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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. Jesus Christ, some of you are assholes. I'd have Kennedy over most other democrats in Congress. He actually bargained with opposing parties. Also, most likely, none of you were alive during the Chappaquiddick incident.
  2. I may go sometime. I could see this being a big hit with little kids that love cars and real racing.
  3. Unless he's from Alabama. Folks down there love incestuous popcorn.
  4. TheHaze

    Nikon vs Canon

    I've only owned Canons after using both Canon and Nikon for some time.
  5. Just thought I'd throw in the fact that I haven't received mine either.
  6. The R had it, then the Z took it before the sooped V took it; it doesn't matter now that the G has it.
  7. There is a seed of truth to that low-hanging fruit.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUdHMkE5Qdk&feature=related I think the unedited version is funnier.
  9. Are you "nutting fast" or "nothing fast"? They're two rather different concepts.
  10. Do you suffer from some rare vision-dehabilitating seizure disease that the slightest shift of the camera causes brain implosion?; the camera was perfectly fine, in fact, I felt that they didn't look "live" or documentary-like enough. "Shitty" ending? I can't imagine any other way to end it; the movie is obviously the first of several movies and the ending is key to connect the first and second.
  11. Just got back from watching it; fantastic film. I felt the previews did not misrepresent the whole feature at all.
  12. A rapist is in a different category then a dog-fighter. I think that someone that is willing to commit cruelty is not necessarily bound naturally to doing it. I think a rapist has something fundamentally wrong with them to want to be forceful on another human; I do not think they can be rehabilitated. I can not say for sure if Vick has any desire to return to his old ways, but I believe he at least regrets it and won't do it again; whether or not that is because he was caught or because he has actually changed makes little difference. I bet his talent is still there, but he will need a lot of conditioning. It depends on how he carried himself when he was in prison.
  13. Refer to the whole last...umm...entire thread. -Glad to have you back.
  14. Unfortunately, you possess little knowledge as to why I hunt. I choose to be honest with nature. If I'm going to eat meat, I want to be the one to take that animal's life, as it is the least I owe to it. You act as if meat grows in little Styrofoam plates at the supermarket; I eat little premade or processed foods anymore. I grow and eat my own vegetables and attempt to only eat meat that I butchered. You are arguing that all killing is bad(which I don't deny) but it will be done anyway; I choose to do it myself out of respect and it being much cleaner and healthier, while you can have somehow kill for you and you still reap the benefits. Dog fighting is a bloodsport. If you really think that I hunt for desire to kill or sadistic nature(the same sadism in dog-fighting) then perhaps the walls of your little world are unreachable.
  15. Jesus Christ. I don't think anybody is disputing that, yet you're arguing that there is a duality of abuse that exists between dog fighting and hunting. If you really insist on referring to both as "abuse" then at least acknowledge that their clearly different.
  16. It is obvious that an animal will die at the end of both animal fighting and hunting. However, the intententions and circumstances of both make or break whether or not one is acceptable. There's a reason one is frowned upon and illegal while the other is not. I'll stick to hunting and dog-loving and you go ahead and pull the "abuse is abuse" argument and open a dog-fighting ring. I'll take that "retard" comment as an instinct of your ignorance. I'll bet all of my competence to anything you've got. <3
  17. I raised my AmStaff similarly to how I raised my yellow lab/mut; he turned out to be more obedient and kind then nearly any dog I've ever met. Most people on here that would oppose a bully breed are confined to their own social shell and have either never met one of the many good owners out there, or negativity is easier for them to understand.
  18. There's a very obvious problem with dog fighting. A problem that does relate anywhere in the process of euthanizing animals in preparation for food use. Yes, it does actually matter why and how they're being killed. Ignorance. Hunting and fishing are just staples of the natural food chain. And I do protest cock-fighting and bull fighting. What's your point? You have failed to make any real point, just as the others have failed. Fishing and hunting are done for not just entertainment, but there are practicality and things to gain from it. It is also natural. They should not be done solely for entertainment and/or gambling. Yes, I do hunt. When I hunt, I do make an attempt to end an animals' life as quickly as possible. I hunt to obtain the best meat and animal product possible; not for entertainment or to throw money at. It's difficult for me to comprehend how some of you have such a tough time recognizing the obvious contrast between hunting and animal abuse.
  19. I think his punishment fit the crime for the most part. It's the murderers and rapists who are getting off too easy. "They're animals" - Yes, genius, that's the fucking point of why it's so horrible. And yes, cows and animals are killed everyday, but it would not be acceptable to fight them for entertainment or kill them inhumanely.
  20. As a pit-owner, even I feel he deserves the shot to play again. He handled the tense situation with nothing but grace and professionalism.
  21. TheHaze

    Credit Debt

    Well, debt consolidation is essentially just a new loan to cover all of your debt so that you just make one payment to the consolidator. I'm assuming in order to consolidate your debt, you'd need a job in order to secure such a "loan". I don't think you're in enough debt to warrant consolidation, though. I think that you really need to get creative with making some extra cash and finding a job. Put all of your efforts in to those two things.
  22. TheHaze

    Credit Debt

    The time you're spending here on CR could be spent sending your resume out and applying to employers. Also, is your profile correct, in that you own more than one vehicle? Simplify how you live and find a job. Contrary to popular belief, money in the amount you have spoken of is not impossible or even that difficult to come by, assuming you're actually trying to find work.
  23. Why must you curb your appetite? Eat dinner at around 6pm and that's it for the day, with exception to maybe a light snack later on. Your body wants food to convert to energy, so eating late at night makes little sense.
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