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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Pretty cool. A very close friend of mine's son is a heli pilot. No military training, just regular schooling for it. I haven't lived in California since he got his license, though. I'd love to ride in a heli.
  2. I have a prokit on the Supra. It's great. I have not had sportlines so it's hard for me to compare. I will say that littleguy and I were just talking about the supra's suspension not even a week ago and we both commented how much better that car handled without much sacrifice to ride quality. We both commented how it may even be a bit better. I combined my springs with some nice adjustable bilsteins. Beautiful. Who needs f'n coilovers? (I mostly back road my cars, so the setup's great.) (The pic in my sig was pre-eibach/bilstein suspension, so ignore that.)
  3. Looks good. And some may have a hard time understanding this but I can't stand smoked anything. I love using a regular grill but actually smoking my meats, cheeses, etc I just don't like no matter how the quality of the actual food is or how well it's cooked. Don't like that heavy smoke taste. I would've still tried that burger and chicken, though. I'm not close-minded and it is meat, for fuck's sake. Don't even get me started on 'smoke flavoring', though. Bleh.
  4. Even more widespread these days seems to be rental scams and fake home sales where people put a down payment or a "hold" payment to a person or company that doesn't really own the home. Looking for places to rent/buy, I'm amazed just how many scams are still attempted. But when you think about elderly, foreigners, etc, I guess it's not so crazy. It's simply a numbers game. Eventually, you will find someone to fall for your scam.
  5. ImUrOBGYN

    My heap

    This is starting to sound like your best option, then. GL
  6. My problem, as well. Once I get started on something, I tend not to take breaks even when my body begins protesting and I pay for it later. As does my gf, since if it's my back, that means me sleeping on the couch. :thumbdown
  7. Very nice. My back simply won't allow me to manually buff a car. Hell, by the time I'm done regular wash and detail, my back and wrists are shot. (Simply too much abuse and injuries on a younger body.) Because of that, I even hesitate to purchase buffer pads out of fear I'll have to stop halfway thru. lol All 3 of mine need a serious claying, buffing and waxing. How long it take you?
  8. I use the first one to help spool this one.
  9. A certain part of this post made me made me giggle.
  10. Never knew these trikes were that fast. Considering the 70yr old taking up the entire lane and moving at the speed of molasses on Harrisburg Pike the other day , it's no wonder. I always thought sitting in those and having to tilt your head forward would get real tiresome. Perhaps, I need to take another look at the way you really sit in them. Still, I'd prefer a regular bike though I'd like to try one of those trikes.
  11. It's the internet. Somewhere, you're exact post above has already been posted. Real original...
  12. Who the hell are you? Back to your regularly scheduled trolling. http://www.toyhalloffame.org/sites/www.toyhalloffame.org/files/toys/square/stick_0.png ^In case it's not understood, I'm poking at you with it.
  13. Fo sho. You should get one these plates. 4 SHO or FO SHO. Given its AWD. Or you should quadruple turbo it, then get those plates. :gabe:
  14. I'm a fail... I completely forgot about this yesterday. Probably seconds after my post. Stupid old brain.
  15. What time you looking at? My size was killing me last time I went. I've never been to one where my size seemed to hurt as much as it did there. (Not nearly as noticeable in the electric karts in St Louis for obvious reasons.) It tears into your competitive side when you take a corner as properly as you can only to watch a couple idiots fly in crazy, exit with far less speed and still accelerate past you by the end of the straight. Arghhh!!! lol Still all fun, though.
  16. ??? I don't understand the hate? Who doesn't keep a kill list? You know what, you last two are on mine, now.
  17. "Sony's coming closer to delivering on one of their PS4 promises and, soon, you'll be able to virtually hand off the games in your PS4 library to your friends. The upcoming 2.0 system update for the PS4 will introduce the SharePlay feature, which will let users share the same game experience over the web:" http://kotaku.com/new-ps4-update-will-let-your-friends-play-your-games-wi-1620239976
  18. bwhahaha In this case, that's a definite perk, as well.
  19. For a couple reasons that'll I'll try to make quick and simple. One, is to keep under hood temps down. The cooler the temps, the more your ecu can increase air/fuel without fear of detonation or power loss and the cooler your air intake, depending. Not, it gets a bit more complicated. Second, by retaining heat, you retain energy. When retaining this heat energy and directing it by wrapping your exhaust system, the gases increase the "scavenging effect" and improve the performance of the intake and exhaust systems as a whole. The exhaust gases are therefore removed faster when it's hot. This also will theoretically improve the turbo's response since less energy is lost to the atmosphere and is thus pushed through the turbo. This is also why it's important especially on a N/A car, to have a proper header/exhaust manifold. Proper scavenging can have a dramatic affect on a N/A. Hope that helps a bit. I definitely could've explained it a bit more but that should be enough to get you started or at least give you the gist.
  20. That shit pisses me off. I've had an officer fly up on me, illegally tailgate me, back off, rush at me again, rinse, repeat. All trying to get me to break and give them an excuse only to finally give up (thank you cruise control) and run off to fight real crime or, more than likely, harass someone else. This happens everywhere, regardless of state.
  21. A few days ago BMW confirmed a new Z car in conjunction with Toyota. (Like we didn't know this already.) Their new Z car will be powered by their twin turbo inline 6 making well over 300hp. So, if for some reason Toyota decides to not offer that motor in the new Supra, you can simply buy the BMW and badge swap it, you ricers.
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