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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I've got my one out of the way. Never again.
  2. Looks good. I have mixed feeling about the pinstriping.
  3. Mother did it and had the son take the blame since he's too young to be prosecuted. I kid. I have no idea. I do believe that the child is perfectly capable of understanding what he did. I was that age once, I have daughter older than that, and my last gf had a son that age. Someone better keep a damn good eye on him as he gets older.
  4. Hilarious. (The letter.) As for this comment, could you please show your work? In other words, I would like to see the studies that show smoking marijuana is worse than tobacco. And please, something from this decade, if you could. Feel free to pm me with it, if you'd like.
  5. Well, I'm glad you got your money back. I really think with all the shady dealers, we should really have a sticky to goto so we know who we may be able to trust and who we may not, when it comes to purchasing a car.
  6. You're not using your "head". This is a "bring your friend" kinda woman. Any my vote is for 'Antwon'. All things go through the big guy so I'm going straight to the top. He also requested to be my friend today.:marc: After seeing this thread, however, I wonder if it was only to acquire my vote.
  7. Well, what is sounds to me is not necessarily a problem with stem cell research but with the quality of the work performed by his doctors/etc. So, Mike, what are you trying to say here? That it should be dropped, now? As with anything of this magnitude, there's going to be some pitfalls. What's important, now, are the positive strides they are making and now that America is on it, there'll be even more positive strides in the right direction.
  8. Never goto the mall for food, either. Each restaraunts 'outside' equivalent is almost always cheaper; sale or not. Also, Subway adds the least amount of meats, etc than almost any other sub shop.
  9. No problem. I don't know for sure if that's your problem, but it's a good chance. I dig the name change, btw.
  10. No shit? Huh. It's kinda neat to see how different autos appeal to different countries/cultures. Also, I'm not so sure Saab is going anywhere.
  11. Hah! Niiicce. I felt a bit suprised how much I actually like it. As far as the seats and shift light go, I'm betting the seats are more comfortable than they look and the shift light can probably be reprogrammed. If nothing else, I'm sure your brain would eventually learn it as an 'early warning shift light' instead of a 'time to shift' light. THey should just call it the "toke up" light. I actually found out about this car while watching Fifth Gear this past week. They had a small segment on it.
  12. Lotus announces hemp-based Eco Elise: a new type of ‘green’ car http://www.transport20.com/uncategorized/lotus-announces-hemp-based-eco-elise-a-new-type-of-green-car/
  13. ImUrOBGYN

    Black Man!

    Well, Buck's intention doesn't seem to have been racist. It's what the "Super PC's" like to call "insensitive". On a sidenote, AC/DC is racist. http://a4.vox.com/6a00cd97026ed14cd500f48cf49b640002-320pi
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Black Man!

    None of the answers really fit for me. Except, maybe the Audi one. IMO, it's not the words that hold meaning, but the intent behind them. Only, sometimes, not even the speaker understands the meaning/intent behind them, let alone, the listener/reader. This is why some people say it's just easier to be "P.C.", especially on a forum where people may not know you very well and/or they cannot see your expressions, hear your tone, etc. It's a chance you take when you use descriptions that aren't necessarily needed. It's just such a convoluted area of discussion. *shrug* Too many differing opinions and misunderstandings mixed with those who would intentionally use words to hurt or disrespect others.
  15. Well, technically, faggot is considered by many to be derogatory. Like spic, ******, ****, etc. Neither gay or faggot or anything else was actually necessary. I will admit hearing about an effeminate homosexual man going off is helpful in adding some humor to the visual I'm having about the situation. However, I can understand why others may think that's offensive and/or disrespectful. That's why is generally better to just leave out those terms, especially somewhere like this forum where we have a broad mix of peoples and an incomplete form of proper communication, ie; online forum. Then, we don't have threads wasting time talking about something that nobody agrees on. No, wait. That's exactly what forums are for.
  16. What's so much funnier about being about black and gay? lol I mean, other than the actual statement you just made? As opposed to being latino, white, or asian, etc? And just so some of you understand a bit better, I'll try to explain something. It's not descriptions, per se, that piss people off (well, some people just like an excuse to rant), it's the meaning behind it the description or the context of it. The problem with this is that quite often, either the 'describer' doesn't realize the err of his ways and therefore, cannot be appoached and corrected or the person placing blame has misunderstood the 'describers' meaning placing blame where none is due. "It's the thought that counts." I believe in this, wholly. Words, descriptions, etc, mean NOTHING on their own. It's the user's intent that's important. And many times, that is misinterpreted. Especially, on the internet without the benefits of body language, expressions and tone. Tim, on the other hand, is racist. His car isn't even white enough. He's having it painted it Colonial Cotton White. I believe he's even ordered some white tires.
  17. Well, as can be seen by the replys here, it's not too far fetched to believe the writer and editor allowed it accidentally.
  18. That's just a Ford radio for you. Unless, the Mach system is another brand. I can't remember off-hand. I know you aren't the only person with that problem. Their radios, especially their cd players and even more so, their multi disk cd players, are pieces of shit.
  19. Great cars if that's your thing. (And that appears to be your thing.) Ultimately, go and test drive it and see for yourself. I'm sure you'll like it and it's a Honda. (I actually think that's a good thing.)
  20. Don't be greedy. I would like 1 free coupon. I've been curious about it and would like to try it. If you get them all, Farkas, you should share one with me, please.
  21. ImUrOBGYN

    I Miss You

    WTF?! Since when are tits useless on anything? I can think of plenty of times I'm under my car and a nice pair of tits would make the time go by better. I mean, if shit's gonna get in my eyes while I'm under the car, it might as well be some nipples. You're not even married, yet, and you're already disregarding boobs.
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