta like a one-track, retarded bulldog. But seriously.... It's probably not appropriate for me to tell stories.... One question: Did you ever receive a correspondence from Tom Lipp? Did he use a '.' (period) in the entire letter? Ever? I've got one letter from him that is 2 pages long. Long paragraphs, single spacing. Size 8 font and not a single period in the entire fucking document. #1. Don't send me a single-spaced letter with size 8 font #2. USE A FUCKING PERIOD, not 800 commas Tom Lipp? No. Raina Cornell? Yes. (she's next door to Lipp in Fairfield County) It's most likely that you just had a good case. An easy 'win' or the judge liked one particular point or something. It's amazing how court cases can come down to really small points. The testimony of one witness, how the parties act in the courtroom.....the in camera interview that the judge does with the child (and asks him what he prefers to do) - etc Back in a bit, I need to call some people and listen to them laugh about the 'raving review' of Tom Lipp. They'll get a kick out of it
  24. I'm ashamed...and surprised What the hell is it? The 35 + female demographic that votes for Hillary? That has to be it. I don't know a single person, outside an occasional friend's mother...that voted for Hillary It's going to be an interesting turnout regardless of the ultimate candidates - particularly if it's Hillary While we'll see a small/new record of females voting (they typically turnout pretty well, we'll see an INCREDIBLE record male turnout to vote for McCain A vote for Hillary damn near locks in McCain
  25. Wouldn't mind a used/broken a1000 (broken if it's the old one, newer one i wouldn't care) I hear all the old ones need to be sent back to the factory anyways, to replace a faulty design - $100 + shipping to have your old one converted (if you haven't heard this, you should do some searching) They used glue to hold some magnets together that breaks down after a few years - will hurt your motor, etc Cheap plastic fuel cell needed And possibly an a1000 Anyone? P.S. You can tell if you have the new or old a1000 by looking in the fuel inlet. If you see a black sorta cap or plug, it's the old one. thanks
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