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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. To the OP: Someone mentioned traps you set up right above their holes. That'll probably be your best bet. Or you can combine every one else's ideas and just blow your entire yard up with dynamite. Grackles, robins and crows will tear some bedding up. Earthworms and other insects love to stay just below the wood chips, etc. Seriously, you'd be surprised at the amount of shit they'll stir up. If it's a cat, there'll be shit. They don't dig for no reason. Haha I used to live near the largest PD park in the US located in Odessa, TX. Cool little guys if you don't have to run blindly through their neighborhood breaking a leg. I was mostly just fucking with the OP.
  2. It would've lost to the RAV, too. The RAV ran a 14.1 @ 97. It was 90+ degrees that CR track day, too. Now that I'm done rubbing that in... What kinda power does the LS1 make in the MKI GTO? I would've thought it would've been a bit faster, too. I do prefer the looks and interior of the GTO by far over Camaros and the Birds.
  3. Ditto. Was hoping for some 'before and afters'.
  4. Does she have any previous evictions that you know of? It's very slim, but once some people know that their background check will reveal an eviction, (which will seriously fuck them in finding a place in the future and even for some jobs), they shape up. Perhaps you inform her of that, as well. Probably too late at this point, though. GL
  5. Best bet would be to bring in groundhogs or prairie dogs.
  6. If you enjoy a mag enough to read it, why would you stop simply because you disagree with one writer's article and/or opinion? Please don't tell me you don't know that Rolling Stone errs on the side of liberal, anyway. If it bothers you that much, write into the magazine. Otherwise, get over it. People have differing opinions and some of them suck. If you're not reading something you occasionally disagree with, then either you're not reading enough or you're not reading enough materials that may take you outside your norm and force you to think about another's viewpoint. That's not healthy either. Enough rant. I don't even read Rolling Stone unless I run out of other stuff and the gf's is lying around. However, I probably rant at least once every issue I read of Time, though. Sometimes some of the writers/reporters are complete shit. The overall quality of writing and reporting has definitely lowered over the last decade. It can be seen in many publications and online.
  7. I thought it was just any gun pointed at any of my 5 important areas.
  8. Watch it or I'll bring in the Supra. They're notorious for their top-end, especially when perched on jack stands.
  9. That's crazy. Looks like some serious work went into it, though.
  10. :fuuuu: It's always something.
  11. If you don't have anything obvious to the dealership and the next person who buys it is going to be more pleasantly surprised than disappointed, then who cares? The next person will just get to be excited about how much better the car is than they thought it would be. haha
  12. It's amazing how much more open people are to the idea of marijuana, now. Even comparing a similar thread on CR from almost 10 years ago; the shift is amazing.
  13. From the looks of the cinder block, I believe the RX7 is winning the jack stand race.
  14. I think Chrysler may've upped the level of the hp wars.
  15. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/45610372.jpg
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    Ok, so I get why people would be "up in arms" about this since if it passed, it would open up other cities to make their own gun laws, however... I'd like to know why you guys are so upset about it. I gotta say, I can't see the problem in any of these legislative "suggestions" myself. "The legislation would restrict gun owners from leaving firearms in a place accessible to minors; create a registry in the city of Cleveland that would compel convicted gun offenders to register with police once a year for four years; and limit gun purchases to one firearm per person per 90 days. The new ordinances might also incorporate past laws including: Requiring school officials to notify police when a prohibited weapon is found on school property; allowing people to voluntarily surrender guns to police; and banning the sale and manufacture of gun replicas." Speaking of uneducated voters, I find many extreme gun advocates, (for lack of a better word as I don't want to include all gun advocates), are just as quick to jump on a bandwagon whether it makes logical sense or not.
  17. I'll be out in 30-45min.
  18. lol You'd be suprised. I almost asked if you'd simply tried that, yet but didn't want to pose the old I.T. customer service question, "Sir or Mam, is your computer turned on?" Anyway, glad you got it figured out. Hopefully, that takes care of it.
  19. Sounds like the charging system may be lacking, for example their alternator, and it's killing the battery over time. Have you checked the voltage on it? You can always have autozone or one of those check it for free. Try jumping the car, too. (Properly - and giving it time to charge a bit.) If it starts, then it's a really good chance it's something within the charging system.
  20. ImUrOBGYN


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