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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. And watch in move in 2d or 3d. Simple but kinda cool. You can be pretty imaginative if you spend a few moments. http://www.zefrank.com/snowflake/
  2. I came across it last night on SpeedHD. Season 2, Ep 1: Bullrun is back for another new season, but on another network. Twelve teams and their cars set off on their journey. Aired: 2/19/2009
  3. If they even think of passing this shit... I can think of plenty of unselfish reasons why I believe this would be ignorant as fuck. Of course, I can think of plenty of selfish reasons, too. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29298315
  4. 2009 RallyAmerica National Even in Salem, Missouri I think it's actually free for spectators but don't quote me on that. http://www.100aw.org/
  5. Those fucking commercials are gay. I've said this before when I see those commercials. Just because I say somethin is gay has nothing to do with homosexuality. I've said I should do my own commercial and claim gay back from them! Why should I associate a dick in my ass with "happy"?
  6. Well, I don't know how much "faith" I'm willing to put into that considering the source, the lack of any fbi (or the like) investigation into it, and the fact its on Fox. Not saying it isn't possible, but it's definitely not something I'm going to lose sleep over.
  7. I love Stephen King, though for the first time, Im a few behind on his works. I do really love alot of his old stuff he wrote as Richard Bachman. At one time, I had a copy of every single book of his before the trunk was destroyed with water damage.
  8. I saw a program that covered one of these awhile back. Been interested in them ever since. However, I obviously won't get one since I live in a rental. I've only heard good things.
  9. lol Noo. Really? I figured that could be the only thing but I made the mistake of giving you the benefit of the doubt. Embryos, whether donated or many of which are now specifically created, are grown in petri dishes for about a week, at which point they have divided into a microscopic, hollow ball of about 100 cells. Why go on about the fate of your skin and liver cells that are destined to be sloughed off during your next shower or die of alcohol poisoning at your next cocktail party? Clearly, they are not going to become your twins. How many of your cells do you kill everyday? The DNA content of a skin cell, a stem cell, and a fertilized egg are exactly the same. The difference between what they are and what they could become is the environment in which their DNA is found. Thus, the mere existence of human DNA in a cell cannot be the source of a relevant moral difference. The differences among these cells are a result of how the genes in each are expressed, and that expression depends largely on which proteins suppress or promote which genes. If you're going to come in here and express your ill gotten opinions on something so serious as this, try at least coming out of the Christian Dark Ages and get your facts straight. It pisses me off that many people with the same logic process as you will support the death penalty and the like in the same conversation they try to turn stem cell research into baby death. What else you got? I'm a fucking fountain of truth and information. :gtfo:
  10. What's it supposed to be about? It's still down.
  11. Ford will miss out on a huge market. It will never sell in China. Not when you're being attacked by panda bears everytime you goto pick some milk up. Besides, can you smoke the Ford if you're stranded somewhere? (Yes, I know you don't get high from hemp. That's why it's a joke.)
  12. Well, from the pics I just saw, it didn't look near as bad as you made it sound. Also, try to remember that this used to be an old mine. It technically wasn't started from scratch. And look at that room! There's gotta be some room for cave gokarting or some damn thing! lol I saw a program many years ago about cave homes. Real cave homes, underground. There's this one place with an entire community underground including a small store. There's probably more, now. It also covered building and cost of said homes and it was much cheaper to build an equivalent cave home, not only in building cost, but over the longrun, as well, ie; upkeep, monthly bills, etc. I already keep my house like a cave. If I can't have my own island, this is one of my next choices.
  13. Oh well. I knew a guy in Texas with a 13sec turbo caravan. Man, was that thing fuckin sleeper. I've always wanted a turbo Previa if I was to have a van.
  14. http://www.mysuncoast.com/Global/story.asp?S=9859527&nav=menu577_2_1
  15. Exposing the links between doctors and Big Pharma This was touched on in another thread here recently. For those who may be interested in a bit more info on the subject. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126961.900-exposing-the-links-between-doctors-and-big-pharma.html?page=1
  16. Since I like to play Devil's Advocate so much... I read this article this morning. I know how much people ignore the things that do not match their perceived rights of justice so I'd like to point out that this gentleman's acts have lead to him and his family accosting those who are legally allowed to be here. I'm betting it doesn't matter to him. He's been sued before and lost, as well. From the other stories I've heard/read, it seems he is a bit exuberant in his dealings of perceived illegal aliens, too. They're still people, who deserved to be treated as such, plus he's been proven wrong before. Just because someone's skin is darker than yours doesn't mean they don't have the legal right to be here. I'm not saying the guy is always wrong or that he hasn't helped in some fashion, I just think his form a vigilante may've gotten a bit out of hand.
  17. While they were making them, I lived out west or south, so I hardly ever saw them. What I don't know is if they ever mated the turbo 4 to the awd?
  18. You do understand that if they'd have done nothing, he would've died. It was a calculated risk taken with what may've been underqualified professionals. Stem cell research has already been proven to work. There are many, many things that administered incorrectly, can prove harmful and even fatal. Much, much simpler things than stem cell work. You don't just write it off. Seriously, man, I can't even understand the reasoning you have behind this.
  19. OMFG I love me Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I ate my last bowl today. Until I get another box. lol It's really the only sweet cereal I like. And dammit, do I like it. Even the milk afterwards is delicious. I've had Dr Pepper made w/cane sugar in Texas. A few of the bottlers still use cane-sugar. (Waco, Texas is where DP got it's start.) It's not a special, they do it all the time, now. I don't know if you can order it yourself or if you actually have to get it down there, though.
  20. lol Now if we can only see that move in women's mma.
  21. I seriously suggest picking up a used Toyota MR-s if you want something Lotus like. My best friend had one (until this bitch hit him and totaled it). All the problems you mentioned in the lotus just were not a problem in the MR-s. He swapped the mr-s motor (140hp found in regular Celica) for the Celica GT-s motor (180hp found in Lotus) along with the tranny, custom exhaust, and a standalone, was able to put on par with the lotus performance wise. Even my bigass sat comfortably in both the driver and passenger side. Getting in and out was not a problem, either. THe thing was a blast to freakin drive. With the standalone (I cant remember what he used) he was aslo able to have the vvtli kick in much sooner. Oh, and his rev limit was raised, too. The guy who did the swap and the all the work is reknowned in the lotus/mr-s community and drive a street legal and driven, swapped mr-s with a turbo making well north of 700hp.
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