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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Same here. So, I put it in her mom. True story. Daughter never figured out I was doing her mom, too. This was when I lived in Vegas. Both were very fuckable but the mom had a bit of a gambling problem. Not my problem, though.
  2. Wow, I hope that's not the case. I really like both fighters and even during the bout found myself rooting for both. I've always thought allowing vaseline or the like at all would lead to shit like this. (I do know what it's supposed to be used for.)
  3. I may've missed this elsewhere, but are you keeping the vw or selling it? That RX7/GT (or whatever the hell you wanna call it ) oughta be a blast. Good luck with it. Nevermind. Disregard the ? about your vw. You've posted again since I opened this thread. I'd also like to add now that I've seen the hood... Are you really intent on keeping it?
  4. It's ok, guys. It wasn't really meant to be funny. It's not slapstick. I find many people cannot always follow the shifts in "funny" on Family Guy. Hell, I don't think anyone can other than the creators, at times.
  5. The gf and I are in the same boat. After looking around at cars (not suv's or trucks) the best bang for the buck seems to be an 09 Subaru Impreza WRX. Can be found for under 25k. I was never all that fond of them until my buddy bought an 08. Everyting I didn't like about them was fixed for the most part but it lost some it's performance appeal. In 09, they fixed the performance back yet kept the refinement and upscale feeling of the 08 (over the 07's and previous). Plus, the safey and capabilities of an all wheel drive car for the winter, etc. THe Lancer/Evos I like, however, the looks are too much for a daily driver car my gf will want to drive. They really did do alot for the 09's.
  6. The new Camaro will probably be a much larger, heavier car. Don't quote me on that, though. I'm just guessing. Also, the Hyundai comes with 4 piston fixed caliper Brembo braking system, too. I'm sure pricing will be excellent, as well, or they'll shoot themselves in the foot. You buy a Hyundai when you can't quite afford or justify the cost of the car you want.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    WTF Wendys?

    That's the magic fry that makes you gain 5lbs so you can finally break that 100lb mark you've been waiting for since puberty, ya bony bastard.
  8. I read about this a long time ago. You ever wonder how many things like this have happened? I have. I try not to think about this kinda shit at all anymore.
  9. Welcome. The new Cobalts are pretty impressive for a FF.
  10. Who or what did you use? I was just going to use TurboTax again this year.
  11. First, you need an auto. Pull into staging. Tie steering wheel. Place large brick on gas pedal with string tied to it so you can get out of the car and keep control of said brick. When light turns green, let go out string. I suggest at least 15-20 feet of string to allow you to stay safely out of the way. Now, go out and practice!!! Practice makes perfect! Join Us Next Week for Our Following Installment: Stopping Your Car
  12. I'm not sure what's funnier. The email (true or not) or timmy's ownage. BTW, Tim, it has nothing to do with your statement/opinions on the subject. If you haven't figure it out, yet.
  13. Just enjoy living with nature. Eat one occasionally if they become too numerous or get a cat or dog. Pin a few of 'em down and dress them up for Easter. Tie them to a stake with some twine so they can't run and hide. Wake kids up for the egg hunt. Profit. Catch one and pierce it's ear with your keychain. Carry it around for that extra good luck all while keeping the Peta people happy. I suggest baggy pants and a larger keyhook for the home. Buy live animal trap, tape, stapler, various crafts, ie; pipe cleaners, construction paper, duct tape, etc, and a case of beer. Catch said rabbits and dress them up like various Pokeman. Release. Profit. Really, the possiblities are endless. Or, just enjoy going out in the evening and watching the little bastards frolic. Oh, and other animals eating their poo shouldn't hurt them. It's just undigested fiber for the most part. Rabbits will often eat their own poo to further digest it since they're not natural ruminates.
  14. I agree with you. However, I'm now inclined to believe that smoking marijuana will make me a gold medal winner. Oh, wait. Nevermind. I earn medals stoned while playing PS3 already.
  15. Every long term relationship I've ever been in has resulted in a woman that has allowed me to do just about whatever I wanted. Guess I'm lucky/doing something right.
  16. Sorry to hear about that, Stretch. Time to get excited about trying out a new honey! Do it now, cuz when you're my age, it's stops being exciting and starts just being scary and stressful. Women are crazy.
  17. What is with you and dog porn? Anyway, I'm not so sure in the first vid those were screams of fear. Not to mention, I feel he really could've tried a bit harder to get away. I dunno, at least put down the fuckin controllers and defend yourself. lol At least when my dog Titan raped my buddy:leghump:, it was because he was incredibly drunk and to be honest, Titan is incredibly strong and got the jump on him.
  18. For those who want this breed: We had a huge discussion here that I believe resulted in the last person changing their minds on getting the English. However, there's some good news. Major kennel clubs, including the AKC, have stepped up and pretty much demanded that many of the traits that cause problems for certain breeds, ie; the super smashed faces of English Bulls (the English have a few traits they're going to do away with), Pugs, etc among many other traits in various other breeds, will not have to be bred out of current lines for acceptance into shows, etc. That's the gist of it, anyway. People have a tendency to goto far when breeding in certain traits, even when it's bad for the animal. (Pisses me the fuck off) This is going to go a long way to helping that and actually make dog ownership cheaper in the long run due to lower medical bills, etc. So, my advice to you is look for what dog you want, but if you want an English, try to find a progressive breeder and do your research!
  19. Crazy and sad. I agree with those here in saying that I couldn't shoot my own child or whatever. I've killed myself a dozen times (up and move and start all over, literally) but that's my version. I don't think I could find a good enough reason to actually take my life (though, the thought crosses many people's minds at some point), let alone that of someone I love.
  20. Tomato/tamato, Supercharger/Kompressor, 4wheel/all-wheel Do all 4 wheels drive? Of course. Now, shut the hell up. Yes, I know the ridiculous, accepted slight differences in the vernacular. However, I'm simply busting your balls as you did mine.
  21. Just rip it off. Less weight and a higher entry/exit (depending on which bumper). I just talked to Norm yesterday and he asked how you and the subbie were doing. I told him it was probably broken. Guess I was right.
  22. Didn't see this last night. I was 5-10min from there. Dammit.
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