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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Well, other than the fact they are bald and won't perform their jobs anywhere near the intended abilities. You should refer to them as "slicks" and save any harassment by assholes on CR... Wait.
  2. Whether something was fishy or otherwise, I can guarantee you don't get knocked the fuck out on purpose. haha Also, give it time. Everyone's a bit upset after they lose a fight. Who knows what this will actually lead to. In a sense, he deserved to pay for taking too many chances. I'd even go so far as to say maybe he wanted to lose subconciously but only he knows that; or maybe not. lol
  3. With a record like that would you really want to lose on purpose? Seriously, think about that. Why destroy a legacy you've worked so hard to create? I guess for the right kind of money people will do just about anything but who knows.
  4. Could you please NOT put the damn spoiler in the title?!?!?!?!
  5. Wish I'd seen this sooner. Didn't think anybody would be out. I figured, "Of course it'd rain on one of the few Sat nights I have free."
  6. They recently "upgraded" their email system, yet again. I cannot login using hotmail or their f'n 365 link, either. I either get a script error or it bitches at me. I've had to use my student email link on Cougar Web. Strangely enough, I haven't even had to login to Cougar Web or into the actual email for it to open... Convenient, but NOT the way it's supposed to work. Now, I know I just said Cougar Web, but OSU and CSCC are damn near one in the same, now. That includes the type of student email service. Try using buckeye link or whatever OSU uses and click your student email from there to see if that works.
  7. No more room for any more dart frogs (one of mine is an Azureus) but I'd be more than willing to take the fruit fly kits off of you and possibly even the springtails if you're interested. Wouldn't mind seeing a pic of the tank, etc anyway, though. It'd probably help your sell, too. There is a way to post pics. You may need to use advanced options so that it might show up. One of the ways is clicking the small button with a pic of a mountain on it above.
  8. You bump into a shopping cart at the grocery? How much do you like the Audi over the futuristic cab forward design of the LHS? I mean, how are you going to have a naked woman lay across the dash on a cross country trip? Audi ain't gotta a dash like that...
  9. Thanks! Seems to be working. I needed a new belt and a few other things I might as well get, now.
  10. Have you seen the new Transporter The Series? No Statham, though.
  11. Yep, you step back into 2003 everytime you get into it. And no, the above does not require 88mph. Only an innnocent sense of wonder and the keyfob.
  12. Who doesn't love these old Z's?
  13. No, sir, I do not. I do have something that's almost the same. A Pontiac Vibe GT.... That's the same thing, isn't it?
  14. You couldn't put this up a month ago? Gl with sale.
  15. Nice daily, man. Enjoy.
  16. Haha I was not aware dialing 0 got you a live Jitterbug operator. Dunno why but that's hilarious to me.
  17. Ditto. Looks cool, but I'd like a little less processing to the look for "all the time" pics.
  18. I wonder if he ripped them off or he just caught them on something while running around irresponsibly.
  19. I knew it was a matter of time before someone posted up ol Roy... Who lost his last damn fight for what I think was him not taking it seriously. (I feel he needed it, though.)
  20. The Vibe I just bought has no pre drilled holes or anything on the front bumper where a plate would go. I hoping "grandpa-ing" around in a Vibe will keep my under the radar, so to speak... and literally, I guess.
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