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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. They do this in alot of places. For example, when I lived in California, you could get a ticket in Irvine (not technically a normal city) for having ANY rust on your automobile. Not to mention, you're allowed no freedom on any changes made to your home and property unless approved within strict specs. Fuck That. I'd rather spend the money it costs to normally live in those communities, and buy a piece of property where I can run around my piece of shit car in the front yard naked if I want.
  2. Well, that's fucking awesome. I don't think I've ever come across a cave someone else hasn't come across though I did find some hot springs in Nevada on one of my desert excursions. (Almost didn't come back from one of those one summer.) This sounds right near my house. Can you pm me where it's at exactly? I have no rappelling equipment and wouldn't do that by myself anyway, but would love to shine a flashlight or just take a gander; maybe show the gf or throw that body, uh, I mean throw a coin in and make a wish.
  3. Well, that wasn't very "intelligent". In all seriousness, get well soon, man. (Speaking of unintelligent, why in the hell do people say, "Get well soon"? Why in the hell wouldn't you?)
  4. Who says he has to play professional? He could be the youngest Harlem Globetrotter ever.
  5. In for the PM, please! They do offer the calculator for free from the website: http://www.virtualengine2000.com/Calculator.htm On a sidenote, I do know DeskTop Dyno 2003 is available in torrent form.
  6. Ricer. Cool idear, but the vid lacked alot more info/demonstrations.
  7. I wonder what kinda flac she's getting for that pic, now.
  8. http://www.marinebiotech.org/images/ecteinascidin743.jpg
  9. That's a positive, as well. Cuts down on jaywalking. Literally. And what about that deer that just ran out in front you? It's like driving a hamburger maker!
  10. lol :asshole: You're not too far away.
  11. Wasn't thinking of losing the seniors. Forgot about that.
  12. Shit, I'd get bored one day and try to attach some wings to those cars just to see how far I'd get.
  13. Haha, that's great. He should take the camper off and throw some old tools, tires and a bail of hay in there or something. Or tow a trailer with some landscaping tools in it.
  14. The more college football the better. I also believe we should implement a system like Euro football. There, the two worst teams in the professional league drop to the minors each season and the two best move into their spot until the following year when it happens again. They should do that with college and nfl. Of course, that will never happen, just a cool idear. I would really like to see the best college football team or an all star college team play the worst nfl team once a year. Just a scrimmage/all star kinda thing. That's more doable, but again, would never happen. So, playoffs is what I'll wish for, I guess. The more football the better.
  15. ImUrOBGYN


    I'm concerned about this small asian girl you met in a bathroom. A bathroom I can only assume was the men's room. Outta curiousity, have you ever seen the Crying Game?
  16. http://www.plime.com/l/87722/1/ Be sure to watch to the end. Mild funny ensues.
  17. For those who remember the old text based adventure of Hitchiker's: Only this version has an item bar (so no typing in a command to see them anymore) and very light graphical enhancements. This is the only text based adventure I ever really played and stuck with until it was beat. Good to kill some time. I still remember most of the crazy shit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game_nolan.shtml
  18. A couple things I noticed: First, OSU has the ball and a lead toward the end of the game with a little over 2min left (my memory may be a bit off) They went 3 and out so f'n fast; it was like he wasn't even trying to run the clock off! THen the final play of Texas scoring... why would you fake a blitz and then not even have your linebackers drop back to to at least the first down line leaving only a safety to stop the touchdown?! It also seemed they stopped calling the same blitz packages that was rattling Texas all the first half. IT's like as soon as something doesn't work once, they fall back to conservative play calling out of fear. Well, I'm still already excited about the USC/OSU game next year. Should be a good one finally... thanks to the players of OSU who will do well despite the playcalling of their coaches.
  19. lol I definitely feel that way same at times.
  20. I'm in for the possibility.
  21. Good advice. This is how I've trained my dogs. First, you have to train in increments. LIke he said above, you start with small amounts. Eventually, you increase those times so as to build their trust that you'll return. The biggest help you'll find, is wearing that dog out before you guys take off. Not always convenient, especially with this weather. It's slowd down my training of my younger dog, but she's been making great progress. Titan had separation anxiety, as well. Talk about f'n destructive when he was young. Now, I could leave him for 12 hours and not a thing, NOT A THING, is wrong when I come home. I dont move anything or put anything away. IT just takes patience and training. YOu have to have patience. You can't keep the dog caged in lieu of training. You'll only exasberate the situation. You have to make a decision: Do you have the time/patience and love for the animal to train it properly. If you cannot do that, maybe a dog isn't for you at the moment. However, you're obviously making the effort. There's some good advice if you google it, but I think you'll find much of the same advice you have here. Good luck, man. It's not always easy with this kinda problem. Our new dog has seriously cut into our trips outta the house, but she's turning into a great dog over time.
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