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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. The nest was on the sill of my window; there were hornets literally coming in to my house and I was stung by one. It was them or me.
  2. Okay. I will not deny disease control, but I highly doubt that this little gun expo has anything to do with desire to control disease. And the cotton tails? I'm also having difficulty figuring how "You are an idiot." is a proper rebuttal or if it even actually responds to something. Perhaps you have sort of affliction that does not belong here.
  3. I've unloaded a can of that on a nest before, soaking numerous hornets, yet they flew right towards me. I was yelping like a puppy.
  4. That's not respect for the animal, that's respect for your own fear. Hey, that's great that you were so worried about the crops in New Mexico that you felt compelled enough to fly out and attempt to defend them from some pigs and rabbits. And an FYI; I've roasted three hogs(perhaps not of the same kind, but you are only speaking of size) in the past ten years bigger then that thing. What's the harm in at least getting something out of a life that you just took? Your intelligence is clearly profound. It definitely makes sense for me, a gun enthusiast and casual hunter to "cry" to PETA about a fellow hunter. I hunt and I've killed. I just become appalled when I see hunters killing without the utmost respect for a creature. Thank you for addressing the most minuscule of items in my post. You guys are too thick-skulled to even consider what I'm saying. My family is full of outdoorsman and hunters, as am myself, yet when I approach other gun-advocates about respect, they pull out the defense card and cry about how I must love PETA and that I'm some sort of environmentalist.
  5. Why not put actual effort in to ending its life quickly? Why is the geezer in the video casually strolling around the hog? Did you eat that hog? There's nothing wrong with hunting, but at least have respect for what you're hunting.
  6. There will be nothing for Obama to respond to. North Korea is trying to flex a little muscle and gain leverage in international relations.
  7. ...and I don't think her looks are anything great, either.
  8. I used to go hunting with my father all the time; we didn't target practice on little bunnies, though.
  9. I wipe down the seat to rid of any piss speckles and then I sit right down. I don't understand how you guys have this much time to consider strategy; if I HAVE to go in a public place, there's really not much time for shenanigans.
  10. Damn she must really hate you.
  11. TheHaze

    Racism FTL.

    Would it really be racist if a white guy said this? Is it even racist if a black guy said it? Either way, what's wrong with saying you're black with a skin disorder?
  12. TheHaze

    Racism FTL.

    Should have told him that you were black with Vitiligo.
  13. I think you're forgetting why you bought the shirt...
  14. My last couple of phones were WinMo but I've enjoyed the Curves and Bold I've played with before. I think WinMo is best for those who like tinkering with software, customization and don't mind configuring endless settings and programs. An average person looking for a basic phone would be turned off by the overwhelming capabilities of WinMo and may even encounter problems that seem frustrating.
  15. http://thebronzeblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/thank-you-ssg-john-beale.html
  16. But he cheated on his wife?!?!?
  17. Please provide me with any lower-profile cases where a man was convicted solely on a child's accusations of anything, for any crime with little to no evidence other than a child's word. I could care less that you have the "feeling" that MJ is guilty. Any the media covering stories about him being innocent? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense for gaining ratings.
  18. So, what the fuck are you actually arguing? Are you upset that there are some people who do not subject themselves to media worship enough to let their gullibility take over their emotions? There are a couple facts in this mess that you are too ignorant and void of thought to realize: Fact 1: MJ has contributed loads of money and time to charities, children and more humanitarian work than most are willing; Fact 2: He has contributed hugely to nearly every form and genre of music, post-70s, whether you liked his music or not. This is where your brain finally turns on, only considering accusations or other assumptions that you have little physical proof and completely neglect MJ's influences on music, video and dance that have actual influence on the era we live in. Assumption 1: News stories cycle that MJ is being charged with child molestation; he is found not guilty, so therefore he is guilty. Assumption 2: MJ has carnival equipment on his property. This fits perfectly in to the role of a pedophile, so he obviously must be a boy-lover. Seriously, you don't realize how incompetent you seem to judge a man based solely on a few television exposures, like interviews and trial coverage. ...and some more erroneous logic on your part: Even if you were to assume that he is in fact guilty, does celebrating his musical contributions somehow imply that you are celebrating child molestation? Yeah, your logic is golden.
  19. This is what I was going for. I'm glad that rational people still exist.
  20. We have as much reason to believe you steal cars for a living as you have "reason" that MJ is guilty. And if he were guilty, that does not change the fact that his peak work actually shaped history. Perhaps he changed over time, but there is no reason to assume his positive contributions in the 80s had anything to do with child molestation. God I hope you're not studying law.
  21. Umm, you're a disgrace to Tenacious D. What Michael Jackson contributed to music and the world far outweighs any accusations that were against him. I don't think some of you realize how different your own life would be if people like Jackson did not contribute their work. The heart of an entire era died today.
  22. TheHaze


    Heading to Wendy's. I'm thinking a couple of double stacks and a large chili.
  23. Umm, I'm fairly certain that's not "luck".
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