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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Be sure to wear your rainbow shirt and short shorts, too, you fag. I had bacon wrapped wild duck breasts last night.
  2. I was there, but my vagina looks like a penis.
  3. Damn, Walmart has everything you need. Can't do that in a piece of shit Target. Too bright and revealing in there. You don't want that.
  4. The way the OP made it sound was that a patron saw her leave it, waited for her to leave, then picked it up and left. Now, if the person simply found the ring and took it without any knowledge as to who's it is, I see no way of charging them with theft for sure.
  5. This. I feel like these tires are gonna be worn out before I even get to use them in the snow. It's never gonna happen, but I just feel that way cuz Im waiting.
  6. My two cents: Who cares if he was a vet? It really has nothing to do with the 'meat' of the situation. Now, what we have is a tagger/graffitist/vandelizer/racist who supposedly gets his nose broke and leg broke during a fight that none of us have actually seen. I ask, is a broken nose something extreme in a fight? No. Supposedly, the guy was trying to get away and the door was slammed on his leg and broken. If this is true and the guy was trying to get away, I probably wouldve done the same if I wasn't able to actually grab him and pull him out. We also don't know how much the older man fought back, if he jumped in his truck and threatened a weapon, etc, etc. I will say the steady stream of "You're lucky's I didn'ts", etc and constant stream of shit from the Evo owner's mouth is uncalled for, but at least a bit understandable given the situation. Would I run at the mouth like that? No. Would I beat some ass if I came out to find a stranger spraying my car with some hateful shit? You fucking bet. I cant guarantee how much or little you get your ass beat. That's up to you. I'll stopping beating you when you stop fighting back and I know you mean it.
  7. I still check it on the rare occasion, but it seems pretty dead.
  8. Honestly, if you check everything said in this thread, you should solve the problem. I think all the possibilites have been covered here.
  9. To be fair, there are quite a few people who collect still working, old ass pc's and the like. This can be said of almost any product. Just because Jones doesn't get it or like it, doesn't mean it's not relevant. He's a machine. No emotion, no passion. Just a functioning computer chip. Just like his car!
  10. I just don't wish people anything. Except to get the hell out of my way. Problem solved.
  11. Wow. I don't think one of you agreed on a single way. I've been wondering myself. Looks like I'll still be wondering... lol
  12. Wow, how hard would it have been to get everyone's insurance and id for hitting my car? If someone feels a quake there, I bet there's always the fear of a huge wave later. Even when living in California (when I lived near the coast) there was always that bit of fear when an earthquake struck, that there maybe a wave from it. I used to have nightmares about giant tidal waves so high when you looked up, the crest was already overhead, past you, and the wall was still coming. I couldn't even count the amount of times I've been caught or about to be caught in a giant wave(s), sometimes pulled screaming into the vast expanse of the ocean. Terrifying and I love the ocean and have no fear swimming way out into it. Unfortunately, these people don't get to wake up from it.
  13. Lot of assumptions here... 1. Dodge does not currently have a car for the segment this will compete in. That's reason enough. 2. It will be built in the USA. Most of it's core is from Alfa. This is nothing new for manufacturers. Who gives a shit? Many details will be different. Hell, even the frame wont be the same. Not to mention, the various engines offered of which only 1 or 2 of the 4 are Fiat carryovers. And hell, Fiat is rebadging a few Chrysler products themselves for their market. 3. Taking a good platfrom and starting from there will save alot of money that can be put towards the platform in other ways or as a savings to the consumer. Do you want them to design everything from scratch just becuz you have a hard time with it being called a Dart? Are you willing to pay the premium for such a thing in this segment? There are a dozen other reasons why this is 'ok'. 4. The direction they seem to want to head in this car is something sporty and fun just like the other new cars in this segment are supposed to be. It seems they will offer a fuel sipping version all the way to a HO version given the talk about fuel milage, trannies and engine choices. Of which I won't list here. If you're really interested, you'll look it up and educate yourselves. The rest of you will continute to blindly guess and complain.
  14. It's repost. I dont know if I remember the slow motion part or not. Still, the expressions in slomo as they realized what she was doing. It's probably how she got that fur coat...
  15. Thought this, too. And if they don't, yet, Im sure they will.
  16. Benny is a derogatory term used by year-round residents of the Jersey Shore to describe rude, flashy, loud, tourists from northern New Jersey and New York. While local residents appreciate the tourists' economic contribution, the term "Benny" specifically refers to only those unpleasant tourists that cut lines, drive recklessly, start fights, harass women, or deliver other disrespect. I'm assuming you meant beanie. And, I'm in to see some examples, too, please.
  17. My old man, Titan, was an incredible catcher of squirrels. In his younger years, I'd seen him grab them straight out of the air. Sneaky, fast and agile little box of muscles. Miss you, buddy.
  18. Love owls. Look at its eyes. Like it'd absorb your soul. lol I've always wanted one as a pet. Impressive, impressive looking animal/bird. And don't you doubt for a moment that fucker won't steal an animal out of your yard. It took the loss of one young kitten and a week of harassing to get rid of a large owl out of my front yard years and years ago. I didn't want to shoot it. Ooh, ooh! Reminds me of a quick story: On a 3 wheeler late at night cruising down a dirt road near my house in Lake Limestone. I see an animal in the middle of the road, well, the eyes. I cut my bike and coast to a stop, illuminating a rabbit. It just sits there about 10-15yds away, if that. Without a sound, an large owl swoops down and snags the immediately bleating (pay attention, 'bleating' not 'bleeding') rabbit and is gone into the night. It was fucking awesome. Thing could've attacked my face and I would've never know until it was too late. BTW, owl! Maybe, I was going for the rabbit!
  19. It's the cheapest on shipping and I haven't noticed any difference any delivery times compared to private companies. It's hard to beat.
  20. No time to read any other post but the OP's, so: My gf and I were just talking about this last night. I think Tebow is being overhyped as does she. Howie Long was the only one who seems to agree with us. lol Big deal if Denver won again last night. They're squeaking by everytime. What'd they have last night at the half? Less than 50yds? How many completions did he have total? Like 10? Im not saying he's not a good qb, but he's not "God's gift" like everyone's behaving.
  21. Oh man, why is scaring people so funny? I've got to get/make a snowman costume for this winter. Too many kids on my block. lol
  22. No real contribution here other than I'd love to do a proper rat rod.
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