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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. When you have the ability to perform a judi chop at the magnitude I can, a gun is only holding you back.
  2. This guy's got it. Could we all stop coddling this guy's new balls and beat him into proper intro submission? I'm just asking for a little consistency around here.
  3. Welcome. Prepare for "shitty intro" hazing in 3...
  4. Don't be a weenie. If it's financially feasible, take a chance. And don't listen to some of these negative Nancys who'll never live outside of Ohio. There's a world to explore and experience. Give it to your family if it's possible. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  5. Just wanted to thank a member on here, ForceFed, for towing my Supra and Vibe to Texas for me. Kyle, it was nice meeting you and I appreciate you getting it all done on short notice for me.
  6. Just wanted to thank a member on here, ForceFed, for towing my Supra and Vibe to Texas for me. Kyle, it was nice meeting you and I appreciate you getting it all done on short notice for me.
  7. You can give me $250 and I'll dress like whatever statue you want. :marc:
  8. I can do that drive in my sleep... I have, as a matter of fact.
  9. This could actually work. haha YES! I recommend everyone take at least one long Greyhound trip. I've taken 2 3-day Greyhound trips. I only recommend one. Both were an incredible experience and a little sucky like a bus ride full of people can be. You make it what you will, though. I had a couple good times to go with the rest.
  10. Hahaha Point well taken. I'm aware of other places and their hilariously retarded statues. However, unlike many here, I'm aware that's just that's just my opinion and it's not "The Word". Cbus can blow its entire wad on a statue of a statue blowing its entire wad if they want. Disclaimer: The mothman statue is kinda cool. lol
  11. You just missed this bus... If you didn't want to ride with me and the dogs, (you don't get to ride alone with the gf ), I could've hid you in some furniture like the couch or something. Anyway, good luck finding a ride. There's got to be people heading to TX2K. I know you didn't like the Craigslist idea, but perhaps some strangers that are heading to that wouldn't be so bad. Try some other car forums, as well and be willing to offer a number to help out for the trip. Rental car would probably be my choice but I like driving. Hell, when Littleguy was here, I drove us to Little Rock and back nonstop except for gas and a half hour of loading the car. And we left at 11pm at night, (was completely impromptu). I was seeing a few weird shadow animals on the side of the road by the time we hit old 315N to Delaware but I knew they weren't real! We made it intact. lol
  12. Hilarious. What an excellent thing to spend city money on! :dumb:
  13. It's really hard to say without putting hands and eyes on him, but I can tell you it's not from worms. Is the "pouch" hard, grainy or what or does it feel like it's just fluid? Have you thought about taking him elsewhere for an opinion for his next vet checkup? If he has to get a checkup anyway, you won't be spending anything extra really that way. Wish I could help more. Good luck.
  14. College Station, TX I actually lived here before for a bit though it's been 10yrs and quite a bit has changed/grown. I'm very familiar with Central Texas in general having spent many years in mostly Leon and Limestone counties and Houston as a child and later, an adult. So am I. I missed getting to see quite of few of you and that was disappointing. Howard, I'll always remember our trip home from Dayton together.... alone. :marc2: Good luck, man! I honestly couldn't take it anymore. The winters really started to depress me. Hell, I started feeling the affects just waiting for winter to come. It was getting out of hand. Perhaps, if I'd been born further North I'd be used to it or something. Being born in Los Angeles... maybe not. Thanks, man. I still got that damn snake! She's over 3ft. Haven't measured her in a long time. She's pretty chill, now. Left your sunglasses at my house. Guess you'll have to grab another pair from the dozen I know you have just like these. I'm wearing these, now. I swear to shit, it's brighter here than in Ohio.
  15. You're not making it very hard this morning. I'll miss your SE backroads and your mild summers, though. I'll still be hovering around on here and I'm positive another handful of you will move to Texas at some point. haha May even see a few of you for TX2Ks and the like. To both those I got along with and those I didn't, it was nice meeting you and thank you for enriching my life in various ways. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programs and back to pretending nothing ever changed since I'll still post here, anyway. Only now when I say I'm coming to a meet, there's a 0 out 10 chance I'll be there instead of a 2 out of 10 chance. (What do you think of those odds, Doc? )
  16. Mags gone. Fish gone. Table and chairs gone. TV sold. PS3 and Humidifier still available. And various condiments/ fridge door randoms.
  17. Bump! Come get something, please! Don't make me have to deal with Craigslist! Prices changed to reflect desperation.
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