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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Hahaha I still love games like that but must admit after any particularly harrowing portion of a game like that, I have to take a break from the stress and play something light-hearted. lol
  2. file:///C:/Users/Tim/MixedAnimalPorn/AppData/Local/Temp/Rar$EX00.222/Samsung%20Galaxy%20Note%204%20and%20Note%20Edge%20Display%20Technology%20Shoot-Out/1.%20Samsung%20Galaxy%20Note%204%20and%20Note%20Edge%20Display%20Technology%20Shoot-Out/Galaxy%20Note%204%20and%20Note%20Edge%20OLED%20Display%20Technology%20Shoot-Out.htm
  3. Hmm, wasn't aware of this. When I hit the Triple down to the border, I like to head back up through Marietta and then NE through Wayne National Forest (Wayne National Forest east of 77, not the section West of 77. Anyway, you can throw a rock and hit a great road out there. Hell, even if I"m not in a sports car - like the RAV or something - there are plenty of awesome logging roads, etc, too.
  4. I feel like they've been looking for an excuse to flex their muscle. This would be a good opportunity but will they really stretch themselves out for it?
  5. That's a big, beautiful tree. Would be a shame to remove it. Especially, given Ohio's history. For a tree to even be that big/old here, it's almost shocking.
  6. No, just the one new wheel. As I said, if effectively doubles my hp this way. That is, among the many other obvious and not so obvious benefits.
  7. You just described my 5-wheeled Supra. I should sue you since you've obviously been spying. Now that it's out of the box, the 5th wheel is placed underneath, in the middle, just front of center. This will allow me to change directions instantly while extending the life of my normal front tires. This also effectively doubles the horsepower put to the ground since all power will now go thru the 5th wheel. Bow down.
  8. Nah, it's because you're a piece of shit. bwhaha
  9. I love how the LEO still felt he had to have control of the situation so much so that he still had to have the last fucking word. "Close the door." Man, fuck you.
  10. Does the shelf come with all the crap on it? Either way, I'll wait in line for the shelf, as well.
  11. I think you can find a used Jaguar XFR-S for under 30. If so, I'd take a bit of time to drive one.
  12. Adjustable shocks - I think, different lsd. Hold on: Here ya go. Straight from wiki: In 1988, the turbocharged Shiro Special debuted with pearl white paint, stiffer springs and matched shocks, heavy-duty anti-sway bars, a unique front air dam, paint matched wheels, Recaro seats with matching door panels, painted bumperettes, white painted doorhandles and a viscous limited-slip differential. No options were available for the Shiro, meaning all Shiros were identical. It was the fastest car out of Japan, capable of 153 mph (246 km/h) speeds, as tested by Motor Trend with the electronic speed limiter disabled.[5] A total of 1002 Shiro Special Z31s were produced for the US market between January and March 1988. I could swear it had adjustable suspension settings like TEMS on my Supra. Have to wait for Alex to pop back in.
  13. I haven't heard very many good things about them but that's from only 2 people I know who drive them. What exactly do you like about yours? Any problems? Etc.
  14. Was not aware of that. I'm holding off on the ps4, myself.
  15. None of the pics will biggie size. And I'm far too busy of a man, ie; lazy, to attempt to fix the links myself.
  16. Probably give you what you want when you want it, too? Is there some way we can meld a roomba and a fleshlight? I feel like the creation would almost make women obsolete. Now, to figure out how to get it to make me sammiches. Hmm. Should probably have it make me the sammich beforehand...
  17. lol Best vacuum endorsement on here so far. I'd love one of the pet roombas or equivalent for downstairs. Everything but the carpet in the living room is wood tile shit, it could fit under everything, and it'd stop me having to dry mop that fucker every other day because my gf's dog, Lucy, sheds an entire cardigan every goddamn today. We're very clean and she grooms the dog. Hardly puts a dent in it. We even have a name for the little balls of hair that blow across the floor if you skip a sweeping. Tumblelucys.
  18. Works but it's for more directional that wide sweeping compared to a ceiling fan. But when it's just for you when it's warm on a bed, it'll do. I sleep on one side or another and when I sleep with a regular fan, sometimes I wake up coughing from my throat being so dried out. Not to mention my lips and mouth. Can't guarantee the life of the fan as some may be more prone to failure from facing up or down. Some new fans, and it may only be the heating ones, won't work on their sides.
  19. We're in a rental so that limits us somewhat. Of course, we replaced all the bulbs. Bought a thick insulation blanket/jacket for $20 for the water heater. Holds heat in beautifully! I feel like it helps especially wiht it being in the cooler basement. We shut off both our extra rooms, including the vents within and using door blockers for the bottom of the doors. Something I've recently started doing was keeping the fan running. What this has done is even out the temperature and humidity throughout the house. Usually, there's a very noticeable temp/humidity diff between the 3 floors w/the basement being cold and humid and the top floor being the opposite, especially by the end of the day. This is hardly noticeable now. I haven't been doing it long enough to see if the energy usage is better or worse, yet. By drawing up cooler air from the basement and circulating it, I feel the a/c kicks on less to make up for the fan (which doesn't consume near the energy of the a/c compressor). For us, it also provides a "white noise" benefit which we both enjoy especially since she's developed tinnitus recently. Also, it keeps the air well circulated through the filter helping with her occasional allergies. Speaking of which, CLEAN YOUR FILTERS. Something else I've considered but haven't tried was putting a door blocker on my basement door, too. I feel much of the cold air in the upper levels just travels down inevitably to the basement. Putting the blocker would slow the process, though now that I have the fan going all the time, it's not really an issue. In the winter, I went around to all our windows with a punk (you can use an incense or whatever works for you) and found all or at least most of our air leaks. I used a combination of weather stripping, expanding foam, etc for each particular issue. For windows/glass doors that receive a lot of sun, by proper curtains for them. The can help absorb much of that heat energy. When my gf is asleep or not home, I don't always flush. If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down. Don't masturbate in the shower or if you have to, at least put it on cold to fool everyone else in the house and do the actual business outside the shower. Fans and ceiling fans can really make a difference all while using very little energy compared to your a/c. They can make it cooler and circulate air allowing you to up the temp on the thermostat a degree or two while still remaining comfortable. Ceiling fans can really help both in winter and summer. (They have the reverse rotation switch for a reason. Learn to use it properly.) That's some offhand shit. If I think of any others later I'll add them. Many of these are common sense, but it helps to have it all laid out in case you forget something. Good thread.
  20. Wasn't this a know Mustang issue a few years back? Sorry to hear, man.
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