Still irrelevant in this case even if that were the case, so to speak.
Well, lucky you. I've been searched more than once whether I liked it or not; with no actual just cause. (And I'm a polite sob whenever I'm pulled over.) I've also had an officer try to accuse me of a small bag of weed that he "found" near my location between me and my car. I laughed in his damn face. Strangely enough, he chose not to charge me with that in the end. "Oh thank you very much, sir." That one was right here in grand ol' Ohio. His reason for harassing me? Boredom? Doesn't like out of state plates (shortly after I moved here) and a guy taking fucking nature pictures? I don't know.
My point is, who knows. Unless we hear a truthful, unbiased backstory (gl with that), we can speculate all day. Hell, maybe the guy AND the cops are dirty. lol Maybe, both parties even enjoyed it all just a little...
Besides, seems silly to make uneducated assumptions. Especially when they're against all current evidence; given in this thread, of course.