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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Those are always great. I remember hearing about or seeing many of those.
  2. I don't know about most 5yrs old handling a tarantula. I've had a few various spiders. One of my fav tarantulas, a Chilean rose tarantula, wasn't due to her looks (that would have been my cobalt) but becuase she thought she was a kitty. I could literally take her anywhere. When you lightly petted her abdomen, she would raise it like a cat. lol Very, very mellow and non agressive.
  3. ImUrOBGYN


    I agree. At a certain age, they're going to hear everything elsewhere, anyway. Best to prepare them ahead of time; to educate them and to prepare them, (Hopefully, in a balanced, unbiased and positive way.), so that they're decisions/actions reflect an intelligent, well thought out individual.
  4. I've lived down south for awhile. Gotta admit, though, for every 5 completey fucking retarded, crazy ass thing you see, one of them will be completely genius. In a redneck sorta way.
  5. Wow, that sucks. Why would the officer even think that a burglary suspect who's already running and obviously escaped the officer's field of view, would suddenly stand his ground on a front porch (or whatever) with a stick, shower pole or whatever. Sounds like someone was a little trigger happy. I wonder how long the officer has been on the force.
  6. Due to your choice of wording, I must assume that you've indirectly accused yourself of being gay, as well. Only, you wish not to be banned. Angry, unfair homo.
  7. Perv... At first glance, I thought your title said, "Free Kittens with ls1 Shots". lol Good luck with the kitty relocation.
  8. Think about it. The two go hand and hand.
  9. Paladins can't use the Helm of Disintegration!
  10. Is it Jesus' Uhaul? It seems you expect it to cross water. For your sake, I hope it does. Or are you just borrowing it from Jesus? Cuz, he's not gonna let you. It's not for a legal, God loving, Christian American. Hey! My name is Christian and I'm a legal American! Loophole FTW!!!
  11. At least you glide to safety! I admit, I'd fly the hell out of anything, including the gyro, if had one.
  12. I did the same thing. I raised two newborn green iguanas years ago. Toe Jam and Earl. lol Had a huge tank, but once they became very big, I used to leave the lid off and they would come in and out on their own. One of them used to go outside and sun himself on the porch and come back in even. How big yours? Male or female? BOth of mine were males. One died when he was about 4.5ft long. The other, more colorful male, I had to get rid of when he was about 4ft or a bit longer. One of the coolest lizards I've owned was a male veiled chameleon. Both kinds of lizards are cool, but some of the harder lizards to properly care for.
  13. Haven't had one, yet. I think the people who have this problem are the same ones who have spam problems in their mail. If you don't know what I mean, you're one of those people.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Its Tuesday

    Bored. You can both kiss my ass.
  15. Then who is it you think you can trust? I mean, you must completely trust McCain, Palin and company since you push your opinions so vigorously on here. Just wondering.
  16. When the zombies take over, Jason, I will blame you. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/political-pictures-john-mccain-cindy-mccain-longevity.jpg
  17. 10gal tank limit on the purchase. Too small for a bearded. Good choice for a beginner lizard, though.
  18. and Republicans carried it out!
  19. Yes. This is a good idea if he's very young and this is his first reptile. They do change color, though nowhere near the extent of an old world chameleon (which would be a bad idea, btw.) If they have a bit of faith/trust in him, the leopard gecko is a good step up. Both species of lizard tame easily and neither one really produces any kind of a bite. I used to catch anoles when I was younger and tempt them into biting my earlobes or nose and just hanging there. Male anoles have a very distinctively colored neckflap, generally red or orange. I'd definitely skip the snakes and the turtles for now. Don't let them skimp on habitat. The pet must be kept at the proper temperature. It's food will literally rot in its gut if it's too low. Too high a temp, and you stress, shorten the lifespan, and increase the chance of internal parasites. I'm sure they'll help you wherever they go, but always do a bit of research on your own. I'm always suprised at the lack of knowledge/bad advice that is given at stores that sell pets. Good luck!
  20. Just turned 35. Been legally divorced for about 9yrs. Course, marriage really never stopped me from doing what I wanted twice as much as when I was single. I wouldn't do that, now, but then, I wouldn't remarry, either.
  21. How quickly can you type out a message on it? I have things to say and things to say quickly.
  22. Warning: Following post has no real bearing. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/political-pictures-john-mccain-i-licked-them-theyre-mine.jpg
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