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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. They're lucky he only got 10 days. And there needed to be a reprimand. It can be argued whether the child should've known better or if the punishment can be fully appreciated by the child however, it's the fucking parents who aren't obviously paying attention to what their child takes to school. You know, like a damn gun... Fake or otherwise. That's the point and that's who's really getting punished here.
  2. These visors go inside the window channel in the back windows. The fronts do as well but don't need sticky. I found something very similar that should work at ACE late last night. I'll let you all know how it goes, (brand, how well it worked, etc) for anyone interested after I put them back on this weekend.
  3. Where in the hell does he live that this many people stop at that spot to piss?! Holy shit. Also, what a dumb bitch at the end. You just got f'n soaked and you decide to get a new, dry shirt and then go back to the same spot to put it on...
  4. First of all, you should get your sack checked. It shouldn't be that big. And that's from a man who's balls have been hanging for almost 40 years. Secondly, I'm gonna call you on the blindfold thing as long as we're not cooking at your house. And third, if you're cooking backwards, our steaks our going to be raw - automatically making you the loser. Also, opinions have no place where facts are involved.
  5. haha I wonder how well that door would've held up with my big ass slamming against it.
  6. Shit, I was just at Advance Auto to pick up some plugs. Thanks guys. That sounds exactly like what Im looking for. Is this tape pretty thin, then? I had some double sided before but it was kinda padded, not like weatherstripping or anything, but enough that the window kept catching it and peeling it off. These are Weathertechs and they slip into the window slot in the top between the two rubber strips where the window slides in. (I hope that was explanatory enough for a picture.) Either way, I'll probably head back to Advance and take a look later when I have time. I actually went in there asking for this shit a couple weeks ago and the guy acted like he'd never heard of such a thing so I assumed they didn't carry any. (Really didn't make sense to me at the time, but whatever.)
  7. Hasn't been mentioned and since I'm not familiar with your particular branded modifications the the LS motor... How bout any of the coils not firing properly? I know you said no detected misfires, but that doesn't mean there isnt an issue of sorts.
  8. Sounds like problem solved, then. Hopefully. I guess you can't account for every possibility. Though, I feel like there are plenty of turbo cars that don't have this problem and the fact that GM had a similar problem awhile back would lead me to believe this is something they should have already covered.
  9. Does anyone know where to find some? Or something equivalent? Basically, a very sticky two sided tape for window visors. Our back ones on the rav never did stick quite right due to the oils in the new rubber; no matter how much I tried to prep it. Anyway, now that the weather is warmer, I can put some new adhesive and redo them. Thanks.
  10. Tired of these "thank you, Derek" threads? Then I suggest getting another good tire guy on here. Until then... Thanks to Derek for hooking me up with my new tires and all the shit that comes along with getting some new tires. Seriously, if you guys think you have a deal, it doesn't hurt to run it by Derek to see if he can still improve upon it. Thanks again, man. (Mods - I apologize if this is in the wrong section. Like when I shit, you're free to move it, but I will not. )
  11. Not an issue that I am aware of though they can wear the lift bolts which is a $100 fix. This car seems at this point, though. The only thing that's really needed fixing is one of the front struts could be replaced and the tires, which were replaced yesterday. The only thing on the inside that doesnt work properly is also the only GM sourced part... the radio. No biggie, though. I pushed on dem buttons real hard like once and now theys works normally. I'll check into that, though. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. I don't watch it much except when my gf throws it on, but you're probably right. However, I am a bit old school and grew up on the original. He kissed everything. That's this current generations' version of a handy.
  13. In another story, it seems Diamler has a hard-on for the new Ford turbo 3cylinder engine and wants to start using it. One of the MB engineers was even quoted, for what I took from it, complimenting the engine's development.
  14. There was a 'how to be man and cook a steak right' post thingy one time a short while back. Pretty much how that was done since I like my steaks rare to med-rare. (5min approx on each side, then minimum 5min covered on plate.) And if you're putting sauce on your damn steak, either you don't know how to cook one or you're buying shitty ones. You want sauce, just buy a damn hamburger. ;-)
  15. Oh yeah, well here's a word of caution for that car of yours... Everytime I've seen it drive by Anthony, it pulls towards him. (You figure it out.)
  16. So, in the quest to find a reliable, utilitarian, good on gas but still something not completely soul crushing I came upon this for a about 2k cheaper than I could find one anywhere. 2003 Pontiac Vibe GT. It's the basically a reskinned Toyota Matrix XRS. They were made for 3 years with the 180hp, 1.8L and 6speed from the Celica GTS. This also came with firmer springs and shocks, stiffer control-arm bushings, thicker anti-roll bars, and standard ABS on four disc brakes bearing Akebono calipers. It's suprisingly roomy as even I can sit in the back seat. It has an incredible amount of utility. So many cubby spaces and storage. Even a couple a/c plugs. So far, I'm averaging 30mpg, however I haven't been running in lift all the time either. It's not a blazing rocket, but running it thru lift and to it's 8200rpm rev limit could become all too addicting. Here are a couple pics from the 'nets. These are not pics of my actual car. Haven't had a chance to snap some pics, yet. It's in incredible shape, though; both inside and out. No plate on the front of mine or holes. Looks so much better without the plate. Already debated with the gf about it. lol Click for larger pics. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/th_2003PontiacVibeGT_zps5b0c47b4.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/th_2003PontiacVibeGTInterior_zps65f6ade7.jpg
  17. What years come with the fancy magnetorheological suspension?
  18. C'mon. Give the guy a break. Let him enjoy his new car, ya big meanie. I'm sure that's just how the engineers planned it...
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