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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Well shit, I thought they'd just opened. Either way, gonna be a month before we're ready with the move and all.
  2. WTF?! haha Guy w/racoon will regret that thing as a pet later. Fuck all they get into everything.
  3. Gf and I will be heading there soon. Won't be too far from our new place.
  4. I've found with proper treatment, you can get 100% across the board and without the need for a hoe, as well.
  5. Double posting/reposting your own post immediately after one another actually causes a negative post effect in certain realities. This allows Das Borgen to repost it without consequences further weakening our reality.
  6. Nice job. I'm sure you miss the VW and comparing the two is apples/oranges, but would you go back to the VW now or are you thoroughly enjoying your new ride? As much as I love the old Corrado's this definitely seems a step up.
  7. Color me shocked, as well. See what I did there? Or are you color blind? See what I did again? Mmhmm... Damn. Double SWIDT's. :fuckyeah:
  8. That last one's definitely too much considering the possible injuries from a fall at that height. haha
  9. You should try Chesrown Chevy in Delaware. A rotted sack of corn would be an improvement to their service dept. I'll ask a friend of mine at Byers Toyota in Delaware when I get a chance.
  10. Hahaha I think I laughed harder at this than anything here. I think I'll even +1 one him. :gabe:
  11. It is pretty cool. Watched the vid yesterday. I love the concept behind the rat rod; using what is at your disposal and whathaveyou.
  12. bwhahaha Nice. As for the bird: There are shitloads of domesticated dove and pigeons coming in far more varieties of colors and feathers than you can imagine. (Btw, they are so closely related, they may interbreed.) Since that one is banded and from the sound of it, not easily frightened, it probably belongs or belonged to someone at one time. Hard to say without seeing the actual tag. Even domesticated ones will take off on their own from time to time if they aren't kept roosted. And, like other animals, it's possible for strange color variations in wild stock either due to a genetic abnormality or due to interbreeding with domesticated stock.
  13. Wish I had the money. Love MKI MR2's. Good luck with sale. Can't imagine it'll take long.
  14. Par for the course... Subway never puts enough meat on their sandwiches.
  15. And Im betting I can beat one down 555, including the Dart, in the RAV. Doesn't make it a "better" driver's car or more fun than either one.
  16. I guess it wasn't... All Good. *Insert pic of canceled show star here* Also, hippy festival or not, still a fucking crock of shit.
  17. haha Gotta be one of my favorite episodes. lol Maybe just burn a cross in your yard. I've had a couple run-ins with various factions when I lived in Texas. I've even been witness to a march thru town. That particular one was in Hearne, TX. VERY high black population, too. Had a bit of fun during their little parade.
  18. So, super close lifelong friend of my gf's family (single, white female and not a racist by any means) received this in her mailbox a short time back. My gf's family and the lady referred to above live in Savoy/Champaign, Illinois. You can see on the envelope this was actually mailed in Illinois but the return address is in Mississippi. We looked up the address but it seems to be a bank owned foreclosure. I'm guessing they're probably just using the mailbox at that address. Anyway, here are the scans I did this morning. Notice the excellent pensmanship and care. I was thinking of applying for the hell of it even though I'm considered a "mongrel". Oh well, have fun. :gabe: (Address of family friend removed) http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/K3Attempt1_zps100bba9e.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/K3Attempt2_zpsb05d6345.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/K3Attempt3_zps550397b4.jpg
  19. No, no, no... :megusta: You've all got it wrong. It's probably a carpenter bee. Like Jesus. What did you hire him to do? If you kill it, you'll probably goto hell.
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