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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I did the same. I wonder how long my feelings of empathy would truly last in this situation. That's debatable. Nail on the head. This is the kind of problem I always have with these kinds of questionnaires. Everyone else is done in 5 and I'm still there an hour later picking the damn thing apart.
  2. 79.9% Thanks to my jack-of-all trades type'ness and wide range of experience. With my current getting back into shape and improvement in health, that should be above 80 by next week. lol
  3. The vocals were an issue for me, as well. I'd turn it up for the vocals and then get blasted out by a car scene and turn it back down. I did expect a bit more driving, too.
  4. Distilled or at least filtered. It makes a difference in taste and the life of your coffee maker/ease of maintenance. You should also clean your coffee maker properly every month, as well. The taste will bitter over time and because it's gradual, many will not notice. Also, do not use soap or put your pot in a dish washer. Use proper ceramic and metal mugs/cups. Plastics will alter the taste due to absorbtion over time. I promise you. You should use a measuring cup or jug for adding water to your coffee maker, not the coffee pot as it is possible to mix coffee oils with the fresh water. Again, this not only alters the taste but contaminates the fresh water well in your maker. Contrary to what you may believe, using less coffee grounds/beans per pot will not lessen the bitterness of coffee. It will actually make it taste more bitter. That's just a little trivia... I drink my coffe plain, black. Any alteration in the taste is immediately noticable to me. I used to think all these little things couldn't be enough for me to taste a difference, but trust me, they are. If your coffee still taste like ass, buy better coffee. Throw that shit Folgers out. There is a HUGE difference in the quality of coffees not to mention flavors. (I dont mean vanilla or chocolate mint, etc, either.) I love grinding fresh beans in the morning. Smells like coffee's already been made and I haven't even started it, yet. So fresh.
  5. lol Mine comes already built into my body.
  6. Yes, I realize that, too. Like I was telling someone else on here, though, by the time I usually get a new phone, even one that's a year old is faarr better than my current one. lol I would've probably been happy with any of those. The EVO 3D 4G and the Nexus seemed to be on many top 10 lists, as well. I may've said that already...
  7. I know it has a good one. You won't believe this, but Tim talked me out the iPhone. Sounds crazy? Actually, he did it inadvertently by convincing me how much more awesome the iPhone 4s was and that the 8gb iPHone 4 just wasn't as good. I could no longer settle for the iPhone 4 8gb and the iPhone 4s was $100 so no iPhone. Haha. I had a feeling I couldn't get out of here without saying it. I got the EVO 3D. Hard to beat for the price. The Nexus S was a really close one for me, though. I decided on the EVO 3D 4G since it's basically an updated EVO 4g. They're not quite the same, but EVO 4g ended up not being available currently helping my decision even more. This woulda been a consideration but I couldn't justify the xtra cash. I know battery life can be an issue with the androids, but I find it's not really an issue for me. Also, I see you mentioned the 4s. I commented on that above. I would've gone with a heavy duty motorola for that. One that handle shock and being submerged. With a smartphone, you get xtra life battery, rip open the case, replace it with a normal life battery and a lever spring operated 4in blade. Just like the one in my old black boots. :fuckyeah:
  8. Yeah, I was gonna say exactly what Tim said but better. So, I'll just say this: Leeerrroooyyy!!!! Oh, and nice improvement in quality on the second set of pics, buddy. Like he said above, seeing how the weather currently is here, it doesn't seem like you could've taken those today. haha
  9. I shit you not when I say I just finished watching that a couple minutes ago. I felt like I was watching a movie written and directed by a guy who lived in the 80's/only watched 80's movies. Decent movie. Not alot of dialogue but a lot of dramatic stills. Little slow after the beginning but picks back up. Not the best movie I've ever seen but worth the watch.
  10. Lock it up. After 1.5hrs of research, I've decided on my next phone already.
  11. lol What a dumb bitch.
  12. Use one in each hand then switch. Flexor and Shake Weight. Or, do gay porn. Either, or.
  13. ImUrOBGYN

    UFC 141

    I don't disagree that he's not a gifted, sizable athlete but that's as far as it goes. Also, I don't think he likes getting hit.
  14. Well, it's time to upgrade my phone. I reall don't know much compared to many of you when it comes to a smartphone. I've wittled my choices down to these I'll list below due to availabiltiy, price, etc. I'm currently with Sprint. What would you choose and why and/or what would you definitely stay away from and why? I use my phones for just about everything. But not any one thing in particular. So, again please list any reasons for your choices. Also, I will answer any questions if it'll help you help me. Please, no fanboy fights, etc. Thanks in advance everybody. ------------------------------------------ APPLE iPhone 4 8GB - $99 HTC EVO 3D - $99 EVO Design 4G - $99 EVO 4G - $99 SAMSUNG Nexus S 4G from Google - $99 Epic 4G - $99
  15. ImUrOBGYN

    UFC 141

    Yeah, he exploded in size. He wasn't as succesful when he first started in Pride, but nobody is when they first start MMA. He quickly rose. Also, everybody wants to throw the whole steroid thing around, yet, this guy has been tested far more than anyone during his career, especially after he gained all that size. He's passed every single test. Brock is just seriously lacking in MMA skill and standup. He was thrown in with the bid dogs far too early to bring in a crowd and money; including those from wrastling.
  16. You smoke crack. You snort coke. Also, I have a "coke nail" but if you've seen me, you know I probably don't do speedy drugs. lol And, I don't. There are other reasons people have long pinky nails. Not that guy, though. He's a fuckin coke head.
  17. You gotta pay the toll troll, If you wanna get into that boy's hole.
  18. Hmm, she doesn't look like a blonde in the vid... I mention this since she really seems to ride the 'blonde' thing on her website. No pun intended.
  19. ImUrOBGYN

    UFC 141

    This came as zero suprise to me. I've watched Overeem since his start in K1. His incredible standup would be too much for Brock and it was. People need to realize that size isn't always the answer and this is coming from a big guy such as myself. All Brock ever was to me was a gimmick. I'm really looking forward to the match with Dos Santos. Overeem's such a big, powerful guy, though. And damn, the Diaz brothers just continue to impress.
  20. Really? The difference here is that the problem is real and tangible. The Toyota problem was a complete farce.
  21. But would you sell for beater/hooptie prices?
  22. Funniest thing said here. First part is sometimes true. Seen it myself. One of my favorites is when they get off a ramp then get right back on the next one behind a group of people. I've actually seen a cop pull someone over with that trick. I was watching his ass and didn't fall for it. lol Second part I partially agree with. Yes, that's far better than going into rage mode, however, people need to understand that it is dangerous and illegal to pass on the right. This is the answer in fuckin black and white. If you are in a left lane and someone wants to pass you, no matter what speed you are going or what speed they are going (it's none of your fucking business, anyway), move to your right! That simple. Stops people from passing on the right, freaking out, and/or posting it on the internet. Doing this doesn't mean the other person has 'won', 'forced you' or 'got one over on you'. It's not personal. Nobody gives a shit what you think or that you even exist while you're driving around out there. Swallow that foolish pride and ego and get to your destination like an adult with some dignity and a lower blood pressure.
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