No way I vote for Kasich. That being said, I hope your vote was decided on more than just your paragraph I've quoted below. It sounds more like you're settling for him because you share a common foe. The rest sounds like rhetoric to me.
"So I went back and watched the first 7 minutes of the town hall: Mind = Blown. Holy Shit does this guy deserve to be the next President. While not attacking Trump directly, and clearly stuttering while speaking off script, he manged to make me realize why exactly I hated Trump: Trump keeps attacking our Country as though its fatally flawed, as though things are so bad off that we, the people, are about to abandon ship and move. Yes, things may get dicey from Administration to Administration. But Jesus Christ, when the hell did our Country not become "Great"? When did this country Ever not become a Great place to live? "Where would you like to live if you didn't live here?" Fucking nailed it. Yeah, I didn't like Bush ( I hate Dick Cheney), but never once during their Administration did I even remotely question the integrity of our Country."