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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Damn... Anyone catch his internet battle with the old Old Spice Guy?
  2. Hell yeah. Soo, many places out there to ride. I don't know where you'd run a truck like that out here in Ohio.
  3. I've got it. Why don't we have an eastside meet and a westside meet. Every other week, we find a place to see which side of Cbus is fastest and to catch up with the other group. We can go from there. That's just the first of the ideas.
  4. This is very similar to what I have to do before I leave in the Supra on Friday nights.
  5. You gotta represent, bro. I hate the damn air horns so many songs have in them now. I fuckin change it the minute I hear that damn horn. lol Little critical? It's amatuer. Don't expect professional levels. That's silly. A vid like this isn't about how much money they spend on camera work, editing, etc. It's about the lyricists and they weren't bad. Hell, alot better than alot of shit I hear on the radio, etc.
  6. I've got a two word argument for this that you cannot deny. Puerto Rican. Busted.
  7. And? I've been having to go thru the grocery store line twice to buy tp because the coupon is only good for a single purchase. Im not complaining. And I dont care if people are suspicious I wipe my ass alot. :gabe:
  8. Not the best tp'ing I've seen by any means. Also, it appears you guys actually bought tp. If you were cool like me, you would have confiscated your own key by now that opens public bathroom tp and pt dispensers. Be a winner. Be me.
  9. bwhahaha Turtle sex stuff always cracks me the hell up.
  10. I was getting laid in 1995. Alot. Ah, the good ol days.
  11. The car is silver. Funny thing is, when he asked for pics of it, they had to wait for the 'picture taking' guy to come take what are obviously some overexposed pics. Btw, buddy, Australia is hardly domestic. It's why the interior doesn't look like a cheap, bubbly pos made for toddlers and seniors.
  12. Im still heading to HD tonight. If nothing else, then to meet with Sean for a part pickup.
  13. Russo's in Orange County, California when I lived out there. It would get so excited when I got home and follow me around inside the tank. When I would approach it and put my hand in, it would wrap itself around my hand and just hold me. Never aggressive and always "happy" shades. I would come up with little puzzles for it to get its food having got the ideas from other experiments I read about, saw on tv or just coming up with my own. Funny story, I had another tank that shared the same stand space. They were side by side separated by a couple feet. I had damsels in the other tank that began disappearing without a trace. Then I noticed a bit of water between the tanks... then I caught the bastard leaving its tank to steal damsels out of my other one! Haha I was kinda proud. They don't live long but it was an awesome pet. Anyway, I've taken up too much threadjacking space here.
  14. That would be awesome! If that works for you guys, I'd really appreciate it. I can pick it up from you at Home Depot. I'll pm him to be sure he knows about it so we can get it handled.
  15. Very nice, man. Can't wait to see that live rock come in. Give us an update pic a few months from now. It's been years since I had a saltwater aquarium. Last thing I owned was an octopus. One of the most awesome (and mischevious) pets I've owned.
  16. Im guessing that last tree's gonna have to come down, too.
  17. I wouldn't be able to do it until Friday night. Hmm. Maybe, we can work something out or have you leave it somewhere for me. Shoot me another pm if you have an idea or I'll shoot you a text Fri or something.
  18. I showed! And would show, again. :fuckyeah:
  19. That's a long drive for what I want. I just want the strainer. Seriously. Well, Id take the amp, too, but Reynoldsburg is so far. Bring it to Home Depot Friday! Doesn't Jones live down there? Give it to him! In conclusion, I really do want the strainer...
  20. I'd like it. But it probably wouldn't be until Fri night before Im down that way. If it doesn't fit the RAV, which I think it will, then I can give it to Norm for his Lexus.
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