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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. You're right to a point, but completely wrong if you are referring to pits and staffies. Quite the opposite, in fact. If you know your dog history well enough, then you know that any fighting dog that had human aggressive tendencies was culled. They had to be handled by humans; their owners, the other dog's owner, the refs, preppers, etc. The dogs also had to be solely focused on the other dog, not the people spectating or working with them. There is no better breed to compare to a gun than the pits and staffys for this reason. If that's a staffy it's the shittiest one I've ever seen. What it is, is a fat, aggressive, shitty dog that was unlucky enough to be saddled with some irresponsible owners. I also noticed the wife/mother ran off. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed possibly she ran off to runoff the dog. Still, I think I would've grabbed my child and insured its safety first.
  2. Do you have to use one of your free sessions for the members only day? I'm sure you do, just wondering if it's worth trying to make time today to go or just wait until a later date.
  3. Do you have to use one of your free sessions for the members only day? I'm sure you do, just wondering if it's worth trying to make time today to go or just wait until a later time.
  4. I hate it, too, but it's far better just to toss it out at the next stop. I love going for cruises and nature walks and it upsets me so much to have the beauty of nature ruined by old food and drink packages, fishing trash, etc. Just no respect or consideration. I'm glad you wait to throw yours out, now. I think litterers should not only be fined, but made to perform community service involving trash pickup. Spend a couple weeks and all their free time picking that shit up in the sun on the side of the road and see if they learn their lesson.
  5. I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. Not everyone reads and comprehends as well, though. Wouldn't that be some mixed feelings? I mean, how can you not be proud of a Mario style accident w/a banana peel? But I'd still feel bad about causing the accident. haha --- I pick up trash almost every damn day in my yard. Just the placement of my house/fence and its placement in the cul de sac seems to catch everyone's trash in the cul de sac. What really pissed me off is that it's trash from people in my cul de sac that their kids or whatever don't give a shit about or from their trashcans their incapable of placing in a way that the wind won't blow it over. I mean, fuck's sake, how many times do all your trashcans need to tip over and blow trash around before you give a shit? I'm guessing never.
  6. Had Littleguy with me on 555 in the RAV w/my all terrains on it and got it airborne. haha We were mostly out for logging roads etc but hit some of those serious hill crests that you know exist if you've driven around there before. Not a high speed jump like most of the ones here, though and lucky I didn't blow out the shocks or screw something up. I have had the high speed jump in more than one car, though. Puckered to the point of cramping my a-hole each time.
  7. Very nice, man. Thanks for sharing.
  8. When are we gonna run dailys? Haha You've gotta 100lbs less and 10hp more, (probably more than that since my car is from 2003). Hmm, you get a small passenger for a handicap.
  9. The key is to upgrade the suspension to behave like a rwd. Oh, and an excellent diff. To me fwd is acceptable as a daily. I grew up when every car was rwd and only 1 in 50 were worth a shit. FWD is like that, now. Just gotta find the right one or one close and set it up how you want.
  10. I have a large chopping block that I need to surface treat. What do you use and where do you get it? I need to start getting some ideas.
  11. Congrats, man! Fun little cars and great for a daily. I was the same away with the sunroof business when I bought my last Supra. Hard to find one at the time that wasn't targa. The Vibe has a sunroof; good one that goes into the roof instead of above it, but I bought it used and screw it. New? Never.
  12. Not really radio related as much as tv. Still, this f'n song/commercial makes me want to run out and choke the living shit out the first thing that moves.
  13. ImUrOBGYN

    Hey Doc

    That's pretty cool, Doc. The record and not the ass-chewing, obviously.
  14. Well, cool man. If this makes you and the family happy, by all means.
  15. That is a huge turnaround and if you don't need the utility of the sedan or whatever - and you fit comfortably, (I don't fit in one either, Garrett), then I think it's an excellent choice. Just becuz it's a DD doesn't mean it has to be boring.
  16. Much like a beautiful woman, I believe some cars are capable of crossing generational gaps and always remaining beautiful.
  17. Shit, I'm still playing GT5. Someone let me know when they're tired of 6 and want to practically give it away or trade for a game.
  18. Or he would've taught you never to do that shit in the future.
  19. Crazy. Thanks for posting the pics. I wonder how much the alligators and pythons are enjoying it...
  20. Pretty cool, man. Who cares. Shit I grew up with no seat belts let alone people using car seats or air bags. I spent many years riding in the back of pickup. lol Also, who cares what someone else thinks. (Except your wife becuz you have to live with her. ) As a joke, I used to walk out into a parking lot pretending to talk to our daughter in her carrier. Then, I'd spin it around upside in big circles making it seem like she was still in there just to watch people's ridiculous looks. Used to do shit like that all the time. haha Not a single person ever said a single damn word to me. Shame on them. lol My wife found it slightly embarrassing.
  21. Wouldn't mind giving it a test fit. If anything it'll probably be too big. You ever go up to Sawmill on Fridays? Weather willing, I can make it a point to show up there on a Friday night, Sat night if no other choice. Otherwise, I live on the SW side. Not sure where you're at.
  22. Do you need to go to a track for simple 20-70mph runs? That's what those were, right? Nice runs, man.
  23. That's pretty cool. Need to level this yard and was wondering yesterday if it was worth renting something. Guess this could solve it.
  24. Now you know how it feels to drive the Vibe.
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