Trying to book our Honeymoon and wonding anyones opinions on which Island. It seems Maui is the most expensive, and Oahu has most night life.
We were going to book a 5 star resort for 7 nights on oahu not in Wikiki for less congestion, but we are rethinking it because it is $5400 with only breakfast included.
We have no reference to compare the 4 star resorts/hotels to the 5 star because we have never been there. Like trying to decide between a Crown Vic and a 7 series when you have never seen a car before.
We were trying to stay around 5k for the bulk of it, as that is our present from her grandma, and we would pay for the rest. But food, alcohol, rental car + parking, trips/adventures/etc could easily be as much as the resort itself.
Just looking for some first hand info. Thanks.