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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Pfft. You ain't got shit on my lappy. I overcrank dat ho. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/25/64358276_de078e08d0.jpg?v=0
  2. "Nope. You're still a dickhead." Wow! How did it know?
  3. I honestly don't think Expert would be too difficult for my gf's cousin. That guy is unreal w/the guitar. Fake guitar, of course.
  4. ImUrOBGYN

    I'm all wet

    1. The thread title is very misleading. Hell, if I hadn't been paying attention, I could've easily mistaken the first few posts as something else, as well. Luckily, I realized I was on a predominantly male site or I may've been fwapping it already. 2. Taking pictures of rainbows will make you gay. Double that gay for double rainbows.
  5. HA! Nice. Happy Bday, Rick. My I suggest a vasectomy. Technically, you're not killing any of your seed and I know you have another child on the way. I wish my photochop skills were better. I'd chop a photo of Bill (Thorne) as Jesus. Not as a sign of disrespect to either party, but for the complete absurdness of it. I'd put the pic on a candle if you were Catholic.
  6. You get an extra grand if you pole dance in the nude and send the video to the WhiteHouse in care of Obama. Daddy's gonna take care of you. Hey, I'm the size of "a couple" people. Am I entitled to an extra $800?
  7. Welcome. PS- I don't give a fuck about the wing. Put 3 more on the fucker if you like it.
  8. I want a Suzuki 600 750 1000. You know, depending on what I'm doing with it. bwhaha!!
  9. Pretty cool. I've known some others to do this. It's kinda like having a new car, but not really. I like some things about the swap and I dislike some things. But you like them all, and that's all that matters. Go you. lol
  10. Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers. Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.
  11. If you like rap, try these two. You've probably haven't heard of them as they aren't the normal bling bling rappers. Click on the hi-fi arrow near the top right for higher quality listening. "Goose - The Saltmine Sessions" http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=861061&content=music This next one has refused, thus far, to sign to a major label and still sells. His lyrics actually have meaning and speak of things important, for the most part, as opposed to twankies, bling, and benjamins. Some info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortal_Technique I suggest "Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol.2" A couple songs from that album (I didn't really take the time to find high quality recordings): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrBRJVGLRPo
  12. I completely agree. My gf will want to tip no matter what. I say, fuck that, you want a tip, you earn it. I'm almost tempted to go eat at this place just to see if I get the same shitty service and the attempted strong arming. I need a good reason to let someone have it.
  13. This is why I'd prefer to never buy a "first run" car. Let the rest of the public beta test it and tell me how it fairs. I made the mistake of buying a "first run" car once because my wife had to have it. A year later, we were lemoning it back to the dealer and being put into the car I wanted in the first place.
  14. You're like a bear who's forgotten to fatten up before winter. You could die, man! What's wrong with you?! At least grab a girl for the winter.
  15. That sucks. My sat radio has worked flawlessly since I bought it about 5yrs ago. That's pretty fucked up they wouldn't swap you to a new receiver. That's seems a little weird. Not a problem with XM. I don't have the tiny, grainy, far away sound. Neither has anyone else I know. How did you have yours hooked up?
  16. Why does any of this matter if they've merged with XM?
  17. I wish someone would throw a cheeseburger at me, right now. I'm hungry.
  18. ImUrOBGYN


    That's always fun. We sprayed the hell out of a Honda Odyssey (not the van) till the thing blew. I remember parts just flying off the back as we flew down the road. Honday Odyssey ATV http://www.efadgroup.com/Odyssey%20World/Photos/85%20FL-350%20Odyssey.gif
  19. Was thinking the same thing. And they know it, too. If it wasn't this, it would be something else they'd find to bitch about.
  20. I believe they tested the Fit on Fifth Gear last week. Not this past Sunday, Sunday before. The one who tested it (can't remember his name) seemed to really like it. THey also did a comparo with a couple other cars on Top Gear (UK) mmm, may've been a couple seasons ago. Actually, I think they're currently playing that season on BBC America.
  21. Yep. I've had this one on the playlist for awhile, now. Last song on the PaperTrail cd.
  22. I would have 3 of the same car as long as they did 3 different things, as well.
  23. lol Turkeys stole their wheels. Black turkeys. :ninja:
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