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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. But I could spend $40 on even more shit! And that could be anything. Even a lotto ticket!
  2. I couldnt remember the damn name of your booth! I don't think I've ever met you, either. My girlfriend and I were there to pick up another poison dart frog but it wasn't until real late since she got caught up earlier. We only quickly perused, bought the frog and bailed. We'll probably be going to the one next month, too. I'll be sure to know who I'm looking for this time.
  3. ImUrOBGYN


    Guess Ill just cruise by HD in about an hour or so.
  4. I still remember the most of the 1st one. Awesome damn movie. The detached, upside down head with spider legs... fuckin' awesome. :masturboy: Little side notes: Anyone remember the move The Stuff? It was another crazy 'we found some shit in the arctic' movie. I remember the tag line was "Are you eating it or is it eating you." If you know someone who loves yogurt, it's a good movie. lol Also, for a moment there, I thought we were talking about Swamp Thing until I started watching the trailer. haha
  5. haha Stupid ass rednecks. How fucking dumb and drunk do you have to be when the EMT's come to think they're cops AND attack them when they're there to check on your dumb, drunk groom that one of your own dumb, drunk people called?!
  6. Flippin' hilarious. Theiving bastards. Reminds me of that vid of one sneaking into a convenience store and hauling ass with a bag of chips.
  7. We have plans set in stone to come just not sure what time. Hope to leave with a nice poisonous frog for small child archery in the neghborhood. We will be looking for a dart frog of some kind.
  8. I see a few names in here... However, my question is, which of you have actually been south where there's plenty of authentic mexican and southwestern style food? Out of those, how many of you have had authentic mexican food more than once and/or at more than one place? You're the one who's advice I'll follow. Not trying to be a dick, but I've been sworn to up and down that 'this place has the best Mexican food" only to get there and be SORELY disappointed. Truthfully, I had given up every having decent mexican food shortly after moving here and experiencing 'authentic mexican'.
  9. In defense of the OP, it wasn't titled as the most epic thing ever, only the most epic icing. Also, he didn't state it was the most epic but asked the question. There's more but I fear even I tire of the joke. :gabe:
  10. Anyone catch the premiere episode of Curiousity last night with Stephen Hawking? Seems he came out with what he believes is proof that God cannot exist. Oh, and before I dive back out of this thread, Ogre, you need to read up on your 'sciences' a bit more. I think we're a bit more advanced than you realize.
  11. Well, you listed the US patent numbers. The only other thing I can think of while you wait for a better answer or until you figure it out, is to look up those patent numbers and piece the mystery together. lol While you're at it, you'd should piece together a plan to get my AFM or a bill to me before it starts to bother me. :gabe:
  12. So you are aware, you'd be suprised how many actually do pay taxes straight out of their paychecks. Plus, they don't get to file for them back at the end of the year. I'm not 'illegal hugging' or guessing at this, I know this for a fact from multiple sources, some of them first hand. This is a big reason why they are hired. Companies know this, government knows this. It's just another 'talking point' to distract the people away from our real problems. Of course, that's not all of them. There are some getting away with under the table pay, too, but then so are many of our citizens. Hell, I can't remember the amount of times I've been paid under the table.
  13. I used to have a veiled chameleon. Raised him from very tiny. Soo fragile when their young. He was very tame but would only let me carry him without displaying aggression. I used to hold a cricket in my fingers from a foot or more away and he would snatch it out without mistake. Cool as hell. His displays were never more vibrant than when one of my iguanas got near him. lol
  14. Oh noes, we do bad stuff and iz corruptz! No... Shit... Time for some people to wake up and realize we're just as shitty and bigoted as everyone else. Can't keep blaming everyone else for our shit.
  15. Great deal considering tanks are included, etc. Too bad I have zero room. Good luck.
  16. Then why do you insist on giving him 'five'? Wait, nm. LJ, would you mind posting back in here when you've found someone? Or, just pm me with info and price if you would? I've been wondering about something for the RAV. Plastic doesn't really cut it. I've already had to replace a few tabs.
  17. Welcome. Im fairly certain you and I have met before when I've stopped by with Bill in the Supra or RAV, tho it's been quite awhile. Not bad on the baby pics but you're borderline freaking me out with them. Way too close to those weird baby pics by that one lady that, for example, Angela loves on The Office.
  18. Goddammit, I just cant get into this shit! lol I do see the amusement, however. Off to watch Louie and then some Through the Wormhole...
  19. We plan on attending. I forgot about the last one until the next day. Im mostly looking for dart frogs and the like for my terrarium. I wanna get rid of these tiny little leopard frogs. They're as big as my pinkie nail, still. They were raised from tadpoles, but once they're a little bigger, I'll probably take to my buddy's pond where they orginated.
  20. I used the same thing to get rid of a large piece of raised scar tissue on my side above my hip. I will say his looked more painful. Once I started, I didn't stop. Don't think I could stop, watch it bleed, then go back to it again. lol I also wasn't pushing near as hard or had to go as deep not counting the actual scar tissue.
  21. This is one I haven't seen mentioned. Goto Marion pet store. Buy tame, sexy female skunk. Lure other skunk in, then lead it out of your neighborhood. Better yet, I saw this documentary one time where a black cat was covered in paint and looked like the skunk thus tricking it into following the cat and falling in love with it. I think it was French.
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