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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. It's Australia, not the USA. You should paint or obtain a sticker of a car and make do it donuts on that license plate farm or something. Hoon accomplished. I dunno, either. His tits may be bigger.
  2. Haha Excuses is what I told that bitch. Vids are hilarious. There are so many funny skyrim ones out there currently.
  3. We can see the how everybody's mood is this morning by their replies here.
  4. I dunno. How much does a little Honda motor weigh? Also, you sure it isn't an present or ex employee(s)?
  5. It works fine for old people humor given he and I are about the same age. He's just lacking a fully developed sense of humor. Show is hilarious.
  6. Poor puppy. At least the idiot finally let go of it. I understand we can all be absent-minded at times and most of us have probably done something pretty damn stupid during those times, but holy shit, the guy's looking right at the dog! lol Fuck.
  7. Meh. Theyr'e just kids. I don't know who uploaded the vid but apparently they're retarded assholes. Terrible? Yes. Still, just some kids trying to learn and still probably way better than most of the people who've seen the vid and laughed.
  8. Not the officer's decision. It's his job to defuse and handle the situation not be judge and jury. He isn't Sylvester Stallone. Now, my actual thoughts... Guy was an idiot and probably on something. It was excessive force, however. Cannot be argued. The situation was controlled, the offender was accounted for as well as his location and weapon. The man firing is a trained police officer. Yes, it was a excessive, but I dont think the officer should be reprimanded to the full extent. It is still his job to protect himself and others and a fine line was being ridden here. I don't think you can fully fault the officer or justify his actions. Just have to chalk this one up to not attacking a Carls Jr or officers with a large, metal tool.
  9. ImUrOBGYN


    Your monitor size has nothing to do with it. You are either not following directions properly/not doing right or there is something wrong with your visual center. That is it. There is no other explanation. That is just the way it works.
  10. Good. We shouldn't be willing to give up our freedoms. The fed's fucked up and now the guy may go free. Feds still get to keep all the coke and money to fence at their discretion.
  11. Dammit, with him driving it, my first suggestion was going to be to bedliner the whole damn thing, inside and out! Nice DD, Thorne.
  12. +1 for the save. I don't know. What is there to say? lol Stupid is stupid. Weed or otherwise.
  13. You'd like everybody to believe that. Just one of the ways the man tries to keep us down. Just because you crackers give it a name doesn't mean it's not stealing. Manifest Destiny... load of shit. :fuuuu:
  14. That was pretty cool. As far as the bouncing tire doubters, let me relate to you a story... Following a big rig down Highway 79 in Texas (A little 2-laner country road), I noticed the rig's rear tire wobbling and getting worse. At this point, I quickly backed the fuck off just in time to see the entire wheel come loose, go almost directly for the front of my car (would've hit me had I not backed off a moment earlier) finally swerve off and go down in the roadside ditch only to pop up a second later so fucking far in the air I couldn't believe it. It continued to bounce/roll in lessening degrees as it disappeared into a field. That tire in the vid had much more to travel with much bigger hills to hit. It's not suprising to me given it appears to be on a rim and inflated, too. Ive also had the wheel come off a car I was driving. I helpful citizen found it 3 blocks down, turn left, one more block or so at a dead end. lol Moral of these stories is don't get hit by a wheel/tire.
  15. Well, you see, Norm. An anus with a 'g' is like a penis without 'p'. Nobody wants it in them or on them. I don't even know Enis.
  16. That would include you, too, buddy. But, I bet you knew that.
  17. Damn awesome. Think Im gonna brows around that site, too. Thanks.
  18. ImUrOBGYN


    Keep it up, damn you.
  19. Also, I'm reporting you for your sig. I find the word "angus" offensive. You drop that "g" or I'm reporting you, for sure.
  20. lol I bolded the funny part. I'm not sure where to start... I will say I think you missed the period where that's exactly what CR wasn't, then became, then tried to stop being (currently). I think you're still on the "then became" part. Joking aside, give the ol dude a break. It's not like he chose to just ignore how CR likes intros posted, he's just not computer literate. That doesn't mean he won't have something valuable to contribute to community. Jason said it well enough, above. I know many of you are of that age, but this is a college fraternity or high school 'click' and there's no reason to haze people who want to be part of an ADULT community. /noporno
  21. Well, I went out and finally got to Walmart at 1130pm for some power shopping before they closed at midnight. It took me about an hour longer to get there than I thought it would due to the River Rd. detour I took. lol Capped the night with some awd donuts in the parking lot on the way out.
  22. Hmm. Looks like I'll be taking the late night super scenic drive to Walmart to pick up some expanding foam insulation and maybe a dvd of Justified S2 for the lady. She'll never remember it took me 2 hours to goto Walmart...
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