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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I have been on a forum with this same format for about 5 years and never knew about that lol.
  2. They did not carry the filter for either my dad's GTI, or my Rabbit or my fiances Cobalt ss 2.4, so I just got a 5.7 LSx oil filter. Got it using their 5 quarts M1 and an M1 filter for $27 deal. So its free for whoever wants it. I live by Tuttle Mall, and you can come pick it up once we arrange a time. :ta:
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Seems like a great law for those of us who wouldn't abuse it, but we all know there are some that will try to use this to their advantage. Hope it all works out, seems like some logic has been used in gov't for once. Amazing. :bangbang:
  4. I will let him know, thanks.
  5. My dad's neighbor asked him for a detail shop to recommend to him for some scratches and such. I know that some of you guys do that sort of thing, yet don't know if they are side businesses or your main businesses. And no I don't know the extent of the scratches. Let me know who you recommend. Thanks alot guys.
  6. Sorry, wasn't thinking last night. Sorry about posting this, I was tired.
  7. Aaron

    loud white audi

    He took out my right ear while we raced...... :asshole: Should have had my windows up for a little protection.
  8. lol, thanks, just trying to help. I know I would rather drive an S4 than a Mustang. Might be worth looking into.
  9. I know at one time, they rented S4 cabriolets out. Dont remember who though.
  10. Jessica Beil........amazing.
  11. I would go, but not saturday, someones picking up my SHO engine at noon.
  12. Aaron

    Lakers Spurs

    I dont hate many players in the NBA, but I hate Tim Duncan. Go Lakers.
  13. Aaron

    Lakers Spurs

    What is the schedule for their games? I need to start watching them.
  14. Cabot, Its Aaron Batey. Do you remember me?Hows it going. Pretty excited about going.
  15. Trying to book our Honeymoon and wonding anyones opinions on which Island. It seems Maui is the most expensive, and Oahu has most night life. We were going to book a 5 star resort for 7 nights on oahu not in Wikiki for less congestion, but we are rethinking it because it is $5400 with only breakfast included. We have no reference to compare the 4 star resorts/hotels to the 5 star because we have never been there. Like trying to decide between a Crown Vic and a 7 series when you have never seen a car before. We were trying to stay around 5k for the bulk of it, as that is our present from her grandma, and we would pay for the rest. But food, alcohol, rental car + parking, trips/adventures/etc could easily be as much as the resort itself. Just looking for some first hand info. Thanks.
  16. My favorite is the owners of SUVs/Pickup trucks that complain about gas lol. I pay what the pump says I pay whenever I need gas, I dont shop around for 3 cent savings etc.
  17. maverick, clear your PMs, I tried to send you one, but wouldnt let me. Thanks.
  18. I will play too in the future, out of shape now, but need to drop tons of weight for my wedding. I am pretty good, 6'6" Well I used to be good.
  19. I will def check out blackwing. new albany shooting range is 179+25 fee with free WEEKDAY shooting and deals/specials on ammo etc. I will have to weigh the time/gas prices of driving all the way out to new albany with other locations.
  20. Thanks alot for the information guys. I will look into stuff. I actually went to the range again today with my fiance. It was a fun time. Guy at the counter commented on my Colt .38 special detective spec. Said it was the nicest one he has seen, and that they dont make them any more. We are looking for a range on the West side to become a member of. Any recommendations? We live by Tuttle Mall in The Orleans Appartments.
  21. I was just wondering what good places to get general gun handling/shooting info from. I also was trying to find out more about the guns I have. They all seem to be decent guns, just wanted to find out more about them. Thanks for the help so far, I will do some more research. Keep the info coming.
  22. And is there a reason my text doesnt follow my format when I type it? It seems to just compress it into one paragraph.
  23. My grandpa passed away about 2 years ago giving my dad all of this guns. I picked up all of his handgun/pistols/revolvers about 2 months ago and cleaned/oiled them all up. I went shooting at the New albany shooting range this past weekend, and had alot of fun. He has a S&W 9mm 5906, Colt detective spec .38 special ctg, Ruger new model single six .22, Mauser something and a tiny berreta .25I am trying to get into guns and range shooting and was wondering what gun forums you guys are members of. I tried to look up the info on the Colt and Ruger but it was hard to sift through it all. Thanks alot. Aaron
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