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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Should be plug and play. Is this a 4 or 6cyl Camry? Also, do you have a pic/part number of the coil pack you need? Oh, and what year Camry?
  2. http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/171128_demotbrests_1_vw.jpg http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/171129_demotcondoms_1_vw.jpg http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/171154_demotrape_1_vw.jpg I posted this elsewhere, but had to post it again. It just makes me laugh. http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/171159_demottres_1_vw.jpg http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/171823_bear_calvary_1_vw.jpg
  3. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Porn-1.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/kittypr0n-1.gif http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/OhioCockSlap.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/KneeGrows.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/image014-1.jpg
  4. Wow, that is too bad/sad. Someone should put on a squid suit and lure them back to the ocean. I suggest a good swimmer.
  5. Welcome. Z's still look good. One of the few models where each generation still looks good today. Oh, as if it hasn't been said enough, that garage fuckin rocks!
  6. What about the Video Professor? (Who is the spitting image of my gf's father and who I revel in teasing him about.) ShamWow ftw, anyway. My favorite Vid Prof is the one with the incredible ugly bitch who says her 3yr old knows more about computers than her. Not only do I believe her, but I believe it goes much further than that. Wait! I think I found it. Either way, that's her. lol Gross. She's somebody's mom. There's all kinds wrong with that.
  7. Damn that looks like fun. There was a huge downhill road in Cali we used to take on boards, nothing like that, only a minute or two long, but still damn dangerous. I ate shit a couple times, hell we all did. First tip, be sure you trucks are real nice and tight. ONce those fuckers start to shake and shimmy, you're going down. Of course, regular, ie; shorter boards are not as stable.
  8. I don't have all day to start feeling good.
  9. I use Sprint. They're godly compared to the xp I had with TMobile. I also pay $50/month for free nights and weekends, unlimited text and pic mail, over 1000min; shit, I don't remember what else since that's all I ever really use it for. I don't ever drop calls and whenever I haven't had coverage, whoever was with me didn't either. Though, at times, I do and others don't. How much is this new charge Sprint is giving?
  10. That was like a normal month when I worked for Bean in Texas. That guy would sell to anyone and repo the first time they defaulted. Lotta work for that guy but he paid well and I drove whatever I wanted off the lot for as long as I wanted.
  11. No problems here, really. I do the occasional reboot and every once and awhile I get the black screen with "Please wait" on it that quickly goes away. (Which I usually follow with the reboot). My customer xp has been pretty good and though my installers have all been pretty cool, the last one screwed up a connection that I easily fixed but he left with me with tons of cable w/connectors and a couple splitters. After pricing out the cable, etc., even online, it was far, far cheaper to have them come out and do it and the materials were high quality. I think I spent $20 and got two splitters, plus an old one and enough cable to wire my neighbors house from mine if I wanted. (FYI - Cable companies generally have THE BEST splitters; usually far superior to anything you'll find at Radio Shack, etc. This came from a very reliable source and not the cable company. Who gave theirs to me for free, anyway.)
  12. wth That's far too long. Not even wild animals do that. I also think they may become lesbians. They are waaayyyyy too fond of breasts, now. Wow, the more I watch the more amazed/amused I am at this whole situation.
  13. Yeah. I feel like the money they're offering for older cars would only cover something that probably isn't running, anyway. Now, you're just overpaying for scrap.
  14. My addition to the turbo'd craziness. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/116_255_Nos_turbo_compressor.jpg
  15. That is awesome. I love ingenuity.
  16. Got you all beat. I didn't even put one up. And when I did put lights up, quite often I left the main house lights on all year. I do try to put them up in a way that they're not very noticable unless they're on. My neighbors (my OLD neighbors now that I worked so hard to drive them out of here) left their Xmas shit out for months, including an entire nativity scene all knocked over and covered in dirt and ice (and still out there after the snow melted). I would've thought being the super religious people they are, they would've had the respect to pick that stuff up. Of course, they don't seem to respect the slovenly sin as all their shit, including their house, is (was) a complete pig sty. Actually, "is" since they live just down the road now and you can see their new place is worse than their old.
  17. ImUrOBGYN

    The stig?

    Honestly, I was a little disappointed to find out who he was when I originally read about this a couple weeks ago. He's supposed to be a mystery. Which is also why I never posted it. I felt like it would be telling everyone a ***spoiler***. I wonder what will happen, now.
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