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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I noticed you trailed off at the end. Breathing problems?
  2. No shit. lol I'd rather feel uncomfortable at "Dr." Rick's office. At least I don't think he would've stuck his fingers in my mouth... Truthfully, watching and hearing all the crackin' makes me want to goto a good chiro for some. I've been to a handful (I know that's not very many) and only found one that I thought was awesome and helpful. Anyone have a well-informed opinion on an excellent one?
  3. What kills me is they keep panning over. And wtf?! Close a door, man! Where's the damn editing, too? Was this live? None of this makes any damn sense! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  4. lol Yes. I noticed it on the starting frame when the page loaded. I guess that kinda ruined it a bit for me.
  5. I'm like, "WTF does he mean by Tablet?"... "Ahh."
  6. Not knowing their past relationship, that seems pretty f'd up. My mother and I don't really talk much or anything for some pretty heavy reasons, but I still don't think I could do something like that. I mean shit, in this case, the guy's 92, now. How much longer would she have to wait? Why is waiting not an option? I feel like there's alot of story we're missing here.
  7. I agree with you. And what you feed them can have an affect on flavor and consistency. I'd be interested in a taste test, as well. I'm sure, without reading the article, that he collects all the 'waste' from pot farmers (unless he's one, too), and feeds the pigs that. This is a common practice. For example, I knew a gentleman who raised his pigs and goats on a steady diet of some hay and shitloads of those cheap little debbie snack cakes. He would get shitloads of them that were about to or had just expired their sale date. Obviously, he had some kind of hookup with a distributor or something.
  8. Happy Bday. Don't worry, for any of us who've been around, we all have one of "those pics" probably.
  9. Good vid. No annoyingly loud music, decent quality, etc. That red Shelby didn't seem as fast as it's claimed hp would lead you to believe.
  10. When will some of you learn to freakin post the link AND the page in case it disappears?
  11. The J hook that screws onto the wiper arm. Thanks.
  12. In for the reel if he doesn't pick it up, please.
  13. I think it's bs. Plain and simple. You want a state inspection, then handle it properly like every other state with one. You don't f'n "randomly" pull over people whenever you get a hair up your ass to do so for whatever shit reason you're giving me. As far as this checkpoint goes, I guess I can understand it a bit given NotBrian's explanation.
  14. She has that "you look just like your father right now" look on her face. :dumb:
  15. After seeing this thread/pic, I went outside to do some yardwork and wash the dogs. When I went to one of the bird feeders, I noticed one the local squirrels had caught a decent amount of fur and a bit of skin/root on the metal thingy I hang this bird feeder from. Showed my gf and the first thing she said was, "Good thing it wasn't his nuts." Good thing, madame, good thing.
  16. Ahhh! Holy shit, poor guy. I hope he figured it out or somebody helped him.
  17. Haha Good point. There's usually at least one per girl-group, though. I don't mind as there's always that one friend, who at the end of the night, will end up with her. I wouldn't want to leave 'that friend' out.
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